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  • Time taken: 112.832222 sec
  • Number of files successfully analyzed: 5 (100.0000 %)
  • Number of files with exceptions: 0 (0.0000 %)
  • Number of distinct categories used: 3
Data of files categorized by category name
Category name Number of files Percent of files in the category
Category:JPEG files 5 100.0 100
Category:Unidentified people 4 80.0 80
Category:Human faces 4 80.0 80
Histogram of number of categories found per file
Number of categories found Number of files with that many categories
1 (20.0000 %)
3 (80.0000 %)
Histogram of number of categories found per file (without file-type categories)
Number of categories found Number of files with that many categories
0 (20.0000 %)
2 (80.0000 %)
Histogram of buckets
Bucket name Number of files in bucket
Type (100.0000 %)
Content (80.0000 %)

  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • AverageRGB: 69.131, 68.688, 65.987
  • ClosestLabeledColor: PMS 19-0405 TPX (Beluga)
  • EdgeRatio: 0.32789
  • NumberOfGreyShades: 47
  • PercentFrequentColors: 0.14118
  • MeanSquareErrorFromGrey: 4.562
  • Face (dlib) #1
    • Score: 1.024
    • Bounding Box: Left:187, Top:401, Width:643, Height:643
  • Time taken: 44.909571 sec
  • Categories (3): Category:Unidentified people, Category:JPEG files, Category:Human faces

  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • AverageRGB: 153.037, 149.588, 142.664
  • ClosestLabeledColor: PMS 16-4400 TPX (Mourning Dove)
  • EdgeRatio: 0.23318
  • NumberOfGreyShades: 211
  • PercentFrequentColors: 0.25229
  • MeanSquareErrorFromGrey: 34.4907
  • Face (dlib) #1
    • Score: 0.616
    • Bounding Box: Left:246, Top:112, Width:87, Height:87
  • Time taken: 18.201934 sec
  • Categories (3): Category:Unidentified people, Category:JPEG files, Category:Human faces

  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • AverageRGB: 175.906, 169.417, 143.126
  • ClosestLabeledColor: PMS 15-0513 TPX (Eucalyptus)
  • EdgeRatio: 0.27678
  • NumberOfGreyShades: 126
  • PercentFrequentColors: 0.35817
  • MeanSquareErrorFromGrey: 60.8913
  • Face (dlib) #1
    • Score: 1.66
    • Bounding Box: Left:134, Top:134, Width:216, Height:216
  • Time taken: 18.002068 sec
  • Categories (3): Category:Unidentified people, Category:JPEG files, Category:Human faces

  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • AverageRGB: 106.644, 101.962, 94.978
  • ClosestLabeledColor: PMS 19-0808 TPX (Morel)
  • EdgeRatio: 0.27105
  • NumberOfGreyShades: 79
  • PercentFrequentColors: 0.09412
  • MeanSquareErrorFromGrey: 26.62252
  • Face (dlib) #1
    • Score: 0.326
    • Bounding Box: Left:104, Top:161, Width:259, Height:259
  • Time taken: 18.432941 sec
  • Categories (3): Category:Unidentified people, Category:JPEG files, Category:Human faces

  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • AverageRGB: 122.329, 121.707, 118.858
  • ClosestLabeledColor: PMS 18-5102 TPX (Brushed Nickel)
  • EdgeRatio: 0.22488
  • NumberOfGreyShades: 255
  • PercentFrequentColors: 0.99085
  • MeanSquareErrorFromGrey: 6.46394
  • Time taken: 8.231045 sec
  • Categories (1): Category:JPEG files