Module:User:Jarekt/table row/doc

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This is the documentation page for Module:User:Jarekt/table row

 ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q381238 .          # Witkacy as creator
 MINUS{ ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3658341 .}  # no literary characters
 MINUS{ ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q125191 .}   # no photographs
 optional{ ?item p:P528 [ pq:P972 wd:Q106425660; ps:P528 ?kdm] . }
 optional{ ?item wdt:P156/wdt:P528 ?prev .}            
 optional{ ?item wdt:P155/wdt:P528 ?next .}             
 bind( if( bound(?kdm) && strStarts(str(?kdm), "I "), CONCAT(STR( ?kdm  ), ".5"), 
       if( bound(?next),                              CONCAT(STR( ?next ), ".9"),
       if( bound(?prev),                              CONCAT(STR( ?prev ), ".1"), 
       "Z") ) ) as ?kdmn ) .

   ?item rdfs:label ?Len 
   FILTER((LANG(?Len)) = "en")
 filter (?item!=wd:Q107095853)
} order by ?kdmn

Try it!

Creation steps

  1. Fill a spreadsheet with
  • A2=Q-code from above query
  • B2=CONCATENATE("{{subst:User:Jarekt/witkacy row|",A2,"}}")
  • C2=C1+1/490
  • D2=ROUND(C2-0.5,0)
  1. use blank user page and add
{{subst:User:Jarekt/witkacy row|header}}
|} to it. Than copy content of column B 500 rows at a time and paste into the table.
  1. Adjust to Polish Wiki in Notebook++:
  • "[[File:" -> "[[Plik:"
  • "\[\[w:pl:([^\|]*)\|\1\]\]" -> "\1"