Illustrations de Histoire naturelle du Roy

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Complete French title: Illustrations de Histoire naturelle générale et particulière avec la description du Cabinet du Roy.

A series of 15 French books (Tome I to Tome XV) about humans and animals around the world.

Published about 1750 by the Imprimerie royale, Paris.

They belong to the Bibliothèque nationale de France and are available with their digital online library Gallica (Gallica Bibliothèque Numérique).

The leading author of the text among others was Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon and the containing images were created by various french master-illustrators and -engravers of around 1750.


List of all Illustrations de Histoire naturelle générale et particulière Volumes
No. Titel Year Main Content
1 Volume 01 (Tome I) 1749 Creation of the world
2 Volume 02 (Tome II) 1749 Dissection & microscopy, human nature
3 Volume 03 (Tome III) 1749 Anatomic collections & human anatomy
4 Volume 04 (Tome IV) 1753 Horse, donkey and bull and their anatomy
5 Volume 05 (Tome V) 1755 Sheep, goat, pig and dogs
6 Volume 06 (Tome VI) 1756 European animals (hind, stag, cats, hares and rabbits)
7 Volume 07 (Tome VII) 1758 Wolf, fox, badger, otter, ferret, weasel, squirrel, rat and mouse
8 Volume 08 (Tome VIII) 1760 Guinea pig, hedgehog, shrew, mole, bats, fat dormouse, bear, beaver and racoon
9 Volume 09 (Tome IX) 1761 Lion, tiger, panther, once, leopard, jaguar, cougar, lynx, harpy, civet cat and genet
10 Volume 10 (Tome X) 1763 Overseas animals: Pecari, bats, anteater, opossum, etc.
11 Volume 11 (Tome XI) 1754 African animals: Elephant, rhino, camel, dromedary, zebu, tapir, etc.
12 Volume 12 (Tome XII) 1764 African animals 2: zebra, hippo, antelope, gazelle, whitetail, etc.
13 Volume 13 (Tome XIII) 1765 Overseas animals 2: Sloth, meerkat, tarsier, phalanger, hamster, serval, ocelot, polecat, etc.
14 Volume 14 (Tome XIV) 1766 Primates & apes
15 Volume 15 (Tome XV) 1767 Primates & apes 2

(Year specifications taken from each volumes titel page, with partially diverging order of volumes and years)

Volume 1 (Tome I)


Volume 2 (Tome II)


Volume 6 (Tome VI)


Volume 7 (Tome VII)
