This is a gallery page containing specially selected image and media files. They have been chosen as highlights of a particular topic, but do not represent the full range of files that are available on Commons. For a wider selection of files connected with Space debris, see Category:Space debris.
<nowiki>basura espacial; Reja angkasa; فضايي خځلې; Космически отломки; خلائی ملبہ; خلائی ملبہ; rymdskrot; космічне сміття; 太空垃圾; 太空垃圾; Fazo chiqindilari; Ғарыш қоқысы; kosmorubo; вселенски отпад; Vasuera espacial; মহাকাশ বর্জ্য; débris spatial; Mảnh vụn không gian; ruimterommel; 太空垃圾; Weltraumschrott; Romsøppel; Kosmik tullantı; space debris; مخلفات فضائية; 太空垃圾; űrszemét; Espazioko zabor; космический мусор; Weltraummüll; smionagar satailítí; Տիեզերական աղբ; 太空垃圾; Rumaffald; スペースデブリ; פסולת חלל; अंतरिक्ष मलबा; 太空垃圾; avaruusromu; Ruimtepuin; விண்வெளிக் கழிவுகள்; detrito spaziale; Касьмічнае сьмецьце; 太空垃圾; 太空垃圾; Kosmoseprügi; 우주 쓰레기; detrito espacial; Сансрын хог хаягдал; Kozmický odpad; 太空垃圾; Kosminės nuolaužos; vesoljski odpadki; Uzay enkazı; Gunoi spațial; Касмічнае смецце; ขยะอวกาศ; Takataka ya angani; ശൂന്യാകാശ അവശിഷ്ടങ്ങൾ; ruimteschroot; Kosmiczne śmieci; Sampah angkasa; زبالههای فضایی; అంతరిక్ష శిథిలాలు; Refugallo espacial; kosmické smetí; διαστημικά σκουπίδια; brossa espacial; colección de objetos desaparecidos en órbita; a Föld körül keringő kozmikus hulladék,; искусственные объекты и их фрагменты в космосе, которые не функционируют и являются опасным фактором; künstliche Objekte ohne Gebrauchswert in der Erdumlaufbahn; objetos orbitando a Terra com nenhuma função útil; انسانی ایجادات کا ایک گروہ اور نظام شمسی اور زمین کے سیاروں کے گرد مدار میں تیرتے ہوئے مصنوعی سیاروں کی باقیات; Pencemaran orbit di sekitar Bumi oleh benda-benda buatan manusia yang tidak lagi berguna; objectes artificials en òrbita al voltant de la terra sense utilitat; עצמים מלאכותיים ללא תפקיד שנעים מסביב לפלנטה; samling av urbruktagna föremål i omloppsbana; 探査機や人工衛星の残骸; अंतरिक्ष में मृत मानव निर्मित वस्तुओं का संग्रह है; కక్ష్యల్లో ఉన్న పనైపోయిన నౌకలు, వాటి శకలాలు; Maata kiertävä romu; defunct artificial object or collection of such objects in space; مجموعة من مخترعات الإنسان ومن بقايا الأقمار الصناعية السابحة في مدارات حول كواكب النظام الشمسي والأرض; objet artificiel circulant sur une orbite terrestre; 우주에서 이동하는 활용되지 않는 모든 인공 물체; Chatarra espacial; Desechos espaciales; débris spatiaux; déchet spatial; debris spatial; Zabor espazial; Escombraries espacials; Raumfahrtrückstände; Orbital debris; Weltraumschrott; Lixo espacial; Detrito orbital; Detritos espaciais; Destroços espaciais; زباله های فضایی; زبالهٔ های فضایی; 宇宙垃圾; 太空廢棄物; 空间碎片; 空间垃圾; Kosminės šiukšlės; odpadki v vesolju; vesoljske smeti; smeti v vesolju; 宇宙のゴミ; 宇宙ごみ; 宇宙のくず; 宇宙のごみ; 宇宙汚染; スペース・デブリ; 宇宙ゴミ; rymdskräp; Rifiuto spaziale; Detrito orbitale; Detriti spaziali; Spazzatura spaziale; אשפת חלל; ruimteafval; ruimtepuin; vesmírný odpad; vesmírné smetí; орбітальне сміття; అంతరిక్షం లోని చెత్త; అంతరిక్ష వ్యర్థాలు; Romavfall; space junk; space litter; space trash; space waste; space garbage; حطام فضائي; مخلفات فضائيه; вселенски шут; διαστημικά απόβλητα; διαστημικά συντρίμμια</nowiki>
space debris
defunct artificial object or collection of such objects in space
distribution of orbital debris tracked by NASA
distribution map
orbital debris observed through the Liquid Mirror Telescope by the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office at the NASA Orbital Debris Observatory
العربية: المخلفات الفضائية عبارة عن مجموعة من النفايات الناتجة من مخترعات الأنسان ومن بقايا الأقمار الصناعية السابحة في مدارات حول كواكب النظام الشمسي، ومنها ما زالت مخلفاته في مدار الأرض تسبح حولها.
English: Space debris or orbital debris, also called space junk, are the objects in orbit around Earth created by man that no longer serve any useful purpose.
LEO - the region of space within 2,000 km of the Earth's surface
GEO image
GEO Polar image
Aluminum oxide slag as a byproduct of Solid rocket motors are potentially a significant source of centimeter sized orbital debris
titanium motor casing of a Delta 2 third stage, weighing about 70 kg, landed in Saudi Arabia about 240 km from the capital of Riyadh, 21 January 2001
Spent Delta 2 second stage in space. Photographed by the XSS-10 satellite
main propellant tank of the second stage of a Delta 2 launch vehicle which landed near Georgetown, TX, on 22 January 1997
30 kg titanium pressurant tank survived the reentry of the Delta 2 second stage on 22 January 1997, found near Seguin, TX
Delta 2 second stage reentered on 27 April 2000 over South Africa
Simulation of what happens when a piece of orbital debris hits a spacecraft in orbit.
Space debris impact on Space Shuttle window.
Debris hole in a pannel of the SMM Satellite.
Debris impacts in returned parts from HST.
Debris impacts in a LDEF pannel.
Known orbit planes of Fengyun-1C debris one month after its disintegration by a Chinese interceptor. The white orbit represents the International Space Station
NASA's Illustration about the impact between an Ariane fragment and the Cerise satellite
NASA's Illustration showing the impact risk of debris with the ISS
Human-made pressurization sphere stemming from a rocket body that fell in Southern Africa
Orbital Debris Lifetime Diagram for High Excentricity Orbits
Orbital Debris Lifetime Diagram for Low Eccentricity Orbits