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I took this photo when i was at Mondulkiri province of Cambodia

Hello everyone, I'm ChanSethey, Male. I was born in 1993 March 14 at Svay Rieng City, Svay Rieng Province. I started school when i was 5 at Kindergarten after that i entered to grade 1 at 6 and i was continuing to grade 6 at 11 of 7 Makara Primary school. And then I went to study at grade 7 by i was 11 at Svay Rieng High School till i gratuated grade 12 at 2010 when i was around 17. After i finished High School, I've continued to study at Svay Rieng University by choosing Marketing Major at 2010 as well and Nowadays I'm at 3rd year it's my pleasure to know everyone We were born to this beautiful world with nothing, So Life must starts Hopeness, Struggle and Go forward to Successful with a clearly Goal. Moreover No one have been successful in this world By just they were born. Humanity is the same! We can do everything,if we want! It means if you want to something, i'm sure you can do it even you can't do it right now but in the future it's your. Life is too meaning for everyone so the most important things is that how can you use your life. Everyone, everything is absolutely starting from the first step so don't be worry even right now you are poor, you need something more you are weakness so if you know the reasons of these why it happen to you, you will can solve it. I heard someone say that " I hate my life " but even right now they didn't know the valuable of their life. If we dream to our parents, they worked hard to give the birth to us, feed us, and do everything for you. So if you don't know about the basis of life, you can't even know the basis of the earth. Please remember we are humanity,so please keep loving each other. One Heart, One World. 1/We got be strong to win all obstacles, we've never been it but we need! 2/ The successful people" when they success something,they will be more confidences for themself to do another things till successful too". 3/ We must be the best or worst person in our whole life. 4/ Although we have been living in poverty,we have to consist big-hearted it means although what happens or we are weakness now but we dont stop! 5/ I think lots of people have good ideas but they dont know what place they can show it. 6/ The naturally of humanity is cleverness but to compose this out why dont we try. 7/ I have seen lots of people say they hate poverty but they didnt do nothing to win it! 8/ Nothing better than honesty and fairness. 9/ To manage and lead other, the first is you! 10/ Successful is much ways! 11/ Dont break yourself,take care your time! 12/ Although we'r easy to take win but we need to pay something or we need to sacrify. 13/ The light of sun is the light of hopeness and happiness. so if someone wanna connect me, or Thank!