Service Civil International
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Deutsch: Service Civil International (SCI) ist eine internationale NGO, die Hilfs- und Friedensdienste auf freiwilliger Basis organisiert. Gegründet wurde die Organisation 1920 vom Schweizer Ingenieur Pierre Ceresole.
English: Service Civil International (SCI) is an international non-governmental voluntary service organisation and peace movement. The organisation was founded in 1920 by Swiss Engineer Pierre Ceresole.
Suomi: Kansainvälinen vapaaehtoistyö KVT on suomalainen rauhanjärjestö, jonka tarkoitus on ruohonjuuritason toiminnalla edistää rauhaa, tasa-arvoa, oikeudenmukaisuutta ja ympäristönsuojelua.
Français : Le Service Civil International (SCI) est une organisation non gouvernementale (ONG), qui organise des projets de volontariat contribuant à la construction de la paix. Elle a été fondée en 1920 principalement par l'ingénieur suisse Pierre Ceresole.
Italiano: Servizio Civile Internazionale (SCI) è una Organizzazione internazionale di volontariato per la pace, creata nel 1920 dall'iniziativa di un obiettore di coscienza Svizzero Pierre Ceresole.
Polski: Service Civil International (SCI) - międzynarodowa organizacja pozarządowa powstała w 1920 r., aby odbudować wzajemne zaufanie oraz możliwość pokojowej współpracy narodów, które walczyły ze sobą w I Wojnie Światowej.
Română: Service Civil International (SCI) este o organizaţie non-guvernamentală (ONG) care organizează proiecte de voluntariat al căror scop este promovarea păcii. SCI are 43 de ramuri in toată lumea şi a fost înfiinţată in 1920 de către inginerul elveţian Pierre Ceresole.
Pierre Ceresole: the founder = le fondateur
[edit]See also Pierre Ceresole archive copy at the Wayback Machine on the SCI International Archives website.
1897, Zurich (CH)
1920, Verdun (F)
1927, Feldis (CH)
1930, signature
1930, Lagarde (Tarn-et-Garonne, F), with volunteers
1931, Brynmawr (GB), with Jean Inebnit
1931, Brynmawr (GB), with children
1932, Safien (CH)
1932, Neuchâtel, with Clara Waldvogel
1935, Bihar (India)
1935, Bihar (India)
1935, Bihar (India)
1935, Bihar (India)
1936, Suisse, SCI committee
Followers = premiers engagés
Paul Schenker, 1926, Almens (CH)
Ernest Ceresole (right), 1928, Liechtenstein
Hélène Monastier (left), 1932, Safien (CH)
Committees = Comités
1936, Suisse (Bâle ?)
First workcamps = Premiers chantiers
1924, Les Ormonts (CH)
1926, Almens (CH), Paul Schenker
1929, Feldis (CH)
1930, Lagarde (Tarn-et-Garonne, F)
1932, Safien (CH)
1932, Safien(CH)
1932, Safien(CH)
1932, Safien(CH)
1935, Litzirüti (CH)
1935, Mont-Bailly, Gimel (CH): Pierre Oppliger, Paul Schenker and others
1935, Mont-Bailly, Gimel (CH), study part
1935, Mont-Bailly, Gimel (CH), listening to gramophone
1936, Selma (CH)
Spain Civil War = Guerre d'Espagne
Food transport, Rodolfo Olgiati, 1937
Refugees transport, 1937
Evacuation, 1937
Idy Hegnauer (on the right), 1937
Ralph Hegnauer (truck driver), 1937
Modern workcamps = Chantiers récents = Campi di volontariato oggi
1998, Sicily, Italy
2000, Cambodia
2001, Sweden
2003, Switzerland
2004/2005, Switzerland
2005, Jenin, Palestine