Sodom and Gomorrah
- {{de|Sodom und Gomorra sind laut der Bibel zwei von Gott zerstörte Städte (ex: Genesis 19).
- English: Sodom and Gomorrha were according to the Bible two city–states in the Jordan Valley of the Ancient Levant, in the Near East.
- Abrahamic mythology contains a story of their destruction — with various subsequent interpretations and artistic renditions.
- The ancient cities are mentioned throughout the Hebrew Bible-Old Testament (esp: Book of Genesis), in the New Testament, and in the Qur'an.
- Français : Sodome et Gomorre sont selon la Bible deux villes bibliques (ex: Genèse, ch. 19).
- Italiano: Sodoma e Gomorra sono secondo la Bibbia due città (ex: la Bibbia).
العربية: سدوم وعمورة
עברית: מהפכת סדום ועמורה
European artistic renditions
Pieter Schoubroeck, The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (ca. 1600).
Lot leaving Sodom, Nuremberg Chronicle (1493).
whole page in Latin, uncolored
Lucas van Leyden (ca. 1490-1533): Lot and his daughters (ca. 1509).
Heinrich Aldegrever (1502-1561), Lot prevents sodomites from raping the angels (1555).
Sebastian Munster, Sodom, from Cosmographia (1564).
Cornelis Cort (1522-1578), Lot and his daughters. Behind them, Sodom is burning.
De Laune - Etienne de Laune (1518-1583), Educitur Loth e Sodomis - Lot fleeing Sodom.
Mattheus Merian (1593-1650), Lot fleeing Sodom.
Peter Paul Rubens, Lot fleeing Sodom (ca. 1615).
Hendrik Goltzius, Lot and his daughters (1616).
Peter Paul Rubens, Lot fleeing Sodom (1625).
Daniel van Heil, Lot and his daughters flee burning Sodom with the angel (ca. 1650).
Mathieu Dubus, The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (ca. 1655).
Sodome. From a French Bible.
François Elluin, Sodomites causing God's wrath, from Le pot pourri de Loth (1781).