Pinus edulis
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Plantae • Phylum: Pinophyta • Ordo: Pinales • Familia: Pinaceae • Genus: Pinus • Species: Pinus edulis Engelm.
- English: Colorado Pinyon, Pinyon Pine, Two-needle Pinyon Pine, twoneedle pinyon
- العربية: صنوبر مأكول
- مصرى: صنوبر ماكول
- čeština: Borovice jedlá, Borovice coloradská
- español: Piñon de Colorado
- eesti: kaljumägede mänd
- فارسی: کاج کلرادو
- français: Pignon de Colorado
- עברית: אורן דו-מחטי
- italiano: Pino del Colorado
- 日本語: コロラドピニョンマツ
- перем коми: Колорадоись пожум
- română: Pin de Colorado
- русский: Сосна съедобная, Сосна колорадская
- удмурт: Колорадоысь пужым
- 中文: 科罗拉多果松
[edit]Trees and forests
Tree, Coxcomb Formation, near Torrey, Utah
Tree, Capitol Reef NP, Utah
Tree, Capitol Reef NP, Utah
Tree, Bryce Canyon NP, Utah
Tree, Antero Junction, Colorado
Tree, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Tree, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Old tree, Grand Canyon North Rim, Arizona
Tree, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Trees, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Trees, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Trees, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Trees, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Trees, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Trees, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Tree (right), with Juniperus osteosperma (left), Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Pinyon - juniper woodland on the Serpents trail, Colorado
Juniperus osteosperma and P. edulis, Serpents Trail, Colorado National Monument
Forest, near Santa Fe, New Mexico
Forest, near Santa Fe, New Mexico
Forest, near Santa Fe, New Mexico
Forest, near Santa Fe, New Mexico
Young tree. Placitas, New Mexico
Young tree, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Foliage and cones
Foliage, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Foliage, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Foliage and old pollen cones, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Pollen cones, Cape Royal, Grand Canyon North Rim, Arizona
Foliage and immature cone, Antero Junction, Colorado
Immature cones, Colorado
Foliage and cones, with Poecile gambeli, Grand Canyon NP, Arizona
Foliage and mature cones. Placitas, New Mexico
Cone, Grand Canyon
Cone with seeds, New Mexico
Cone with seeds, Northeast of Valle, Arizona
Seeds (USDA)
Red Butte Garden and Arboretum, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
University of New Mexico Arboretum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Maps and illustrations
Range map
Seeds (nuts) packed for shipment