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Discussion Page
The Graphic Designer's Barnstar
Good job with royal monograms! Edoardo Cavaleri (talk) 13:46, 9 December 2012 (UTC)
The Honorary Bluebonnet
Love the flags and awards! Keep it up! TheFranklinite (talk) 17:47, 7 August 2019 (UTC)
The Graphic Designer's Barnstar
Thank you for all the great national guard crests! Jack Ryan Morris (talk) 21:14, 18 October 2020 (UTC)
The Barnstar of Diligence
Thank you for all your work on historical flags and coat of arms for the Presidents of the United States!
Your work and service does not go un-noticed :) Niko3818 (talk) 04:33, 1 November 2020 (UTC)
The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
Thank you! Maxwxyz (talk) 06:41, 27 May 2022 (UTC)
Coats of Arms of US Presidents
Coats of Arms of US Vice Presidents
George Clinton
Daniel D. Tompkins
John C. Calhoun
James S. Sherman
Spiro Agnew
Coats of Arms of Prominent Americans
Robert Abell
John Joseph Abercrombie
Robert Abrahall
Ebenezar Adams
Isaac Addington
John Alden
James Alexander
William Alexander
John Allen
Isaac Allerton
Joseph Alsop
Alexander Anderson
Robert Andrews
Edward Andros
Allard Anthony
Edward Antill
Samuel Appleton
Charles Apthorp
William Aspinwall
Walter Aston
Humphrey Atherton
William Augustus Atlee
David Atwater
William Avery
John Ayer
Nathaniel Bacon
Joseph Matthäus Ball
Lord Baltimore
Evert Bancker
John Banister
Andrew Barclay
John Barclay
Samuel Bard
James Barker
Joel Barlow
John Barnard
John Barnwell
Joseph Barrell
James Barrett
John Barry
Josiah Bartlett
Thomas Barton
John Bartram
Thomas Batt
Samuel Bayard
Ninian Beall
Charles Clinton Beatty
John Beatty
Charles Beck
Gunning Bedford, Jr.
Gerard Beekman
James Beekman
Andrew Belcher
Abraham Belknap
Richard Bellingham
Richard Bennett
Richard Beresford
Norborne Berkeley
Francis Bernard
Thomas Betts
Robert Beverly
William Beverly
Nicholas and James Biddle
Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville
Francis Billingsley
James Birnie
Thomas Bladen
Edward Bland
Samuel Blatchford
Jan Jansen Bleecker
Harman de Blennerhasset
Joseph Bloomfield
William Blount
Elija Boardman
Abraham Bockée
Edmund Bohun
Robert Bolling
Charles Joseph Bonaparte
William Bond
Robert Bonner
Richard Bonython
Thomas Boone
Elias Boudinot
James Bowdoin
Thomas Boyle
William Bradford
Simon Bradstreet
Christopher Branch
Thomas Brattle
James Bray
David Brearley
George Brent
William Brenton
William Brewster
John Brice
Joris Dericksen Brinckerhoff
Francis Brinley
Robert Brooke
John Broughton
Matthias Bruen
John Bulkeley
Henry Bull
Thomas Bull
George William Burleigh
Thomas Burnham
George Burroughs
Lewis Burwell
Pierce Butler
William Butler
Nathaniel Byfield
Admiral Richard Byrd
William Byrd
John Cabot
Thomas Cadwalader
Cecil Calvert
John Campbell
William Carmichael
Samuel Carpenter
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Thomas Carter
Epaphroditus Champion
John Chandler
Miles Cary
Salmon P. Chase
Samuel Chase
Charles Chauncey
William Chesebrough
John Chester
Henry Chicheley
William Churchill
Thomas John Claggett
William Claiborne
Roger Clapp
George Clarke
Jeremy Clarke
John Clarke
William Clarkson
William Coddington
Robert Coe
Tristram Coffin
John Coggeshall
Cadwallader Colden
Thomas Colepeper
Robert Coles
John Colleton
Benjamin Colman
Samuel Colt
Christopher Comstock
Roger Conant
Elisha Cook
George Cooke
Timothy Mather Cooley
Myles Cooper
Richard Coote
Henry Corbin
John Cotton
David Cowell
Matthew Craddock
John Cranston
William Crowne
John Caspar Crowninshield
Alexander Cuming
Thomas Cushing
John Custis
George Washington Park Custis
John Cutt
Hendrick Cuyler
Francis Dade
Aaron Daggett
John Adolphus Bernard Dahlgren
Edward Dale
Francis Dana
Richard Dana
William Dandridge
Ananias Dare
Thomas Darling
John Davenport
William Richardson Davie
Charles H. Davis
Thomas Dawes
Balthazar De Wolf
Stephen Decatur
Daniel Denison
Samuel Dexter
Walter Dickenson
John Dickinson
Edward Digges
John Dixwell
John Doane
Arthur Dobbs
John Dorsey
William Douglas
James Draper
William Drayton
Samuel Francis Du Pont
James Duane
Thomas Dudley
William Duer
Daniel Dulaney
Daniel Dulaney, (the younger)
Richard Dummer
James Duncan
Robert Duncan
John Dwight
William Dyer
William Eager
Roger Eastman
Charles Eden
Robert Eden
Jonathan Edwards
John Eliot
William Ellery
Andrew Elliot
Rowland Ellis
Nathaniel Ely
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thomas Emmet
John Endicott
Arvid Adolf Etholén
John Skey Eustace
Richard Everard
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
William Fairfax
David Farragut
William Farrar
Henry Farwell
Francis Fauquier
Robert Feake
Nathaniel Felton
Philip Richard Fendall
Arthur Fenner
George Fenwick
Simon Ferdinando
Jonathan Fish
Thomas Fitch
Peter Fontaine
Andrew Hull Foote
Edwin Forrest
Thomas Foxcroft
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Fuller
Johan Hampus Furuhjelm
Albert Gallatin
John Gardiner
Lion Gardiner
Thomas Gates
John Gay
John Gedney
Robert Lee Ghormley
Nicholas Gilman
Joseph Gilpin
James Glen
Peter Goelet
Mauritus Goetchius
Nathan Gold
Daniel Gookin
Christopher Gore
Thomas Gorges
Samuel Gorton
Bartholomew Gosnold
Henry Gough
Christopher de Graffenried
Alexandre Francois Auguste de Grasse
Thomas Graves
Nathanael Greene
Samuel Powel Griffitts
Matthew Griswold
John Grymes
Benjamin Guild
Button Gwinnett
Nathan Hale
James Hall
Lyman Hall
Thomas Halsey
William Hamersley
Alexander Hamilton
Andrew Hamilton
John Hancock
Charles Hardy
Burr Harrison
Abraham Hasbrouck
James Hasell
Thomas Hastings
Thomas Hatch
John Haviland
Joseph Hawley
Ann Hawkes Hay
John Haynes
John Hayward
Thomas Hazard
Caleb Heathcote
Christopher Helme
Daniel Henchman
Henry Herrick
William Heysham
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
Whitehead Hicks
Francis Higginson
Edward Hill
Michael Hillegas
Robert Hinsdale
John Hoare
Martinus Hoffman
Valentine Hollingsworth
David Holmes
Ryves Holt
Edward Holyoke
William Hooke
Thomas Hooker
William Hooper
Edward Hopkins
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopinkson
Daniel Horsmanden
John Eager Howard
Thomas Howard
Edward Howell
John Howland
Nathaniel Hubbard
Daniel Hugher
Harm Jan Huidekoper
John Hull
John Humfrey
Robert Hunter
Samuel Huntington
Nathaniel Hurd
William Hutchinson
Jared Ingersol
Charles Inglis
James Innes
James Iredell
Washington Irving
Bernard J. D. Irwin
Thomas Poynton Ives
Ralph Izard
Jonathan Jackson
David Jameson
Leonard Jarvis
John Jay
John Jeffries
Edward Johnson
William Johnson
William Samuel Johnson
Gabriel Johnston
Gabriel Jones
John Paul Jones
Henry Josselyn
John Jouett
Joseph Judson
John Kean
Robert Keayne
Peter Kemble
Richard Kempe
Louis Billouart, Chevalier de Kerlérec
Francis Scott Key
Rufus King
Francis Kinloch
Hendrick Hendricksen Kip
Jonathan Knight
Thomas Knowlton
Étienne (Stephen) de Lancy
Ralph Lane
Gerrit Frederick Lansing
John Lathrop
Henry Lawrence
Charles Lee
Richard Henry Lee and Robert E. Lee
William Leete
John Leverett
Meriwether Lewis
John Lisle
Philip Livingston
William Livingston
Percival Lowell
Christopher Lowndes
Robert Ludlow
Philip Ludwell
Dominick Lynch
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Paul Henry Mallet-Prevost
Gabriel Manigault
Peter Manigault
Henry Marchant
Josiah Martin
Luther Martin
John Marshall
Jean Paul Mascarene
George Mason
John Mason
Giles Master
Increase and Cotton Mather
Virgil Maxcy
William Maxwell
Thomas Mayhew
Andrew McClary
Bache McEvers
Thomas McKean
John Mercer
William Meredith
Samuel Vaughan Merrick
Michael Metcalf
Arthur Middleton
John Izard Middleton
Thomas Mifflin
Thomas Milner
Robert Molineux
Robert Monckton
William Montague
Richard Montgomery
Henry Moore
James Moore
Richard Channing Moore
John Pierpont Morgan
Perez Morgan
Anthony Morris
Lewis and Gouverneur Morris
Samuel Morse
George Morton
Richard Moryson
Edward Mosley
Samuel Mosley
Henry Muhlenberg
Thomas Mumford
Matvey Ivanovich Muravyev
John Murray
John Nanfan
James Neale
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Joannes Nevius
Roger Newberry
Francis Nicholson
John Nicholson
Maththias Nicoll
Richaard Nicolls
Isaac Norris
John Norton
Edward Nott
James Noyes
John Ogden
James Oglethorpe
Andrew Oliver
Juan de Oñate
John Ormsby
John Otis
John Oxenbridge
John Page
Robert Treat Paine
Thomas Palmer
Walter Palmer
Daniel Parke
William Parker
Joseph Parsons
Francis Daniel Pastorius
George Peabody
Thomas Pell
Ebenezer Pemberton
Edmund Pendleton
Samuel Penhallow
William Penn
William Pepperrell
George Percy
Daniel Perrin
Hugh Peter
Robert Peter
William Peters
James Louis Petigru
Johannes de Peyster
William Phelps
Frederick Philipse
William Phips
Timothy Pickering
James Pierpont
Charles Pinckney
John Pintard
William Pitkin
Clement Plumstead
Seth Pomeroy
George Popham
Samuel Powel
Colin Powell
Thomas Pownall
Edward Preble
Joseph Prentis
William H. Prescott
Joseph Priestley
Thomas Prince
Samuel Prioleau
Samuel Provoost
John Putnam
Edmund Quincy
William Rainsborowe
William Randolph
Philippe-François de Rastel de Rocheblave
Francis Rawle
Edward Rawson
George Read
George Reade
John Reading
Paul Revere
William Rhett
John Richards
Henry Ridgeley
Isaac Roberdeau
Beverley Robinson
Christopher Robinson
Caesar Rodney
Nathaniel Rogers
John Rolfe
George Ross
John Rowe
Isaac Royall
Nathaniel Ruggles
James Rumsey
Benjamin Rush
Walter Rutherfurd
Henry Rutgers
John Rutledge
John Saffin
Richard Saltonstall
Francis Salvador
Henry Sampson
George Sandys
John Sanford
Peter Sargent
Thomas Savage
Edmund Scarborough
Jacob Jacobsen Schermerhoren
Jacob Schieffelin
John Morin Scott
Richard Scott
Winfield Scott
William Screven
Nicholas Scull
Samuel Seabury
David Sears
Richard Sears
Robert Sedgwick
Robert Seeley
William Seton
Henry Sewall
James S. Sherman
Edward Shippen
William Shirley
Samuel Shute
Peter Silvester
John Simpson
Samuel Skelton
Fulwar Skipwith
Captain John Smith
Thomas Smith
Judge William Smith
William Smith
William "Tangier" Smith
Richard Snowden
Cyprian Southack
Richard Spaight
Henry Spelman
Ambrose Spencer
Nicholas Spencer
Alexander Spottswood
Myles Standish
Isaac Stearns
Cornelius Steenwyck
John Steere
John B. Stetson
John Stith
Robert F. Stockton
Thomas Stone
William Stone
Thomas Stoughton
William Stoughton
Calvin Ellis Stowe
William Strachey
John Strong
Peter Stuyvesant
Increase Sumner
Nathaniel Sylvester
Zachariah Symmes
William Talbot
John Talcott
Richard Taliaferro
John Tayloe III
William Tayloe
George Taylor
Henry Tazewell
Thomas Temple
Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck
Charles-Henri-Louis d'Arsac de Ternay
Thomas Thatcher
Samuel Thaxter
Isaiah Thomas
Benjamin Thompson
Maurice Thompson
John Thorndike
William Thornton
Adam Thoroughgood
George Thorpe
Nathaniel Tilden
Richard Tilgham
Thomas Tillotson
Robert Titus
Richard Townley
John Trumbull
Jonathan Trumbull
William Tryon
Daniel Tucker
St. George Tucker
Edward Tying
John Underhill
John Usher
Pierre de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil-Cavagnial
Pieter Van Berckel
Olof Van Cortlandt
Adriaen van der Donck
François Adriaan van der Kemp
Jan Baptist Van Rensselaer
Kiliaen Van Rensselaer
Philip Van Schuyler
Wouter Van Twiller
Coert Van Voorhees
William Vassall
Samuel Vaughan
Abraham Isaacsen Ver Planck
Samuel Vernon
Friedrich Wilhelm Von Steuben
Ferdinand Von Wrangel
Robert Vose
William Wadsworth
Francis Wainwright
Daniel Waldo
Benjamin Waller
John Waller
William Walton
John Wanton
Andrew Ward
Augustine Warner
Richard Warren
John Watts
Anthony Wayne
Richard Webb
Daniel Webster
John Webster
Joseph Weld
Thomas Welles
William Wentworth
Thomas West
Stukely Westcott
Edward Whalley
William Wharton
Ralph Wheelock
John Whistler
John White
William White
Henry Whitfield
Samuel Whiting
Eli Whitney
Matthew Whitwell
Samuel Wilbur
Charles Wilkes
Joseph Willard
Simon Willard
Thomas Willett
Otho Holland Williams
William Williams
Hugh Williamson
George Willis
Francis Willoughby
John Wilson
Edward Maria Wingfield
Edward Winslow
John Winthrop
John Wise
Oliver Wolcott
Joseph Wood
William Woodford
Richard Woodhull
George Woolsey
Ralph Wormeley
Robert Wright
Francis Wyatt
Thomas Wynne
George Wythe
Elihu Yale
Peter Yates
John Yeamans
George Yeardley
John Youngs
Baron Frederick Augustus de Zeng
Nicolaus Zinzendorf
Proposed US Coats of Arms
1st Proposed Design
2nd Proposed Design
3rd Proposed Design
4th Proposed Design
US Army National Guard Crests
Alaska National Guard Crest
Arizona National Guard Crest
Arkansas National Guard Crest
California National Guard Crest
Colorado National Guard Crest
Delaware National Guard Crest
District of Columbia National Guard Crest
Florida National Guard Crest
Georgia National Guard Crest
Guam National Guard Crest
Hawaii National Guard Crest
Idaho National Guard Crest
Illinois National Guard Crest
Indiana National Guard Crest
Iowa National Guard Crest
Kansas National Guard Crest
Kentucky National Guard Crest
Louisiana National Guard Crest
Maine National Guard Crest
Maryland National Guard Crest
Michigan National Guard Crest
Minnesota National Guard Crest
Mississippi National Guard Crest
Missouri National Guard Crest
Montana National Guard Crest
Nebraska National Guard Crest
Nevada National Guard Crest
New Hampshire National Guard Crest
New Jersey National Guard Crest
New Mexico National Guard Crest
New York National Guard Crest
North Carolina National Guard Crest
Ohio National Guard Crest
Oklahoma National Guard Crest
Oregon National Guard Crest
Pennsylvania National Guard Crest
Puerto Rico National Guard Crest
Rhode Island National Guard Crest
South Carolina National Guard Crest
South Dakota National Guard Crest
Utah National Guard Crest
Vermont National Guard Crest
Virgin Islands National Guard Crest
Virginia National Guard Crest
Washington National Guard Crest
West Virginia National Guard Crest
Wisconsin National Guard Crest
Wyoming National Guard Crest
Bonnie Blue Flag
Baker's San Felipe Flag
Brown's Flag of Independence
Captain Burroughs' Flag From Ohio
Captain Scott's Flag
Jane Long Flag
Colonel James Long's Flag
De Zavala Flag
Flag of Georgia Battalio
Flag of the New Orleans Grays
Fredonian Rebellion Flag of 1826.
Goliad Flag
Harrisburg Volunteers Flag, Creed Taylor Version
Harrisburg Volunteers, C E Gilbert Version
Louis de Aury Flag
Magee-Gutierrez Coup d'état Flag
Red Rover's Flag
San Jacinto Flag
Texas Secession Flag, Variant 1
Texas Secession Flag, Variant 2
Texas Civil War Guidon
Texas Coasting Trader Flag (1839-1845)
Texas Pilot Flag (1839-1845)
Texas Revenue Service Flag (1839-184
1824 Flag
Centennial Flag of Texas
Texas Sesquicentennial Flag
Falls County Sesquicentennial Flag
Texas State Guard Flag
Flags of the Texas Navy
1st Repeat
2nd Repeat
3rd Repeat
:Pennant of the Archer
Pennant of the Austin
:Pennant of the San Antonio
:Pennant of the San Bernard
Pennant of the San Jacinto
Pennant of the Wharton
Pennant of the Zavala
Texas Navy Broad Pennant of a Commodore
Military Rank Insignia of the Republic of Texas Army
Commissioned Officier Infantry 1st Lieutenant
Commissioned Officier Infantry 2nd Lieutenant
Commissioned Officier Infantry Captain
Commissioned Officier Infantry Major
Commissioned Officier Infantry Lieutenant Colonel
Commissioned Officier Infantry Colonel
Infantry Dress Private
Infantry Dress Corporal
Infantry Dress Sergeant
Infantry Dress 1st Sergeant
File:Infantry Dress NCO Staff.svg
File:Infantry Fatigue Private.svg
Infantry Fatigue Corporal
Infantry Fatigue Sergeant
Infantry Fatigue 1st Sergeant
Infantry Fatigue NCO Staff
Texas Army Uniform Button, Infantry Only
All Other Departments
Commissioned Officer All Other Departments 1st Lieutenant
Commissioned Officer All Other Departments 2nd Lieutenant
Commissioned Officer All Other Departments Captain
ommissioned Officer All Other Departments Major.
Commissioned Officer All Other Departments Lieutenant Colonel
Commissioned Officer All Other Departments Colonel
Commissioned Officer All Other Departments Brigadier General
Commissioned Officer All Other Departments Major General
Calvary Dragoons Dress Private
Calvary Dragoons Dress Lance Corporal
Calvary Dragoons Dress Corporal
Calvary Dragoons Dress Sergeant
Calvary Dragoons Dress First Sergeant and NCO Staff
Calvary Dragoons Dress Musician
File:Calvary Dragoons Fatigue Dress Private.svg
File:Calvary Dragoons Fatigue Dress Lance Corporal.svg
Calvary Dragoons Fatigue Dress Corporal
File:Calvary Dragoons Fatigue Dress Sergeant.svg
Calvary Dragoons Fatigue Dress First Sergeant and NCO Staff
Ordinance Dress Private
Ordinance Dress Corporal
Ordinance Dress Sergeant
Ordinance Dress 1st Sergeant
Ordinance Dress NCO Staff
Ordinance Dress Musician
Ordinance Dress Chief Musician
Ordinance Fatigue Dress Private
Ordinance Fatigue Dress Corporal
Ordinance Fatigue Dress Sergeant
Ordinance Fatigue Dress 1st Sergeant
Ordinance Fatigue Dress NCO Staff
Calvary Dragoons Fatigue Dress Bugler
Ordinance Fatigue Dress Musician
Ordinance Fatigue Dress Chief Musician
Texas Army Uniform Button, All Other Departments
Military Rank Insignia of the Republic of Texas Navy
Texas Navy Commodore and Captain Insignia
Texas Navy Captain or Commander Collar Insignia
Texas Navy Captain Cuff & Pocket Insignia
Texas Navy Chief Engineer Insignia
Texas Navy Lieutenant Collar Insignia
Texas Navy Lieutenant Cuff Insignia
Texas Navy Purser Insignia
Texas Navy Surgeon Insignia
Texas Navy Midshipman Collar Insignia
Texas Navy Passed Midshipman Insignia
Texas Navy Sailing Master Insignia
Texas Navy Gunner Insignia
Texas Navy Boatswain Insignia
Texas Navy Carpenter Insignia
Texas Navy Sail Maker Insignia
Texas Navy Sword Guard
Texas Navy Uniform Button
Texas Marine Corps Cap Insignia
Texas National Guard
Coats of Arms of the Texas National Guard
49th Finance Battalion Coat of Arms
111th Engineer Battalion Coat of Arms
111th Medical Battalion Coat of Arms
112th Cavalry Regiment Coat of Arms
124th Cavalry Regiment Coat of Arms
131st Field Artillery Coat of Arms
133rd Field Artillery Coat of Arms
136th Regiment Coat of Arms
136th Military Police Battalion Coat of Arms
136th Signal Battalion Coat of Arms (Obsolete Insignia)
136th Signal Battalion Coat of Arms
141st Infantry Regiment Coat of Arms
142nd Infantry Regiment Coat of Arms
143rd Infantry Regiment Coat of Arms
144th Infantry Regiment Coat of Arms
149th Aviation Regiment Coat of Arms
149th Personnel Services Battalion Coat of Arms
156th Engineer Battalion Coat of Arms
176th Engineer Battalion Coat of Arms
386th Engineer Battalion Coat of Arms
449th Support Battalion Coat of Arms
636th Support Battalion Coat of Arms
649th Military Intelligence Battalion Coat of Arms
949th Support Battalion Coat of Arms
Special Troops Battalion, 36th Infantry Division Coat of Arms
Special Troops Battalion, 72nd Brigade Combat Team, 36th Infantry Division Coat of Arms
136th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
Texas Army National Guard Element, Joint Force Headquarters, Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
Texas Army National Guard Coat of Arms
Decorations of the Texas National Guard
Texas Cavalry WWI Service Medal
Texas Cavalry Service Medal
Texas Cavalry Service Medal Ribbon
Texas Faithful Service Medal
Texas Faithful Service Medal Ribbon
Texas Federal Service Medal
Texas Federal Service Medal Ribbon
Texas Medal of Merit
Texas Medal of Merit Ribbon
Texas Desert Shield-Desert Storm Campaign Medal
Texas Desert Shield-Desert Storm Campaign Medal Ribbon
Texas Homeland Defense Service Medal
Texas Homeland Defense Service Medal Ribbon
Texas Cold War Medal
Texas Cold War Medal Ribbon
State Guard Association of the United States Recruiting Achievement Ribbon
Texas Combat Service Ribbon
Texas Humanitarian Service Ribbon
Texas State Guard Air Weapons Qualification Ribbon
Texas State Guard Association
Texas State Guard Lifetime Medal Ribbon
Texas State Guard Commanding General's Individual Award
Texas State Guard Enlisted Personnel Basic Training Ribb
Texas State Guard Meritorious Service Ribbon
Texas State Guard NCO Professional Development Ribbon
Texas State Guard NCO Professional Development Ribbon with 5 FEMA Courses
Texas State Guard Officer Professional Development Ribbon
Texas State Guard OPME Ribbon with 5 FEMA Courses
Texas State Guard Organizational Excellence Award
Texas State Guard Physical Fitness Ribbon
Texas State Guard Recruiting Ribbon
Texas Governor's Unit Citation
Texas Meritorious Unit Award
Texas Border Security and Support Service Ribbon
Texas Afghanistan Campaign Medal Ribbon
Texas Iraqi Campaign Medal Service Ribbon
Texas National Guard Medal of Merit, Obsolete
Texas National Guard Mexican War Service Medal, Obsolete
Texas National Guard Outstanding Service Medal, Obsolete
Texas National Guard Provost Marshall Section Ribbon, Obsolete
Texas National Guard State Guard Civil Defense Ribbon, Obsolete
Decorations of the Texas National Guard Nonprofit Association
:Sam Houston Award Medal
Sam Houston Award Ribbon
William Travis Award Ribbon
James Bowie Award Ribbon
Juan Seguin Award Ribbon
:Former Texas State Guard Association Medal
Former Texas State Guard Association Medal Ribbon
Coats of Arms of the Texas State Guard
Texas State Guard Logo
Texas State Guard Coat of Arms
1st Regiment Coat of Arms
2nd Regiment Coat of Arms
4th Regiment Coat of Arms
8th Regiment Coat of Arms
19th Regiment Coat of Arms
39th Composite Regiment Coat of Arms
Texas Medical Brigade Coat of Arms
Texas State Guard Headquarters Coat of Arms
Texas State Guard Air Division Coat of Arms
Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment Emblem
Decorations of the Texas State Guard
Texas Legislative Medal of Honor
Texas Legislative Medal of Honor Ribbon
Lone Star Medal of Valor
Lone Star Medal of Valor Ribbon
Texas Purple Heart Medal
Texas Purple Heart Medal Ribbon
Texas Superior Service Medal
Texas Superior Service Medal Ribbon
Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal
Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal Ribbon
Texas Outstanding Service Medal
Texas Outstanding Service Medal Ribbon
State Guard Association of the United States
State Guard Association of the United States Superior Unit Citation
State Guard Association of the United States Distinguished Service Ribbon
State Guard Association of the United States Meritorious Service Ribbon
State Guard Association of the United States Commendation Ribbon
State Guard Association of the United States Achievement Ribbon
State Guard Association of the United States Service Ribbon
Coats of Arms of Texas
Bexar County, Texas Coat of Arms
San Antonio, Texas Coat of Arms
Austin, Texas Coat of Arms
New Braunfels, Texas
Austin Coat of Arms
David G. Burnet
Sam Houston
Houston Family Arms, Full Achievement
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Samuel Bangs
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
José de Escandón
Bernardo de Gálvez
Thomas Moore Harwood
René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
Charles François Antoine Lallemand
William Wing Loring
Samuel Maverick
Henry Eustace McCulloch
Juan María Vicencio de Ripperdá
Manuel María de Salcedo
Ashbel Smith
William "Bigfoot" Wallace
Tomás Felipe Winthuysen
Texas Bluebonnet Tartan
Texas Lone Star Tartan
International Heraldry