New Routemaster: LT class London buses on route 38

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Images of the New Routemaster bus operating route 38.

Arriva and route 38 were selected as the first operator/route to use the NBFL in public service, using the 8 pre-production prototypes. Their deployment was intended as an in service trial of the bus, before a commitment was made to order the production buses. The buses were introduced gradually to the route, with just LT1 and LT2 entering service on the first day, 27 February 2012 (LT2 starting the first journey, at lunchtime). The others were introduced as they were delivered from the factory, with the last of the 8 only arriving in the summer. They operated as extras to the normal complement of Arriva's DW class buses, and only operated as far north as Hackney rather than the usual northern terminus in Clapton. Once the production class entered service, the prototypes (by then reduced in number to 5 due to the world tour) were retained on the route, but operated permanently in one person-operation mode (the trial conductors had been Arriva drivers on secondment).



(for more maps, see the maps gallery)

Hackney to Victoria one way system (southbound)


Victoria one way system

Southbound approach
Victoria bus station Lane D
Northbound departure

Victoria one way system to Hackney (northbound)


Hackney terminal turning/Clapton garage


At the Hackney end, the trial buses started and finished their route 38 journeys short of the Clapton terminus, on opposite sides of Graham Road (first stop - Stop E, last stop - G), just south of Hackney Central station. This was presumably because the allocation's home garage is a short distance away to the NE at Clapton (CT) garage (located at the very south of Lower Clapton), accessed via Mare Street.

Route 38 buses off route/out of service


