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Short Biography

   Montinaro Antonio, was born on 24.09.1945 in Calimera (Lecce) and resides in Lecce (Italy), via Boccaccio 25.
   After making the Classical Studies in Lecce he moved to Padua to attend the Faculty of Medicine. He graduated in 1970 and then he  
   specialized in Neurosurgery in 1974.
   From 1999 to 2011 he was Chief of the Lecce Neurosurgical Department.
   He married in Lecce with Mrs. Rosalia Laforgia and had two sons, Daniel and Gemma.
   In 2011 he retired and started work at the private clinic "City of Lecce Hospital".
   Big fan of Classical Music, he is dedicated to the study of the relationship between Music and Brain, producing numerous publications on that subject:
        1. Musica, Cervello, Neurochirurgia. Rivista Medica, vol 13, supplem. 2007.  
         2. The Musical Brain: Mith and Science, World Neurosurg.2010, 73, 5:442-453
         3. Neuroscienze fra Musica e Diritto. Collana della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza. Università del Salento. Nuova serie: 28, 2012, p. 233-243.
         4. Musica e Cervello fra Mito e Scienza. A Tutto Arco. 9, V, 17-25, 2013.
        5. Musica e Cervello. Mito e Scienza. Zecchini ed. Varese, 2017
        6. Melodie ossessive. Zecchini ed. Varese, 2018
       7. Musica e Cervello2. Emozioni, genetica e terapia. Zecchini ed. Varese, 2019