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  1. Download Pattypan. Place the .jar file in a convenient folder you can remember later, say "Pictures". No need to create a folder for it, just dump the .jar file in "Pictures"
  2. Open your command line and browse to "Pictures"so that you can run the .jar file.
  3. Run chmod +x filename.jar command to make the .jar file executable
  4. Run this command to actulalyopen the Pattypan application java -jar filename.jar
  5. For preparing the spreadsheet, note that Pattypan was built with GLAMS in mind so you most likely don't need at the default and template wiki syntax. For most people uploading photos you'd need just 3 sections below
|description={{en|1=AFLIA Conference 2023}}
|date=2023-05-22 13:45
|other versions=


[[Category:Uploaded by User:Masssly in 2023]]
  1. Use Pattypan to generate the spreadsheet
  2. Open the spreadsheet with your regular Excel app and fix any issues existing, particularly the naming. I typically use the same same name fr the first item including an _1 and then drag to rename the rest as ..._2, ..._3, etc. Remember to save it as an Excel sheet (in the same format as the original, Ecxel 97-2003)
  3. Now go to Pattypan to validate and upload.


  1. The will be added during upload by Pattypan so no need to include that in your syntax.