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outreachy participant profile photo

Outreachy Dec 2018- March 2019

  • The Phabricator task for the project can be found here here.
  • The Phabricator task for the application can be found here here.
  • The proposal for the same can be found here.

QA: Automation Testing - port Echo Notification tests to Node.js

Aim of the Project

The purpose of this project is to create automated tests to check that updates to the changes made to the code base do no break existing components.

  • Port existing tests for the Echo extension from Ruby into JavaScript and expand on this test set depending on the needs as they arise during the four month period.




Timeline Task Remarks Work report Status
Week 0 (Nov 27 -Dec 4)

Community Bonding period

Subscribed to Wikimedia mailing list Joined Zulip. Discuss timeline with mentor. Learning new technologies for the project.


Week 1 (Dec 4-11)

Getting Familiar with Echo Extension

Read documents sent by mentor and documentation pertaining to Echo Notifications extension. Review and organize developer environment. Take note of any issues or questions that come up.


Week 2 (Dec 11-18) Learn the technologies used in the stack Spend time learning the tools and languages needed to write tests. Write blog updates.



Week 3 (Dec 18-25) Learning about and writing test cases. Fix patch with eslint and push to Gerrit. Write up a .feature file for Echo extension. Write up post for blog about current struggles. Done
Week 4 (Dec 25-Jan 1) Learning about and writing test cases. Write up a feature file for an existing Ruby test in Gerrit. Expanding on api test cases in existing feature files.


Week 5 (Jan 1-8) Writing test cases Started a new repo in github to practice git and share my feature files. Done
Week 6 (Jan 8-15) Writing test cases More cucumber feature files to write. Finished and share my blog post. Helped other interns edit their posts. Report Done
Week 7 (Jan 15-22) Integrating new tests with the initial test (welcome notifications) Integrated test scenarios into one large smoke.js test file. Done
Week 8 (Jan 22-29) Re-submitting initial patch and working on tests with api calls Worked on understanding CI, git and gerrit. Resubmitted my patch and worked on blog post. Report Done
Week 9 (Jan 29-Feb 5) Learned about mwbot library Done
Week 10 (Feb 5-Feb 12) Worked on mention.js test Report Done
Week 11 (Feb 12- Feb 19) Worked on fixing api test and merging code. Done
Week 12 (Feb 19- Feb 26) Submitted updated api tests and mention test Done
Week 13 (Feb 26- March 4) Fixed tests and wrapped up Report Done