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I am always surprised and happy when others enjoy my photographs. I take pictures for my own enjoyment or to illustrate a tale I want to tell. Just ask my friends after they sit through a slideshow.

The pictures I put on Flickr are mostly from my travels. Work takes me to India and Southeast Asia, and vacations take me to Central America and less-traveled corners of the US.

In the last 25 years, my photographs have appeared in publications as diverse as (ai), Army Times, High Times, Hope, International Cable, NMH News, Readers Digest, Sarika, and numerous online journals.

In 2019 I am just beginning to put pictures on Wikimedia. I have many pictures on Flicker. If you find something there you would like to use via Wikimedia, please let me know and I will prioritize it.

Alan C. Morgan

Warwick, Massachusetts