Mandelbrot set
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English: The Mandelbrot set, a fractal, named after its creator the French mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot. The set is a map of the Julia set.
Polski: Zbiór Mandelbrota, fraktal, nazwany imieniem francuskiego matematyka. Zbiór ten jest mapą zbiorów Julii.
Slovenščina: Mandelbrotova množica je fraktal, imenovan po avtorju francoskem matematiku Mandelbrotu. Gre za karto Juliajeve množice.
Українська: Множина Мандельброта
fractal named after mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot | |||||
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Benoît Mandelbrot and the set bearing his name
Hi-resolution Mandelbrot set with axes
Mandelbrot set and periodicities of orbits
Mandelbrot set and colorcoded periodicities of orbits
Mandelbrot set with well defined colour stripes
Mandelbrot set with irregular colour stripes
Mandelbrot set in grayscale
Mandelbrot set with smooth color gradient
Mandelbrot zoom
Inside colour-mapping, (B&W version).
Inside colour-mapping, (colour version).
Screenshot von RFL Mandelbrot Set Exploration Tool v0.0.4
Visualization of Mandelbrot set in complex plane
Command-line depiction of the Mandelbrot set.
Yet another image of the Mandelbrot Set.
Representation of Inner Structure
Boundaries of hyperbolic components of mandelbrot set
Lemniscates - boundaries of level sets of escape time
Centers of hyperbolic components
All boundaries of level sets of escape time up from n=1
External and internal rays, center and root
External rays of Misiurewicz point
External ray of Misiurewicz point c=-2
Uniformization of complement of Mandelbropt set
Wakes near the period 1 continent in the Mandelbrot set
Wakes along the main antenna in the Mandelbrot set
Initial image of a zoom sequence with 14 steps
Initial image of a corresponding zoom sequence with frames
Zoom step 1 of 14
Zoom step 1 of 13
Zoom step 2 of 14
Zoom step 2 of 13
Zoom step 3 of 14
Zoom step 3 of 13
Zoom step 4 of 14
Zoom step 4 of 13
Zoom step 5 of 14
Zoom step 5 of 13
Zoom step 6 of 14
Zoom step 6 of 13
Zoom step 7 of 14
Zoom step 7 of 13
Zoom step 8 of 14
Zoom step 8 of 13
Zoom step 9 of 14
Zoom step 9 of 13
Zoom step 10 of 14
Zoom step 10 of 13
Zoom step 11 of 14
Zoom step 11 of 13
Zoom step 12 of 14
Zoom step 12 of 13
Zoom step 13 of 14
Zoom step 13 of 13
Zoom step 14 of 14
Mandelbrot (Ausschnitt)
Mandelbrot (Ausschnitt)
Zooming Movie 03
Zooming movie 04
Zooming movie 06
Zooming movie 15
High-resolution zoom
Featured golden gradient zoom on the Mandelbrot set by more than 31 orders of magnitude.
At a count of 32, the whole image is black, since it is completely inside the false-negative contour.
If we allow 64 iterations, some points are no longer falsely inside the set.
At 128 iterations, the image is blobby, but recognizable as a fractal.
At 512, we get a nice image. The black dots up and to the left of each "wart" contain tiny cardioids.
Diminishing returns are quite obvious when we use a million iterations. Even with periodicity checking, this one took 10–15 seconds to generate on an Athlon XP 2000+.
Number of iterations changing from 1 to 50.
Some details of the Mandelbrot set
side=0.582; lower-left-point=-0.4+0.5i (made using a JAVA applet archive copy at the Wayback Machine)
side=0.0017815; lower-left-point=-0.75+0.06i (made using a JAVA applet archive copy at the Wayback Machine)
side=0.004402; lower-left-point=0.28+0.0084i (made using a JAVA applet archive copy at the Wayback Machine)
side=0.000191; lower-left-point=-0.78-0.136i (made using a JAVA applet archive copy at the Wayback Machine)
side=0.00004; lower-left-point=-1.595+0.000095i (made using a JAVA applet archive copy at the Wayback Machine)
side=0.0001558; lower-left-point=-0.75+0.064i (made using a JAVA applet archive copy at the Wayback Machine)
side=0.0000829; lower-left-point=0.253-0.0031i (made using a JAVA applet archive copy at the Wayback Machine)
side=0.0166; lower-left-point=-1.042-0.0346i (made using a JAVA applet archive copy at the Wayback Machine)
Calm Mandelbrot, magnified 100,458,337,236 times, 256 iterations
Cool Mandelbrot, magnified 248,034,982,258 times, 256 iterations
Hot Mandelbrot, magnified 261,880 times, 1024 iterations
Galaxy of Galaxies
Rendered with a scenery generator
Universality of Mandelbrot set
Mandelbrot sets occurring in the analysis of Newton's method
Mandelbrot set occurring in the analysis of Newton's method (detail)
Mandelbrot set occurring in the analysis of Newton's method (detail)
Mandelbrot set occurring in a model of phase transitions (detail)
Mandebrot set embedded in cos(z)+c.
Mandebrot set embedded in gaussian exp(-z^2)+c.
Comparing functions, Mandel/Bifurcation.
Periodic cycles in the Mandelbrot set
Mandelbrot, plane: 1/lambda
Relation between Mandelbrot set and en:logistic map
Multibrot sets
Map of Julia sets showing the resemblance with the Mandelbrot set
Mandelbulber v2.23
High-resolution Buddhabrot rendering of the Mandelbrot set
First steps in Mandelbrot set
1.step of Ms
2.step of Ms
3.step of Ms
4.step of Ms
5.step of Ms
9.step of Ms
30.step of Ms
part of 30.step of Ms
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5
step 6
step 7
step 8
step 9
step 10
step 11
step 12
step 13
step 14
step 15
step 16
step 17
step 18
step 19
step 20