User:Deror avi/Jerusalem: Mount Herzl

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Mount Herzl


Maps of Mount Herzl


The Herzl Museum


Herzl's Grave


Nation's Great Leaders Graves


Rabin's Grave


Zionist Leaders Graves


Herzl's Family Graves


Grave of Ze'ev Jabotinsky


Common Grave for the Ma'apilum aboard Salvador


Memorial for the Yeshuv Paratroopers


Mount Herzl Militay Cemetery


Nili Plot


Olei Hagardom Plot


Independence War Plot


The Mivza Kadesh Plot


Shlom Hagalil Plot


The Lamed Hey (35) Graves


Victims of Acts of Terror Memorial


The Dakar Memorial


Memorial for the Defenders of the Old City of Jerusalem


Garden of the Missing in Action


Memorial for the Kaf Gimel (23) Boat Seamen


Memorial for the men of the Erinpura


Memorial for the Yeshuv volunteers in World War II


Memorial for the Jewish Soldiers in the Polish army in World War II


Memorial for the Jewish Soldiers in the Russian army in World War II
