「File:Greek vase with runners at the panathenaic games 530 bC.jpg」:修訂紀錄

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2024年6月25日 (星期二)

2022年1月25日 (星期二)

  • 目前前筆 15:512022年1月25日 (二) 15:515.90.184.153 留言 3,654位元組 −303 已移除說明[it]:​ Greek vase with runners at the panathenaic games, ca. 530 BC. Artisans were considered part of the lower class in ancient Greece, although their work is highly valued today. It was held in Athens and was judged by judges. Date 28 January 2006 復原 標籤行動版編輯 行動版網頁編輯
  • 目前前筆 15:512022年1月25日 (二) 15:515.90.184.153 留言 3,957位元組 +302 已添加說明[en]:​ Greek vase with runners at the panathenaic games, ca. 530 BC. Artisans were considered part of the lower class in ancient Greece, although their work is highly valued today. It was held in Athens and was judged by judges. Date 28 January 2006 復原 標籤行動版編輯 行動版網頁編輯
  • 目前前筆 15:502022年1月25日 (二) 15:505.90.184.153 留言 3,655位元組 +38 已編輯說明[it]:​ Greek vase with runners at the panathenaic games, ca. 530 BC. Artisans were considered part of the lower class in ancient Greece, although their work is highly valued today. It was held in Athens and was judged by judges. Date 28 January 2006 復原 標籤行動版編輯 行動版網頁編輯
  • 目前前筆 15:492022年1月25日 (二) 15:495.90.184.153 留言 3,617位元組 +265 已添加說明[it]:​ Le gare aperte a tutti erano essenzialmente le stesse dei Giochi Olimpici e comprendevano pugilato, lotta, pancrazio, pentathlon e la corsa dei carri. Tra tutte la più prestigiosa era la corsa con i carri 復原 標籤行動版編輯 行動版網頁編輯

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