Template:Elementary lectures on electric discharges, waves and impulses, and other transients (Steinmetz 1911)/doc

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{{Elementary lectures on electric discharges, waves and impulses, and other transients (Steinmetz 1911) |figure number= |figure caption= |figure alt caption= |IA page ID= |other versions= }}

Template parameters

figure numberthe number of the figure in the bookemptyoptional
figure captionthe caption of the figure in the bookemptyoptional
figure alt captionadditional description of this image (added to the figure caption)emptyoptional
IA page IDthe page ID of the internet archive archive.org (e.g. “page/8/mode/1up”, to target a single page display there)emptyoptional
other versionsOther versions of this same document on Commons, this can be used for files in a different format, or other editions of the same text.emptyoptional

Additional information

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