Susannah Lattin

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Susannah Lattin (1848-1868) died post-partum at an illegal adoption clinic at 6 Amity Place in New York City. Her death lead to an investigation which resulted in regulation of abortion clinics and adoptions in New York in 1868. (b. January 7, 1848; Famingdale, New York - d. August 27, 1868; 6 Amity Place, Manhattan, New York City)





Chronological news articles

* Complete transcription
^ Partial transcription
  • Aaron B. Rollins (1818-1878), the coroner
  • Henry Dyer Grindle (1826-1902), the abortionist and illegal adoption physician
  • Henry K. Lattin (1806-1894), her father from Farmingdale, New York
  • George Lattin (1835-1909), her brother that testified at her inquest
  • O.H. Smith, a policeman at the Forty-fourth Precinct in Manhattan
  • George H. Powell (1830-?), a married cousin of Susannah Lattin, who worked as a butcher in Brooklyn
  • George C. Houghton, he got her pregnant and denied it, then he fled to Philadelphia