Flavius Claudius Iulianus
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- Flavius Claudius Julianus (331/332–26 June 363), known to Christians as Julian the Apostate, was a Roman emperor who ruled from 361 to 363.
Große Bronzemünze Julians mit Philosophenbart
Rückseite der Münze mit Stier
Portrait of Julian on a bronze coin
Cutout of Julian's bust
Solidus of Julian, celebrating the strength of the Roman army
Julian in a Cameo Anthioc (2nd century, Cabinete des medailes)
Drawing after the former statue
Particolare del bassorilievo raffigurante l'incoronazione di Ardashir II, raffigurante Giuliano
Statue of a priest of Sarapis, formerly identified as Julian
Saint Mercurius killing Julian
The skin of Julian nailed to a gate, from a The Fall of Princes by Giovanni Boccaccio manuscript
Julian the Apostate presiding at a conference of sectarian, by Edward A. Armitage, 1875
Julian column, in Ankara