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Dansk: Jernhatten er en fredet bakke ved Djurslands Kattegatskyst. Det højeste punkt ligger 49 m over havet. Da bakkens længderetning er øst-vest, vender sydsiden ud mod havet. Dette giver et usædvanligt varmt lokalklima, som begunstiger den typiske tørkeprægede kattegatflora. Bakken består af kalkholdigt ler og mergel, og dette bidrager uderligere til at gøre vegetationen usædvanlig for danske forhold.
English: Jernhatten is a hill at the eastern coast of the peninsula Djursland. The highest point is 49 m above sea level. The axis of the hill runs from east to west, so that the southern side is open towards the sea (the Kattegat). This creates an unusual local climate that is optimal for a flora adapted to steppe-like conditions. The subsoil is made of lime rich clay and marl, another unusual fact in the Danish landscape.