Corneliu Ionescu

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Painter studio - 2005

Corneliu Ionescu ( February 20, 1956) is a Romanian painter, famous for his ballerinas. He was born in Pitești, Argeș County.[1] He attended the Bucharest National University of Arts in the class of Gheorghe Șaru.[2] He was prepared by the painters Sorin Ilfoveanu, Zamfir Dumitrescu, Gheorghe Șaru, Ștefan Câlția.[3]

Theme ballerinas


Compositions with ballerinas


Female characters in theme ballerinas


Harlequin theme


Portraits of the painter






Still lifes



  1. Maria Oprea article signed by the Albanian friend Magazine, nr. 95, Craiova, September 2009, p. 19
  2. Enciclopedia artiştilor... pag. 97
  3. The Independent of 12 September 2008. Interview by Gabriela Bidu.