File talk:Seaweed farming -Nusa Lembongan, Bali-16Aug2009 edit.jpg

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This image does not have a Wikilink back to the image on Commons from which this version was retouched and the edit history is incomplete, hence this article does not properly credit me in the edit history as having written the image description. I feel that it is entirely wrong and that this failure of attribution should not occur at any time and particularly, when this image is being shown on the main page. This image is currently protected from editing, because it is being shown on the main page, so I can not write in the link back to the original image. Snowmanradio (talk) 12:37, 7 December 2011 (UTC)[回覆]

Added the "editprotected" request. The file to be linked is File:Seaweed farming -Nusa Lembongan, Bali-16Aug2009.jpg. Bencherlite (talk) 13:22, 7 December 2011 (UTC)[回覆]
I have added a line attributing the description (which I modified) to User:Snowmanradio. I did not add a link to the original upload because I am going to put a DR on it -- I see no reason to keep two versions of essentially identical images.      Jim . . . . Jameslwoodward (talk to me) 15:06, 7 December 2011 (UTC)[回覆]
The edit history and the previous versions of the image must be kept. Different edited versions of the same image are often kept on Commons, and I think that all versions of this image should be kept. I have explained further reasons why the original version should be kept in deletion request discussion. Snowmanradio (talk) 16:40, 7 December 2011 (UTC)[回覆]