Template talk:Style ril

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meta:BiDi workgroup
mozilla:402155  ·  landfill:3304

c: · m:

special:Prefixindex/template:style →→ wikt:yi:special:Prefixindex/template:style ←←


Please note that the content of
template:style/ril T and template:style/lir T
m:wikt:yi:template:style/ril T and m:wikt:yi:template:style/lir T
has changed / might change in the future.
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏T‏·‏m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 00:48, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]


bugzilla:012225 · "influencing the BiDi algorithm to clearly distinguish between the signature and the date and time"‎
Bugzilla@Mozilla – Bug 406406 – "remedy against BiDi interference caused by the (arbitrary) content of various fields"

comments at other projects:

m:wikt:yi:template talk:style/ril
m:commons:template talk:style/ril
and at other style templates



BugZilla Mozilla bug 406406 – remedy against BiDi interference caused by the (arbitrary) content of various fields
wikt:yi:template talk:style/ril|uselang=en#explanations
‏‪·לערי ריינהארט·T‏·m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me·‏‬‏ 01:50, 7 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

safe embedding of a RTL text in a LTR environment

'''normal signature:''' foo ~~~~ bar<br />
'''using [[template:style/ril]]:''' foo {{style/ril|ril=~~~}} ~~~~~ bar<br />

normal signature: foo ‏‪·לערי ריינהארט·T‏·m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me·‏‬‏ 01:50, 7 December 2007 (UTC) bar[reply]
using template:style/ril: foo ‎‏‪·לערי ריינהארט·T‏·m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me·‏‬‏01:50, 7 December 2007 (UTC) bar[reply]




My signature contains « copy and pasted » characters from the Unicode Block "General Punctuation".
see wikt:yi:user:לערי ריינהארט/tests/bugzilla#Unicode_Block_General_Punctuation.
In order to find out what characters are used you may copy the text and paste it at pastebin.com. ;-)
  1. At #normal_signature some characters belonging to « date and time » generated via "~~~~~" are represented by the browser before the signature others are represented after the signature.
  2. At #using_template_style_ril all characters belonging to « date and time » generated via "~~~~~" are at the right place.

I will open a bugzilla: enhancement report « safe embedding of signatures in wiki pages » about this issue. Best regards
01:50, 7 December 2007 (UTC)

‎→ bugzilla:012225 · "influencing the BiDi algorithm to clearly distinguish between the signature and the date and time"‎

Helló! Between template:style/ril and template:dir rtl and template:dir ltr are some thousends of BiDi edits. At some point in time they should be merged. Best regards
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏T‏·‏m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 04:07, 26 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

usage of the parameter dir=ltr


Please look at the rendering of the « and » characters which have neutral directionality at the first occurence of template:style/ril:‎

rendering without dir=ltr

« <span class="plainlinks" >[http://www.omegawiki.org/DefinedMeaning:dog_%28966%29 '''Ω'''megaWiki:{{style/IPA|IPA=hʊnt}} · {{style/yid|ltr|yid=הונט}}]</span> »<br />
{{style/yid|yid=װער עס לײגט זיך מיט אַ הונט שלאָפֿן, שטײט אױף מיט פֿלײ.}}<br />
{{style/IPA|IPA=vɛʁ ɛs legt zɪx mɪt ɑ hʊnt ʃlɔfn̩, ʃtet ɔjf mɪt fle.}}<br />


« ΩmegaWiki:hʊnt · הונט »
װער עס לײגט זיך מיט אַ הונט שלאָפֿן, שטײט אױף מיט פֿלײ.
vɛʁ ɛs legt zɪx mɪt ɑ hʊnt ʃlɔfn̩, ʃtet ɔjf mɪt fle.

rendering with dir=ltr

« <span class="plainlinks" >[http://www.omegawiki.org/DefinedMeaning:dog_%28966%29 '''Ω'''megaWiki:{{style/IPA|IPA=hʊnt}} · {{style/yid|dir=ltr|yid=הונט}}]</span> »<br />
{{style/yid|yid=װער עס לײגט זיך מיט אַ הונט שלאָפֿן, שטײט אױף מיט פֿלײ.}}<br />
{{style/IPA|IPA=vɛʁ ɛs legt zɪx mɪt ɑ hʊnt ʃlɔfn̩, ʃtet ɔjf mɪt fle.}}<br />


« ΩmegaWiki:hʊnt · הונט »
װער עס לײגט זיך מיט אַ הונט שלאָפֿן, שטײט אױף מיט פֿלײ.
vɛʁ ɛs legt zɪx mɪt ɑ hʊnt ʃlɔfn̩, ʃtet ɔjf mɪt fle.

Regards ‎‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏T‏·‏m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 16:03, 26 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]