Template talk:PD-Japan-film

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all movies?


テンプレートの文言は東京地方裁判所の判決を根拠にしているようですが、その後の最高裁判決で、その射程範囲に関し、団体の著作名義で公表された独創性を有する映画の著作物に限定されていることが確認できますね。個人名義の場合は保護期間の起算点が団体の場合と異なるので、当然といえば当然ですが。--Yasumasa 15:54, 18 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

PD also in US


Per en:Wikipedia:Non-U.S._copyrights this could be added to the template:

This movie or image from movie produced in Japan prior to 1953 is now in the public domain in the United States as the bilateral copyright relations between the United States and Japan which were established on May 10, 1906 are considered by the U.S. Copyright Office to have been abrogated, and superseded by the adherence of Japan to the Geneva Act of the UCC on April 28, 1956.

Thoughts? feydey (talk) 13:36, 16 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

High Court status


The last part of the linked CASRIP Newsletter - Autumn/Winter 2007, Volume 14, Issue 1 states:

"Therefore, if the district court’s judgment is upheld by the High Court, the loss which many copyright holders would suffer would be extremely high. As a result, the outcome of the Tokyo High Court in this case will be a landmark judgment and the proceedings should be carefully monitored."

My question is, what is the status of the High Court case? Any result will affect the template: if upheld the case result is added to the template; if rejected then this template will need to be deprecated somehow. 84user (talk) 06:52, 27 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Well here's the results of a related case.[1] So Kurosawa's films (of which there are currently ~200 screenshots on the commons) are protected by copyright until 2036. Doctor Sunshine (talk) 02:28, 18 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for that link. I have also just found this 2008 report linked from a commons user talk page: Intellectual Property High Court rules Kurosawa still under copyright - Akira Kurosawa News. Dated 2008-08-01. This answers my question on the status of the High Court case. I am adding the link to the template. 84user (talk) 19:57, 22 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


A discussion on the copyright status of Akira Kurosawa's works has started at Commons:Village pump#I don't understand.... Any contributions would be welcome, especially from those that can read and understand Japanese law. -84user (talk) 17:28, 31 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The discussion linked above is now archived at Commons:Village_pump/Archive/2010/03#I_don.27t_understand... .-84user (talk) 17:25, 18 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]