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Historic Enviroment viewers for the UK and Ireland and Mounmental links.

This page is being used to consolidate information about monuments etc. in hte above countries and where to find the Historic Environment View maps etc.

  • I have a working hypothesis that Wikidata is missing information from the official databases held by countries that are being used to drive there ESRI(TM) Historic Environment Viewers (HEW). Implementations from different countries likely have differences
  • The HEV interface itself has the information but not in a form that is extractable as a dataset. In limited cases it might just be possible to extract the information from the HEP GUI (notably Nortern Ireland) bu a very manual process.
  • It is unclear if api's are available to extract the information. A simple API makes this easier. Or a DUMP might be available (under FoI?)
  • If datasets are extracted a load/merge process needs to be developed. Overall this is an ETL process.









Northern Ireland

  • HB# is primary key but ID# is a candidate key that is used. It is possible ID# is not permantent but its needed to access.
  • NI Historic Environmet map viewer
  • Questions if D:P:1460 (NIEA building ID) is similar to P4057 for RoI ???


  • Problem: Comparing WLM map with RoI HEV indicates former, ie Wikidata, is missing many items.
  • Irish Sites and Monuments Record ID (SMR ID) d:P:P4057 ** Note all items on this including formatter URL and URL match pattern. (P1460 similar for NI).
  • info on the vieer: About RoI HEV
  • It is possible to export mini datasets from the RoI HEV much this seems to be at a (small) townland level and with a GUI and not API interface.
  • TBC: Depending on how the viewer is entered so different layers are seems and that may if NMS and/or NIAH info is shown. Currently this is guesse.
  • Use case: The NLi/Flickr Commons picture: 26 April 2023: Grange House, Grange, Kilkenny

See also
