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A smart voting button that hides itself if {{POTY2012/state}} does not equal the round the gallery where used is made for.


{{POTY-Button |r= |f= |s= }}

Template parameters

rRound this gallery is made for: R1 or R2emptyoptional
fFilename without namespace; If f is specified, r (Round) is required.emptyoptional
sSize of the gallery boxes: l=large, m=medium, s=smallemptyoptional
linkEither wikilink or external link; Either this is required or parameter f (Filename)emptyoptional
stylevalid inline CSSemptyoptional
textText to display“Vote for this picture”optional
externalWhether link is external.emptyoptional
POTYSTATEThe current state of POTY. Possible values: weAreWorking|R1Soon|beforeR1|duringR1|afterR1|beforeR2|duringR2|afterR2|endDetermined by the <year> and {{POTY<year>/state}}optional
POTYYEARThe year of the current POTY event. If POTYSTATE is set, it's only used to build links.Intelligent guess from the page title the template is used on.optional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the Commons namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users

Relies on:
{{POTY2012/state}} (acutally the year must be passed as {{{POTYYEAR}}})


This template is localized by utilizing custom MediaWiki namespace messages.

Please translate MediaWiki:POTY-Button-text-full and MediaWiki:POTY-Button-text-short and post the translation with {{Edit request}} at the according sub page (e.g. German traslation at MediaWiki talk:POTY-Button-text-full/de).