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mangle /verb: destroy or severely damage by tearing or crushing. 'the car was mangled almost beyond recognition'. - synonyms: mutilate, maim, disfigure, damage, injure, crush, crumple, hack, cut about, lacerate, tear apart, rend, chop (up), butcher, deform, maul, wreck.

mangled /adjective: mutilated, disfigured, or ​badly damaged, especially as a result of being torn or twisted. - mangled bodies/remains

2. ​(of a language, piece of music, etc. ) made to seem less good than it really is by being said wrongly or played badly. - mangled syntax/quotations/grammar

3. to injure severely, disfigure, or mutilate by cutting, slashing, or crushing: The coat sleeve was mangled in the gears of the machine. to spoil; ruin; mar badly: to mangle a text by careless typesetting.