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User talk ( gabrielmary )


One day, you may buy art online.


BASICS Born on 06,06,1968. Location NYC (10013) PARIS (75010) Occupation Art research and development Education University Paris 8 Photography and Plastic Art Licence. IESA Conception and realisation multimedia Graduate L4 NETWORKING artist, art-publishing, photrographer, graphic-designer freelance, and iconographer. Starving Artists Labs (Collective intelligentsia) Paris, (fr) Art reseach and developments.

Editorial orientation

Research and development on 'mixed creation". Several media editing on multi-support (numbers, letters, words, texts, quotes, graphic design, photographs and video sample).

A perspectival set up of reflexions on subliminal and unformal communication.

A Reflection as : ( … reflection noun 1 the reflection of light sending back, throwing back, casting back. 2 her reflection in the pond image, mirror image, likeness. 3 your hands and nails are a reflection of your well-being indication, display, demonstration, manifestation; expression, evidence. 4 a sad reflection on society slur, aspersion, imputation, reproach, shame, criticism. 5 after some reflection, he turned it down thought, thinking, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, pondering, meditation, musing, rumination; formal cogitation. 6 write down your reflections opinion, thought, view, belief, feeling, idea, impression, conclusion, assessment; comment, observation, remark. Apple Dictionary. )

In and out. public and creator. I call this state, the silver effect.