June 2014
English: Media related to June 2014, the 6th month in year 2014
(previous month: May 2014 «» July 2014)
- Nature
Reife Süßkirschen (Prunus avium).
Albtrauf Schwaebische Alb mit Streuobstwiesen, Beuren, Germany.
Wegluch Lieberoser Heide
(a bog in Germany) -
Snow on June 17 at Thomas Canyon Campground in Lamoille Canyon, Nevada
(6 sub-categories).
- Politics and elections
2014 Taiwan June 4th Candlelight Vigil, marking the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
Protest of Sudan refugees in Hanover.
Wang-Zhang Meeting in Taiwan (Republic of China, Taiwan – People's Republic of China), 25-28 June 2014 (en-WP-article)
See also: → Category:Celebrating the 70th anniversary of D-Day (2014), 2014-06-06, 34 photos.
70th Anniversary of D-Day commemorated in Arromanches-les-Bains.
Angela Merkel (Germany), the elected President Petro Porošenko (Ukraine) and Wladimir Putin (Russia).
Wladimir Putin and François Hollande (2014-06-06)
- Society and community
( → Category:FIFA World Cup 2014, June 12) (gallery-page: FIFA World Cup 2014 ?) (Venues, Brasil)
(match: Brazil – Croatia, 2014-06-12, photos → Category:FIFA World Cup 2014 matches)
Abertura da Copa do Mundo de 2014(pt-WP-article).
LED football-globe in nature of Brazil.
Eröffnungszeremonie der Fußball-WM(de-WP).
Fans in Brasil colours
World Cup fans: Reid Wiseman, Steve Swanson and Alexander Gerst take a break to watch ten minutes of live World Cup matches between science experiments aboard ISS, (17 June 2014)
Life Ball charity (31 May/1 June, Vienna, 293 photos)
- Buildings – technics – traffic – science
Platform construction at Wareham Train Station, Massachusetts (2014-06-02).
Panoramic view of São Paulo, 5 June 2014.
Sao Paulo Street at night.
Wuppertaler Schwebebahn
im Juni 2014. -
SBB-train (511 035), DML, Opening of station Zürich Löwenstrasse and Maiden voyage Weinbergtunnel (new S-Bahn tunnel Zürich), 12 June 2014.
Construction of Steinbühltunnel, 2014-06-05.
Presidio View of Golden Gate Bridge, 14 June 2014.
全国重点文物保护单位纯阳宫 [translation needed, help?].
ISS-40 Space Station while the crew is asleep (3 June 2014).
cave rescue: transport in Riesending-Schachthöhle.
Rescue of injured Johann Westhauser (June 19) Rettungsaktion in der Riesending-Schachthöhle
(de-WP article)
- weather
→ Daily NCEP weather maps for June 2014 (for USA)
2014-06-01 Max-min Temperature, NOAA.
2014-06-01 Surface Weather, NOAA.
2014-06-01 24-hr Precipitation, NOAA.
2014-06-30 Surface Weather, NOAA.