File talk:CRT color enhanced.png/source

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Cathode Ray Tube with cut-away for a peek inside
Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user page

Additional minor fixes in this version by

#include ""

global_settings {
max_trace_level 256
max_intersections 128

#declare ColorCRT = yes;  // Use yes for color CRT, no for monochrome
#declare Scope = no;      // Use yes for oscilloscope-type CRT, no for television-type CRT
                          // Oscilloscope-type MUST use ColorCRT = no
#declare SeeScreen = no; // Use yes for a close-up on the inside of the screen, no for general view

#declare Copper=texture {           // Copper texture for coils
    pigment {color rgb<.5,.3,.2>}
    finish {
        phong yes
        phong_size 150
        reflection rgb<.5,.3,.2>
        ambient .5

#declare Iron=texture {             // Iron texture for coil yoke
    pigment {color rgb .2}
    finish {
        ambient .5
        reflection .3
        phong 1

#declare ElectrodeMetal=texture {   // Metal texture for electron gun and other components
    pigment {color rgb .3}
    finish {
        ambient .5
        reflection .8
        phong 1
        phong_size 120
#declare ElectrodeMetalNew=texture {   // Metal texture for electron gun and other components
    pigment {color rgb .1}
    finish {
        ambient .7
        reflection 0    // CHANGED FROM 0.8
        phong 1
        phong_size 120

#declare ScreenMetal=texture {          // Metal texture for the metal raster mask behind screen
    pigment {color rgbt <.3,.3,.3,.2>}
    finish {
        ambient .5
        reflection .8
        phong 1
        phong_size 120

#declare ConnectorPinMetal=merge {      // Metal texture used on connector pins at rear
    cylinder {<-6,.5,0>,<-5.6,.5,0>,.07}
    sphere {<-6,.5,0>,.07}
    texture {ElectrodeMetal}

#declare EntireTube = difference {      // Shape of the entire CRT body, without cut-away
            merge {
                // OUTSIDE SHAPE:
                difference {    // The spherical front
                    sphere {0,10}
                    plane {<0,-1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0, 20>}
                    plane {<0, 1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0,-20>}
                    plane {<0, 0, 1>,0 rotate <0, 25,  0>}
                    plane {<0, 0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,  0>}
                difference {    // Rounded top edge of the front
                    torus {9.5,.5 rotate <0,0,20>}
                    plane {<0, 0, 1>,0 rotate <0, 25,  0>}
                    plane {<0, 0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,  0>}
                difference {    // Rounded bottom edge of the front
                    torus {9.5,.5 rotate <0,0,-20>}
                    plane {<0, 0, 1>,0 rotate <0, 25,  0>}
                    plane {<0, 0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,  0>}
                difference {    // Rounded right-hand edge of the front
                    torus {9.5,.5 rotate <90,-25,0>}
                    plane {<0,-1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0, 20>}
                    plane {<0, 1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0,-20>}
                difference {    // Rounded left-hand edge of the front
                    torus {9.5,.5 rotate <90, 25,0>}
                    plane {<0,-1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0, 20>}
                    plane {<0, 1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0,-20>}
                // Spherically rounded corners of the front
                sphere {<8.176549037, 2.976020469,-3.812787433>,.5}
                sphere {<8.176549037, 2.976020469, 3.812787433>,.5}
                sphere {<8.176549037,-2.976020469,-3.812787433>,.5}
                sphere {<8.176549037,-2.976020469, 3.812787433>,.5}
                // Rounded edges between the four "sides" of the "funnel" part of the CRT
                cylinder {0,<8.176549037, 2.976020469,-3.812787433>,.5}
                cylinder {0,<8.176549037, 2.976020469, 3.812787433>,.5}
                cylinder {0,<8.176549037,-2.976020469,-3.812787433>,.5}
                cylinder {0,<8.176549037,-2.976020469, 3.812787433>,.5}
                difference {    // Top and bottom sides of the "funnel"
                    sphere {0,9.5}
                    plane {<0,-1,0>,-.5 rotate <0,0,20>}
                    plane {<0, 1,0>,-.5 rotate <0,0,-20>}
                    plane {<0,0, 1>,0 rotate <0, 25,0>}
                    plane {<0,0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,0>}
                difference {    // Left- and right-hand sides of the "funnel"
                    sphere {0,9.5}
                    plane {<0,0, 1>,-.5 rotate <0, 25,0>}
                    plane {<0,0,-1>,-.5 rotate <0,-25,0>}
                    plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0, 20>}
                    plane {<0, 1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-20>}
                cylinder {<-4.5,0,0>,<5,0,0>,1.5}   // Cylindrical "neck" of the CRT
                #if (Scope)   // If it is to be the "oscilloscope-type" CRT...:
                    sphere {<.5,1.4,0>,.3}    // Create spherical "nodes" where
                    sphere {<.5,-1.4,0>,.3}   // the voltage deflection electrodes
                    sphere {<.5,0,1.4>,.3}    // enter the CRT
                    sphere {<.5,0,-1.4>,.3}
                torus {1,.5 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-4.5,0,0>}
                cylinder {<-4.5,0,0>,<-5,0,0>,1}

                // SHAPE OF INSIDE CAVITY:
                difference {    // The spherical front
                    sphere {0,9.3}
                    plane {<0,-1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0, 20>}
                    plane {<0, 1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0,-20>}
                    plane {<0, 0, 1>,0 rotate <0, 25,  0>}
                    plane {<0, 0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,  0>}
                difference {    // Rounded top edge of the front
                    torus {9,.3 rotate <0,0,20>}
                    plane {<0, 0, 1>,0 rotate <0, 25,  0>}
                    plane {<0, 0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,  0>}
                difference {    // Rounded bottom edge of the front
                    torus {9,.3 rotate <0,0,-20>}
                    plane {<0, 0, 1>,0 rotate <0, 25,  0>}
                    plane {<0, 0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,  0>}
                difference {    // Rounded right-hand edge of the front
                    torus {9,.3 rotate <90,-25,0>}
                    plane {<0,-1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0, 20>}
                    plane {<0, 1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0,-20>}
                difference {    // Rounded left-hand edge of the front
                    torus {9,.3 rotate <90, 25,0>}
                    plane {<0,-1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0, 20>}
                    plane {<0, 1, 0>,0 rotate <0,  0,-20>}

                // Spherically rounded corners of the front
                sphere {<7.746204351, 2.819387812,-3.612114411>,.3}
                sphere {<7.746204351, 2.819387812, 3.612114411>,.3}
                sphere {<7.746204351,-2.819387812,-3.612114411>,.3}
                sphere {<7.746204351,-2.819387812, 3.612114411>,.3}
                // Rounded edges between the four "sides" of the "funnel" part of the CRT
                cylinder {0,<7.746204351, 2.819387812,-3.612114411>,.3}
                cylinder {0,<7.746204351, 2.819387812, 3.612114411>,.3}
                cylinder {0,<7.746204351,-2.819387812,-3.612114411>,.3}
                cylinder {0,<7.746204351,-2.819387812, 3.612114411>,.3}

                difference {    // Top and bottom sides of the "funnel"
                    sphere {0,9}
                    plane {<0,-1,0>,-.3 rotate <0,0,20>}
                    plane {<0, 1,0>,-.3 rotate <0,0,-20>}
                    plane {<0,0, 1>,0 rotate <0, 25,0>}
                    plane {<0,0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,0>}
                difference {    // Left- and right-hand sides of the "funnel"
                    sphere {0,9}
                    plane {<0,0, 1>,-.3 rotate <0, 25,0>}
                    plane {<0,0,-1>,-.3 rotate <0,-25,0>}
                    plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0, 20>}
                    plane {<0, 1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-20>}
                #if (Scope)
                difference {
                    cylinder {<-4.5,0,0>,<6,0,0>,1.3}
                    #if (Scope)   // If it is to be the "oscilloscope-type" CRT...:
                      sphere {<.5,1.4,0>,.3}    // Create spherical "nodes" where
                      sphere {<.5,-1.4,0>,.3}   // the voltage deflection electrodes
                      sphere {<.5,0,1.4>,.3}    // enter the CRT
                      sphere {<.5,0,-1.4>,.3}
                torus {1,.3 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-4.5,0,0>}
                cylinder {<-4,0,0>,<-4.8,0,0>,1}
                cylinder {<-1,0,0>,<-8,0,0>,.7}

#macro PhosporLevel(Level)    // Phosphor texture "glowing" at the given "Level" 
    #if (ColorCRT)
        pigment {   // Hexagonal red-green-blue pattern for use in color CRT
            hexagon rgb<1,0,0> rgb<0,1,0> rgb<0,0,1>
            rotate <0,0,90> translate <0,-.4,0> scale .003333
         finish {ambient .8*Level+.2 diffuse (1-Level)*.6}
        pigment {color rgb<   // Monochrome (pale bluish for scope, warm "white" for black/white TV)
            #if (Scope)
        finish {ambient .5+Level/2 diffuse (1-Level)*.6}

#local PhosporStripes=texture {   // Phosphor with some pattern on it
        #if (Scope)   // For oscilloscope-type CRT; a sine-wave curve:
            function {pow(600,-abs(y+1.75*cos(4*z)))*pow(1.2,z)}
            texture_map {
                [0 PhosporLevel(0)]
                [1 PhosporLevel(1)]
        #else   // For TV-type CRTs: "Stripes" resembling the raster scan pattern used in a TV:
            texture_map {
                [0.00 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.03 PhosporLevel(.1073741824) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.06 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.09 PhosporLevel(.134217728) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.12 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.15 PhosporLevel(.16777216) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.18 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.21 PhosporLevel(.2097152) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.24 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.27 PhosporLevel(.262144) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.30 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.33 PhosporLevel(.32768) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.36 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.39 PhosporLevel(.4096) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.42 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.45 PhosporLevel(.512) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.48 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.51 PhosporLevel(0.64) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.54 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.57 PhosporLevel(0.8) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.60 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.63 PhosporLevel(1) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [0.66 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
                [1.00 PhosporLevel(0) rotate <0,0,-21.5> rotate <90,0,0>]
            frequency 7
            scale 5
            rotate <-90,0,21.5>
#local PhosporTexture=texture { // Texture for the entire CRT; partly glass, partly phospor pattern
    object {
        difference {
            sphere {0,9.35}
            plane {<0,-1, 0>,-.301 rotate <0,  0, 20>}
            plane {<0, 1, 0>,-.301 rotate <0,  0,-20>}
            plane {<0, 0, 1>,-.301 rotate <0, 25,  0>}
            plane {<0, 0,-1>,-.301 rotate <0,-25,  0>}
        texture {pigment {color rgbf <.65,.75,.7,.9>} finish {ambient .5}}
        texture {
            object {
                box {<0,-10,0>,<20, #if (Scope) 10 #else .27 #end ,10> rotate <0,0,-11>}
                texture {PhosporStripes}
                texture {
                    texture_map {
                        [0 PhosporLevel(0) scale .5 rotate <0,0,-79>]
                        [.975 PhosporLevel(0) scale .5 rotate <0,0,-79>]
                        [1 PhosporLevel(1) scale .5 rotate <0,0,-79>]
                    scale 10
                    rotate <0,0,79>

#macro DeflCoilWinding(Radius,Level)  // One winding of a deflection coil at given radius and level
    #local Qtorus=intersection {
        torus {Radius,.05}
        box {<0,-1,0>,<10,1,10>}
    merge {
        #object {Qtorus                 translate < .7,1.55+Level,0> rotate < 25,0,0>}
        #object {Qtorus scale <-1,1, 1> translate <-.7,1.55+Level,0> rotate < 25,0,0>}
        #object {Qtorus scale < 1,1,-1> translate < .7,1.55+Level,0> rotate <-25,0,0>}
        #object {Qtorus scale <-1,1,-1> translate <-.7,1.55+Level,0> rotate <-25,0,0>}
        cylinder {<-.7,1.55+Level, Radius>,<.7,1.55+Level, Radius>,.05 rotate < 25,0,0>}
        cylinder {<-.7,1.55+Level,-Radius>,<.7,1.55+Level,-Radius>,.05 rotate <-25,0,0>}
        difference {
            merge {
                torus {1.55+Level,.05 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-.7-Radius,0,0>}
                torus {1.55+Level,.05 rotate <0,0,90> translate < .7+Radius,0,0>}                
            plane {<0,1,0>,0 rotate < 65,0,0>}
            plane {<0,1,0>,0 rotate <-65,0,0>}

#declare DeflCoil=merge {   // One of four deflection coils
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.1,0)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.2,0)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.3,0)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.4,0)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.4,.1)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.4,.2)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.4,.3)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.3,.3)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.2,.3)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.1,.3)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.1,.2)}
    #object {DeflCoilWinding(.1,.1)}
    translate <.5,0,0>
    texture {Copper}

difference {  // The CRT body with its textures applied
    #object {EntireTube
        texture {
            object {
                merge {
                    difference {
                        sphere {0,9}
                        plane {<0,-1, 0>,-.301 rotate <0,  0, 20>}
                        plane {<0, 1, 0>,-.301 rotate <0,  0,-20>}
                        plane {<0, 0, 1>,-.301 rotate <0, 25,  0>}
                        plane {<0, 0,-1>,-.301 rotate <0,-25,  0>}
                    difference {
                        cylinder {<-3,0,0>,<4,0,0>,1.4}
                        cylinder {<-4,0,0>,<5,0,0>,1.299}
                texture {PhosporTexture}
                texture {pigment {color rgb .4} finish {ambient .5}}
        interior {ior 1.5}

    box {<-10,0,-10>,<7.5,10,0>
        pigment {color rgb <0.59375,0.34767,0.14844>} // THIS IS THE COLOR OF THE CUT SURFACE OUTER
        finish {ambient .7}

#declare DeflElectrode=merge {    // Oscilloscope-type deflection electrode
    box {<-.5,.95,-.5>,<.5,1.05,.5>}
    cylinder {<0,1,0>,<0,3,0>,.05}
    texture {ElectrodeMetal}
    translate <.5,0,0>

#if (SeeScreen=no)  // If not rendering close-up of the screen itself...:
    #if (Scope) // For the oscilloscope-type CRT...:
        #object {DeflElectrode}                   // Use four of the above-
        #object {DeflElectrode rotate <90,0,0>}   // declared voltage
        #object {DeflElectrode rotate <180,0,0>}  // deflection electrodes
        #object {DeflElectrode rotate <270,0,0>}
    #else       // For the TV-type CRT...:
        #object {DeflCoil}                        // Use four of the above-
        #object {DeflCoil rotate <90,0,0>}        // declared deflection
        #object {DeflCoil rotate <180,0,0>}       // coil assemblies
        #object {DeflCoil rotate <270,0,0>}
        difference {    // Yoke for focusing coil
            merge {
                difference {
                    cylinder {<-1.4,0,0>,<-1.2,0,0>,3}
                    cylinder {0,<-5,0,0>,1.6}
                difference {
                    cylinder {<-1.6,0,0>,<-2.0,0,0>,1.8}
                    cylinder {0,<-5,0,0>,1.6}
                difference {
                    cylinder {<-2.2,0,0>,<-2.0,0,0>,3}
                    cylinder {0,<-5,0,0>,1.6}
                difference {
                    cylinder {<-1.4,0,0>,<-2.0,0,0>,3}
                    cylinder {0,<-5,0,0>,2.8}
                texture {Iron}
            box {<-5,0,-10>,<0,10,0>
                pigment {color rgb <0.59375,0.34767,0.14844>}
                finish {ambient .5}
        difference {    // Windings on the focusing coil
            merge {
                #local Layer=1.85;
                #while (Layer<2.8)
                    #local Winding=-1.95;
                    #while (Winding<-1.4)
                        torus {Layer,0.05 rotate <0,0,90> translate <Winding,0,0>}
                        #local Winding=Winding+.1;
                    #local Layer=Layer+.1;
                texture {Copper}
            intersection {
                box {<-5,-5,-5>,<0,0,0> rotate <60,0,0>}
                box {<-5,0,0>,<0,5,5> rotate <-90,0,0>}
                texture {Copper}
        // ELECTRON GUN
        union {
            difference {    // Hollow cathode
                merge {
                    difference {
                        cylinder {<-4.5,0,0>,<-3.55,0,0>,.3}
                        cylinder {<-5,0,0>,0,.2}
                    torus {.25,.05 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-3.55,0,0>}
                    cylinder {<-3.6,0,0>,<-3.5,0,0>,.25}
                    texture {ElectrodeMetal}
                box {<-10,0,-10>,<0,10,0>
                    pigment {color rgb <0.59375,0.34767,0.14844>}
                    finish {ambient .5}
            isosurface {    // Heating filament inside hollow cathode
                function {f_helix1(y,x,z,1,60,0.02,.15,1,1,0)}
                contained_by {box {-.5, .5}}
                accuracy 0.001
                max_gradient 4
                pigment {
                    gradient x
                    color_map {
                        [0.0 color rgb <.8,.3,0>]
                        [0.3 color rgb <1,.7,0>]
                        [0.3 color rgb <1,.9,.2>]
                        [0.7 color rgb <1,.7,0>]
                        [1.0 color rgb <.8,.3,0>]
                    translate <-.4,0,0>
                finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
                translate <-4.1,0,0>

        difference {    // Controling electrode with cut-away and "full interior"
            merge {
                difference {
                    cylinder {<-4.5,0,0>,<-3.25,0,0>,.5}
                    cylinder {<-5,0,0>,<-2,0,0>,.4}
                torus {.45,.05 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-3.25,0,0>}
                difference {
                    cylinder {<-3.3,0,0>,<-3.2,0,0>,.45}
                    cylinder {<-4,0,0>,<-3,0,0>,.1}
                texture {ElectrodeMetal}
            plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <-45,0,0>
                pigment {color rgb <0.59375,0.34767,0.14844>}
                finish {ambient .5}

            #if (ColorCRT)  // If rendering a color CRT...:
                translate <0,0.5*.6,-.866025>*.6  // Shift it off-center

        #if (ColorCRT)  // If rendering a color CRT...:
            #local EkstraKanon=merge {  // Declare an electron gun not cut open
                cylinder {<-4.5,0,0>,<-3.25,0,0>,.5}
                torus {.45,.05 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-3.25,0,0>}
                texture {ElectrodeMetal}
            #object {EkstraKanon translate <0,0.5*.6,.866025*.6>} // Place two of those in addition
            #object {EkstraKanon translate <0,-.6,0>}             // to the cut-open one above
        merge { // Rubber gasket where the anode voltage wire enters CRT
            difference {
                cylinder {<5,.5,0>,<5,1,0>,1.2}
                torus {1.2,.8 scale <1,.5,1> translate <5,1,0>}
            cylinder {<5,1,0>,<5,1.3,0>,.4}
            torus {.3,.1 translate <5,1.3,0>}
            cylinder {<5,1.3,0>,<5,1.4,0>,.3}
            pigment {color rgb .2}
            finish {ambient .5}
            rotate <0,0,20>
            scale <0.7,0.7,0.7> // SMALLER
            translate <1.35,0.7,0>
        sphere_sweep {    // Anode voltage wire
            <5,1.15, -1>,.1
            <5,1.15, 0>,.1
            <5,0   , 4>,.1
            <5,-5   , 6>,.1
            <5,-7   , 8>,.1
            pigment {color rgb<.8,.3,.4>}
            finish {ambient .5}
            rotate <0,0,20>
            translate <0,-0.1,0>

#macro Ebeam(OffsetX,OffsetY)   // Shape of an electron beam with given X and Y offsets
        sphere_sweep {
            < 0.50,OffsetY*.65,OffsetX*.65>,.3
            < 8.8346,-1.7173,0>,.005
            < 9.1291,-1.7745-.03*OffsetY,-.03*OffsetX>,.015
        #if (ColorCRT)  // If rendering a color CRT...:            
            // Place three electron beams:
            #object {Ebeam(-0.65,.3)        // Blue beam
                pigment {color rgbf <.7,.7,1,.7>}
                finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
            #object {Ebeam( .519615242,.3)        // Green beam
                pigment {color rgbf <.7,1,.7,.7>}
                finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}

            #object {Ebeam(0,-.6)                 // Red beam
                pigment {color rgbf <1,.7,.7,.7>}
                finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
            #difference {     // Mask just behind the phospor coated screen
                difference {
                    sphere {0,9.01}
                    sphere {0,8.99}
                    plane {<0,1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-20>}
                    plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,20>}
                    plane {<0,0,1>,0 rotate <0,25,0>}
                    plane {<0,0,-1>,0 rotate <0,-25,0>}  
                    #if (SeeScreen) // If rendering close-up of screen:
                        // Make holes in the mask:
                        #local Ccnt=-2;
                        #while (Ccnt<4)
                            #local Rcnt=-38;
                            #while (Rcnt<-32)
                                cylinder {0,<12,0,0>,.01 rotate <0,6*Ccnt*.8660254037845/10,(Rcnt+.33333)*3/10> pigment {color rgbf <1,1,1,.6>} }
                                cylinder {0,<12,0,0>,.01 rotate <0,6*(Ccnt+.5)*.8660254037845/10,(Rcnt-.16667)*3/10> pigment {color rgbf <1,1,1,.6>} }
                                #local Rcnt=Rcnt+1;
                            #local Ccnt=Ccnt+1;
                        texture {ElectrodeMetalNew}
                        texture {ScreenMetal}
                box {<-15,0,-15>,<15,15,0> rotate <0,0,-11>
                    pigment {color rgb <0.59375,0.34767,0.14844>}
                    finish {ambient .7}
        #else // If rendering a monochrome or oscilloscope-type CRT...:
            #object {Ebeam(0,0) // Place a single electron beam
                pigment {color rgbf <.8,.9,1,.6>}
                finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}

        merge {     // Connector at the rear end of the CRT
            difference {
                cylinder {<-5.4,0,0>,<-5.3,0,0>,.8}
                torus {.8,.1 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-5.4,0,0>}
            cylinder {<-5.4,0,0>,<-5.5,0,0>,.7}
            torus {.6,.1 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-5.5,0,0>}
            difference {
                cylinder {<-5.4,0,0>,<-5.6,0,0>,.6}
                cylinder {<-6,0,0>,<-5,0,0>,.4}
            torus {.4,.1 rotate <0,0,90> translate <-5.5,0,0>}
            cone {<-5.3,0,0>,.8,<-5.2,0,0>,1}
            cylinder {<-5.2,0,0>,<-5,0,0>,1}
            cylinder {<-5,0,0>,<-4.8,0,0>,.7}
            cylinder {<-4.8,0,0>,<-4.5,0,0>,1}
            pigment {color rgb <0,.5,1>}
            finish {ambient .5}
        #object {ConnectorPinMetal rotate <  0,0,0>}
        #object {ConnectorPinMetal rotate < 60,0,0>}
        #object {ConnectorPinMetal rotate <120,0,0>}
        #object {ConnectorPinMetal rotate <180,0,0>}
        #object {ConnectorPinMetal rotate <240,0,0>}
        #object {ConnectorPinMetal rotate <300,0,0>}

        #if (SeeScreen) // Cameraposition for:
            camera {location <-7,7,-7> look_at <9,-1.74,0> angle 1}   // Close-up of screen and mask
            camera {location <-7,7,-7> look_at <1.05,.05,0> angle 62} // General overview
        // Surroundings: Completely white in the direction the camera "looks", but
        // with a "spotty" pattern elsewhere to enhance reflective surfaces
        #local SpottyPattern=pigment {
            color_map {
                [0 color rgb 0]
                [1 color rgb 1]
        sky_sphere {
            pigment {
                gradient y
                pigment_map {
                    [0.00 color rgb <1,1,1>]
                    [0.12 color rgb <1,1,1>]
                    [0.15 SpottyPattern]
                    [1.00 SpottyPattern]
                translate -.5
                scale 2
                rotate <-56,51,0>
        // Light sources
        light_source {< 200,100,-100> color rgb 1}
        light_source {<-200,200, 100> color rgb 1}
        light_source {< 200,100, 200> color rgb 1}