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Use this template to add a reference to an infraspecies (subpecies, varieties...) in a multi-species drawing
This template is useful for contributors that want to create all the infraspecies, species categories involved in a drawing:
They need to have access to the species category (that they want to create) and the genus category (best place to start if you want to create the species category).
If the infraspecies category does not exist, the species and genus category are displayed + Species category does not exist
Note: if you want to edit this template, first try your modifications on {{InfraspeciesForImage/sandbox}}.You can then test your edits in {{InfraspeciesForImage/testcases}}.
When the new version is ready, you can move it to the main template.

{{InfraspeciesForImage | Panthera | tigris | virgata | (Illiger, 1815) }}
{{InfraspeciesForImage | Panthera | tigris | strange }}
{{InfraspeciesForImage | Panthera | strange | strange }}
{{InfraspeciesForImage | Strange | strange | strange }}
{{InfraspeciesForImage | Anacamptis | morio | subsp. picta }}
{{InfraspeciesForImage | Cypripedium | parviflorum | var. pubescens }}
Panthera tigris virgata (Illiger, 1815) [See also subspecies category]
Panthera tigris strange [See also subspecies category Subspecies category does not exist and species category]
Panthera strange strange [See also subspecies category Subspecies category does not exist and species category Species category does not exist and genus category]
Strange strange strange [See also subspecies category Subspecies category does not exist and species category Species category does not exist and genus categoryGenus category does not exist]
Anacamptis morio subsp. picta [See also subspecies category]
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens [See also subspecies category]

{{InfraspeciesForImage | genus | speciesEpithet | subspeciesEpithet | authority }}

  • genus
the genus name
Sample (for Panthera tigris virgata): Panthera
  • speciesEpithet
the species epithet
Sample (for Panthera tigris virgata): tigris
  • subspeciesEpithet
the subspecies epithet. It can start with subsp. or var. ...
Sample (for Panthera tigris virgata): virgata
Sample (for Anacamptis morio subsp. picta): subsp. picta
Sample (for Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens): var. pubescens
  • authority (optional)
the subspecies authority
Sample (for Panthera tigris virgata): (Gould, 1846)

Use sample