Raffaello Sanzio

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Raphael or Raffaello (April 6 1483 – April 6 1520), also called Raffaello Sanzio, Raffaello Santi, Raffaello da Urbino or Rafael Sanzio de Urbino, was a painter and architect of the Florentine school in the Italian High Renaissance.

Portraits of Raffaello



Danh mục chính: Art works by Raffaello Sanzio



Portraits of men


Portraits of popes and cardinals


Portraits of women



Bộ sưu tập chính: Paintings by Raffaello Sanzio.



Other Paintings




Stanze Vaticane, Thành Vatican


Stanza di Eliodoro


Stanza dell'incendio di Borgo


Sala di Constantino


Sant'Agostino, Roma


Santa Maria della Pace, Roma


Loggia of Psyche


Raphael Cartoons for tapestries, Luân Đôn, Victoria and Albert Museum


Prints by Marcantonio Raimondi, designed by Raphael




See also
