User:Raymond/Frankfurt am Main

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Usages of my images from Frankfurt am Main outside Wikimedia projects

File Description
The Squaire, Frankfurt am Main-1060.jpg (talk | new)

The Squaire
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Oliver Elser (2018-02-17). Junkspace (in de). / Condé Nast Verlag GmbH. Retrieved on 2018-02-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Teureres Fleisch? Dann müssen die KPMG-Berater verhungern, das geht nicht! (in de). / Jan Hegenberg (2019-12-11). Retrieved on 2019-12-22.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Referenzen (in de). / Telegärtner Elektronik GmbH. Retrieved on 2021-05-02.

Bundespolizei guards aircraft of El Al at Frankfurt Airport (1361).jpg (talk | new)

Flughafen Frankfurt am Main
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Emilius Kapustinas (2017-08-22). The country with tightest airline and airport security (in en). Retrieved on 2017-09-24.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.AeroNewsGermany (2019-11-05). Die Geschichte dieser Fluggesellschaft & ihrer 747! AeroNews (in de). Retrieved on 2019-12-01.
Min 1:05. No name, no license,

Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-1919.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.alloursongs (2020-07-26). Resistiré goes Europe - a song of European resistance (in en). Retrieved on 2020-08-19.
Min 1:57,

Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-1914.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Konrad Litschko (2019-09-24). Stadtgespräch aus Frankfurt (in de). Retrieved on 2019-10-02.

Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-2008.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Steffen Stierle (2019-03-20). Mit Neoliberalen gegen Nationalismus (in de). / Makroskop Mediengesellschaft mbH. Retrieved on 2019-05-15.

Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-1941.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Martin Schulz. Scheitert Europa? Was jetzt zu tun ist (in de). / Evangelische Akademikerschaft in Deutschland e.V.. Retrieved on 2018-11-22.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Emanuele Tanzilli (2024-06-10). L’attesa dell’estrema destra è essa stessa l’estrema destra (in it). Retrieved on 2024-06-26.

Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-2016.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Georg Fichtner (2018-01-31). Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement für Europa lohnt sich (in de). / Professur für Europaforschung und Internationale Beziehungen, Prof. Dr. Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet, Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. Retrieved on 2018-02-03.

Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-1998.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Les consultations citoyennes sur l’Europe : un essai à transformer (in fr). Retrieved on 2018-04-20.
Name ok, no license,

Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-2003.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Iris Schöberl (Juni 2017). "Am Puls der Zeit" (PDF). Gemeindebrief Jesuitenkirche St. Ignatius: 11. Frankfurt am Main: Jesuitenkirche St. Ignatius. Retrieved on 2017-06-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-1934.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Les Français font de moins en moins confiance à l’UE (in fr). (2023-11-06). Retrieved on 2023-12-09.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Stéphane Vernay (2024-06-05). À cinq jours des élections européennes, tout est bon pour se faire remarquer, par Stéphane Vernay (in fr). Retrieved on 2024-06-10.
Name ok, no license,

Pulse of Europe in Frankfurt am Main 2017-04-09-1931.jpg (talk | new)

Pulse of Europe
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Sabine Volk (2017-04-21). The Pulse of Europe is beating: How pro-Europeans are taking the stage (in en). Retrieved on 2017-05-02.
Name ok, no license,

Zedler-Verleihung 2009 - nach der Preisverleihung (0578).jpg (talk | new)

Senckenberg Naturmuseum
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

 Please specify if terms of license are complied with!
(2010-04-16). "Tätigkeitbericht 2009". Wikimedia Deutschland.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

 Please specify if terms of license are complied with!
(2010-04-16). "Wikimedium 1/2010". Wikimedia Deutschland.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Pavel Richter (2009-12-14). [Bericht zur Zedler-Verleihung] (in de). / Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.. Retrieved on 2014-08-29.

Zedler-Verleihung 2009 - Mammutschädel illuminiert (2540).jpg (talk | new)

Senckenberg Naturmuseum
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Pavel Richter (2009-12-14). [Bericht zur Zedler-Verleihung] (in de). / Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.. Retrieved on 2014-08-29.

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt - Lesesaal (5825).jpg (talk | new)

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Joris Pekel (2013-04-19). One year later: Linked Open Data in the German National Library (in en). Retrieved on 2013-04-19.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with. (2012). "Vier gewinnt" (PDF). FPC das Magazin (12): 58-59. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter PresseClub e. V..

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Markus Michel Geipel (2012-06-20). Verarbeitung bibliographischer Metadaten im Hadoop Cluster (in de) (PDF) 10. Retrieved on 2013-08-16.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek - gestern und heute (in de). Retrieved on 2017-05-13.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Lesenswertes über Frankfurt (in de). / Pixopolies e.K.. Retrieved on 2017-10-29.
Header image, name and license on the imprint page,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.10 największych bibliotek w Europie (in pl). Retrieved on 2023-07-28.

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt - Lesesaal (5823).jpg (talk | new)

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.German National Library (in en). Retrieved on 2012-01-01.
Image 3

  • 2013-02-06: new URL
  • 2016-08-03: new URL

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.German Language and Literature (in en). Yale University Library. Retrieved on 2012-01-01.
No name, no license, hotlinking from Commons

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with. (2013-02). "Gemeinsame Aktivitäten in und um Frankfurt" (PDF). Emmaus 74 (1): 9. Frankfurt am Main: Kirchenvorstand der Emmausgemeinde.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.11 Bibliotecas alemãs totalmente incríveis! (in pt). (2014-05-08). Retrieved on 2014-05-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.GermanyinUSA (2014-05-02). Twelve German Libraries That Will Make Bookworms Drool (in en). Retrieved on 2014-07-04.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with. (2013-02). "„Wir bekommen 4.000 Medien pro Tag.“" (PDF). FES Aktuell – Das Kundenmagazin Juni 2014 (1): 21. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH. Retrieved on 2014-07-09.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.German National Library (in en). Retrieved on 2016-07-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with."Mo., 12. Januar 2018 - Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek". mittendrin (6/2017): 18. Frankfurt am Main,: Unternehmensgruppe Nassauische Heimstätte / Wohnstadt. Retrieved on 2017-12-05.

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt - Veranstaltungssaal (5818).jpg (talk | new)

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.German National Library (in en). Retrieved on 2012-01-01.
Image 2

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with. (2013-02). "„Wir bekommen 4.000 Medien pro Tag.“" (PDF). FES Aktuell – Das Kundenmagazin Juni 2014 (1): 21. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH. Retrieved on 2014-07-09.
Name ok, no license

Frankfurt am Main Messeturm.jpg‎ (talk | new)

Messeturm (Frankfurt)
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Frankfurt (in de). Ambassador Frankfurt am Main. Retrieved on 2011-01-08.
No name, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Les 10 plus hautes tours d’europe (in fr). (2012-07-09). Retrieved on 2012-07-10.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Jahresprogramm 2013 der dka – die kälte-akademie / Städteseminare Grundkurs Kältetechnik (in de) (PDF) 6. / COFELY REFRIGERATION Gmbh. Retrieved on 2013-01-12.
Name ok, no license

  • 2013-01-12: E-mail sent
  • 2015-05-19: 404

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Reinder Bruinsma (2006). "Sorgen um die Religionsfreiheit in einer postmodernen Welt". Gewissen und Freiheit (62): 19. Bern: Internationale Vereinigung zur Verteidigung und Förderung der Religionsfreiheit. ISSN 0259-0379. Retrieved on 2007-02-19.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.KlausDiggy (2015-06-01). List of all 100m highrise buildings in Germany (in de). Retrieved on 2015-06-03.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.KlausDiggy (2014-06-14). Liste der 300 höchsten Hochhäuser in Deutschland (in de). Retrieved on 2015-07-27.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Europas höchste Wolkenkratzer (in de). / WEKA Industrie Medien GmbH (2017-08-16). Retrieved on 2017-10-06.
Name ok, no licene,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.KlausDiggy (2020-04-19). What's Your Favorite Skyscraper(s)? (in en). Retrieved on 2020-06-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Zum Tod von Helmut Jahn (in de). / Heinze GmbH (2021-05-10). Retrieved on 2021-05-11.

Website URL seen licence ok?
The Live Like a German Travel Guide to Germany - Frankfurt's major Exhibition & Trade Fairs
2010-04-05 name ok, license: "GNU", backlink to Commons upload dir
The Live Like a German Travel Guide to Germany - Frankfurt's major Exhibition & Trade Fairs and
2009-11-06, 2010-04-03 name ok, backlink to Commons upload directory
2009-08-14 name ok, backlink to Commons
فرانكفورت 2007 - الصفحة
2009-05-19 bad: foreign copyright notice in image
Frankfurt am Main Hauptbahnhof von oben.jpg (talk | new)

Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Wilfried Staub (11 2010). "Frankfurt 21 – nur ein kurzer Traum". Fahrgastzeitung Informationen von PRO BAHN für Hessen und Rhein-Neckar (83): 23. PRO BAHN Hessen.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Gefährliches Pflaster Frankfurt (in de). / Fabrik 19 – Pralle & Herchenhein GbR. Retrieved on 2013-07-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Alessandro Grassi. Al via un piano di 250 milioni per le stazioni di Francoforte (in it). Retrieved on 2013-11-14.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Europejska kolej nabiera rozpędu (in pl). (2014-06-24). Retrieved on 2014-06-24.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Resolução CONAMA nº 479/2017 licenciamento de empreendimentos ferroviários. (in pt). (2017-05-19). Retrieved on 2017-05-21.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Liz Heron (2017-08-04). Continental cities vie for London’s EU agencies (in en). Retrieved on 2017-08-05.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.The second phase of the construction of the railway tangent around Frankfurt has begun (in en). (2023-12-27). Retrieved on 2023-12-27.
Name ok, no license,

Website URL seen licence ok?
Imágenes de trenes - DB - Estaciones
2009-08-14 name ok, no licence
German Architecture
2009-03-07 no name, no licence
German Architecture
2009-03-07 no name, no licence
Deutsche-Bank-Frankfurt-am-Main.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Unclear if terms of license complied with. (2010-06-22). "Deutsche Bank AG". Britannica Online Encyclopedia.
* 2016-07-30: new path,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Unclear if terms of license complied with.Schriftleiter (2010-07-30). "Attac fordert Zerschlagung von Großbanken". Ostfalen-Spiegel.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Unclear if terms of license complied with. (2010-04-27). "Deutsche Bank Profit Rises 48% on Investment Banking (Update2)". The Wall Street Job Report.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Unclear if terms of license complied with. (2010-09-02). "Deutsche Bank AG". Britannica Online Encyclopedia.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with. (July 2010). "Global Say on Pay in 2010" (PDF). Glass Lewis World Governance Focus II (1): 2. San Francisco, CA: Glass, Lewis & Co., LLC.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Marta Kosińska (2011-05-04). USA pozywa Deutsche Bank za oszustwa przy kredytach (in pl). abcNieruchomości. Retrieved on 2011-05-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Albert F. Davis (2011-05-11). Future Rise in Gold Prices Up To 30 Percent, Forecasted (in en). MyFreshNews. Retrieved on 2011-05-16.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Neven (2011-05-09). 25% Rendite bei geringem Risiko? (in de). Sapere Aude. Retrieved on 2011-05-16.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Attac: Deutsche Bank: Sofort stilllegen! (in de). Ostfalen-Spiegel (2011-05-26). Retrieved on 2011-05-29.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Dr. Monika John-Koch (2009-02-04). Management von Naturrisiken: Klimawandel als Herausforderung für Unternehmen (in de) (PDF) 6. Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe, Referat II.3: Grundsatzangelegenheiten Kritische Infrastrukturen. Retrieved on 2011-07-13.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Dilek (2011-07-15). Europas Banken auf dem Prüfstand (in de). Oriental Night. Retrieved on 2011-07-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Stresstest: Bankenriesen sind nicht allzu krisenfest (in de). Unzensuriert (2011-07-25). Retrieved on 2011-07-25.
Name ok, "wikimedia", no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Alexander Höferl (2011-07-25). Stresstest: Bankenriesen sind nicht allzu krisenfest (in de). Retrieved on 2011-07-26.
Name ok, "wikimedia", no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Bedo (2011-11-15). Durchsuchung bei Deutsche-Bank-Chef Ackermann (in de). Oriental Night/Bülent Kayaturan. Retrieved on 2011-11-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank pone su administradora de activos en revisión estratégica (in es). Funds Americas (2011-11-22). Retrieved on 2011-11-23.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.DGB begrüßt Verzicht von Ackermann (in de). DGB (2011-11-15). Retrieved on 2012-01-31.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Rote Zahlen - Ein herber Schlag für die Deutsche Bank (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2012-02-02). Retrieved on 2012-02-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Der Vergleich zwischen der Deutschen Bank und den Leo-Kirch-Erben wird vermutlich scheitern (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2012-02-28). Retrieved on 2012-03-05.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Cambios en el Comité Ejecutivo de Deutsche Bank (in es). (2012-03-26). Retrieved on 2012-03-29.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Florian Hamann (2012-03-20). Bonuspool der Deutschen Bank enthält 3,5 Mrd. Euro: 78 Prozent davon streichen die Investmentbanker ein (in de). Ltd.. Retrieved on 2012-03-29.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Bernardita Arellano (2012-03-30). El presidente DB Chile y Perú renuncia al cargo (in es). Retrieved on 2012-03-31.
Name ok, no license, "via Wikimedia Commons".

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Changes at Deutsche Bank Executive Committee (in en). (2012-03-27). Retrieved on 2012-04-03.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.epikur (2012-04-20). Politik wird überschätzt (in de). Retrieved on 2012-04-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Abschreibungen bei der Deutschen Bank (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2012-04-23). Retrieved on 2012-04-23.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sievi (2012-04-24). Deutsche Bank: Investoren rebellieren gegen die Konzernführung (in de). / sharewise GmbH. Retrieved on 2012-04-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Die Finanz-Krise und der Weg hinaus (in de). / Malte Pyko. Retrieved on 2012-04-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Enttäuschender Abschied für Ackermann (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2012-04-26). Retrieved on 2012-04-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank y Guggenheim Parntners limitan sus negociaciones a RREEF (in es). Funds Americas (2012-05-14). Retrieved on 2012-05-14.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Moody`s stuft 15 Banken herab: DB betroffen (in de). NewTimesMY/ Christian Henzel (2012-06-22). Retrieved on 2012-06-22.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank chce zaoszczędzić 3 mld euro. Na początek zwolnienia (in pl). (2012-08-01). Retrieved on 2012-08-08.
Name ok, license "GNU FDL,"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank nie może liczyć na spore zyski (in pl). (2012-08-01). Retrieved on 2012-08-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Herb Flintstone (2011-10-16). Hilfe unsere Banken werden enteignet! (in de). / Herbies World. Retrieved on 2012-08-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Walter McLaughlin (2012-09-13). Decoding the Five C’s of Credit in the Lending Process (in en). / Decoded Science. Retrieved on 2012-09-13.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank verkauft BHF (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2012-09-20). Retrieved on 2012-09-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank denkt an neuen Goldstandard (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2012-10-03). Retrieved on 2012-10-03.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Former Bank VP Adds Retaliation Claim to Pending New York Pregnancy Discrimination Lawsuit (in de). / New York Employment Attorney Blog (2012-10-05). Retrieved on 2012-10-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.epikur (2012-11-05). Unbeschwerte Abschöpfung (in de). Retrieved on 2012-11-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Selbstauskunft bei der Bank – Ratgeber (in de). (2012-12-10). Retrieved on 2012-12-10.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Cuatro empleados del Deutsche Bank detenidos en caso de fraude al Fisco (in es). / BioBioChile (2012-12-13). Retrieved on 2012-12-15.
Name ok, license "CC"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Bafin fordert Testamente von 36 deutschen Banken (in de). / beUnity GmbH (2012-12-18). Retrieved on 2012-12-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank erneut durchsucht (in de). / Firstmex Media Cologne (2012-12-20). Retrieved on 2012-12-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.alexander2012 (2012-12-21). Was heißt hier Kulturwandel? (in de). / Dr. Alexander Klier. Retrieved on 2012-12-21.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Italien: Vier Großbanken wegen schweren Betrugs verurteilt (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2012-12-26). Retrieved on 2012-12-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Das Girokonto und seine Verwendungsmöglichkeiten (in de). / (2012-12-26). Retrieved on 2012-12-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Tobias (2013-01-05). Italien: Vier Großbanken wegen schweren Betrugs verurteilt (in de). / Selbstverwaltung Tobias SOMMER. Retrieved on 2013-01-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Euribor: BaFin prüft unter anderem Deutsche Bank (in de). / Schley Network Switzerland (2013-01-28). Retrieved on 2013-01-28.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Banken-Zerschlagung bleibt ein Wunsch (in de). / Wiener Zeitung GmbH (2013-01-30). Retrieved on 2013-01-31.
Name ok, license "CC"

  • 2013-01-31: E-mail sent via contact form
  • 2013-01-31: Fixed
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank mit Milliardenverlust (in de). / beUnity GmbH (2013-01-31). Retrieved on 2013-01-31.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Aaron A Day (2013-03-12). How FATCA has Affected Offshore Investment (in en). Retrieved on 2013-03-16.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.How FATCA has Affected Offshore Investment (in en). (2013-03-13). Retrieved on 2013-03-16.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Europas Banken haben 290 Billionen Euro Risiko (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2013-04-12). Retrieved on 2013-04-13.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Eric Bonse (2013-04-14). Banken sollen bluten (deutsche nicht) II (in de). / Stefan Hofbauer. Retrieved on 2013-04-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Handelskammer warnt Unternehmen vor ihren Hausbanken (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2013-04-16). Retrieved on 2013-04-17.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank erzielt Milliardengewinn (in de). / Mario Kofler. Retrieved on 2013-04-30.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sparer haften für EU-Bankenrettung mit ihren Einlagen (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2013-05-11). Retrieved on 2013-05-11.

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank appoints Jerry W. Miller as Head of Asset & Wealth Management Americas (in en/es). / Funds Society (2013-05-16). Retrieved on 2013-05-17.
Name ok, no licence, "Wikimedia Commons". Same article on Spanish: Deutsche Bank designa a Jerry W. Miller jefe de activos y gestión de patrimonios para las Américas

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.US-Bankenaufseher sieht hohes Risikopotential bei Deutscher Bank (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2013-06-19). Retrieved on 2013-06-19.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Die richtigen Finanzprodukte wählen (in de). / Malte Pyko. Retrieved on 2013-06-28.

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Terms of license complied with.Investoři přišli o 300 miliard dolarů! (in cz). (2013-07-10). Retrieved on 2013-07-12.
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  • 2013-07-12: Blog comment added
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Terms of license complied with.Gerd R. Rueger (2013-07-12). Goldman Sachs infiltriert Deutsche Bank? (in de). / Stefan Hofbauer. Retrieved on 2013-07-15.

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Asset & WM ficha a Caroline Kitidis para servir a clientes UHNWI de las Américas (in es). / Funds Society (2013-07-17). Retrieved on 2013-07-17.
Name ok, licence "Wikimedia Commons CC-BY-3.O"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.ho (2013-08-01). Deutsche-Bank-Analyst: Bundestagswahl keine Gefahr für Euro-Rettung (in de). / JUNGE FREIHEIT Verlag GmbH & Co.. Retrieved on 2013-08-01.

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Terms of license complied with.UOKiK: Niemiecki gigant Deutsche Bank ukarany kwotą ponad 212 tys. zł. (in pl). (2013-08-05). Retrieved on 2013-08-05.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Euro-Banken haben 375 Milliarden Euro neue Risiken produziert (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2013-08-13). Retrieved on 2013-08-14.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank zagrożony bankructwem? (in pl). (2013-08-19). Retrieved on 2013-08-19.

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Terms of license complied with.Frankfurt am Main (in en). / Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved on 2013-09-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Picking a Good Bank (in en). / One Smart Frog (2013-08-06). Retrieved on 2013-09-05.
Name and license on alt tag

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Korruptionsfälle bei der Deutschen Bank? (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2013-09-10). Retrieved on 2013-09-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Studie warnt Deutsche vor Vermögensverwaltung durch Banken (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2013-09-18). Retrieved on 2013-09-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Lebensversicherung – immer noch lohnenswert (in de). / Malte Pyko. Retrieved on 2013-09-30.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank-Gewinn stürzt um 93% ab (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2013-10-29). Retrieved on 2013-10-29.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.thomas515 (2013-11-05). Ermittlungen gegen den Co-Chef der Deutschen Bank Jürgen Fitschen (in de). / sharewise GmbH. Retrieved on 2013-11-05.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Julie (2013-11-09). Das wird nicht billig – Die Krise der Deutschen Bank (in de). / Julie Engel. Retrieved on 2013-11-09.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.thomas515 (2013-11-20). Deutsche Bank geht im Libor-Urteil in Revision (in de). / sharewise GmbH. Retrieved on 2013-11-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Libor-Skandal: Strafzahlungen von 1,71 Millarden Euro festgesetzt! (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2013-12-04). Retrieved on 2013-12-04.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Wilfried Müller (2013-12-05). Bankenregulierung & Wiedergutmachung (in de). / Wilfried Müller. Retrieved on 2013-12-06.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank cuenta con nueva directora de Banca de Operaciones Global para Latam (in es). / Funds Society (2013-12-19). Retrieved on 2013-12-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank veröffentlicht fehlerhafte Studie gegen Eurokritiker (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2014-02-02). Retrieved on 2014-02-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.David Fink (2014-02-18). Netanyahu to Deutsche Bank: Never Again! (in en). Retrieved on 2014-02-22.
Name ok, no license, "via Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank zahlt 20 Millionen US-Dollar (in en). / Tim Fabian Besser (2014-02-25). Retrieved on 2014-02-25.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons", Imprint: Die Abbildungen werden gemäß der Creative Commons- bzw. vergleichbarer Lizenzbedingungen veröffentlicht...,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.US-Einlagensicherung zieht Großbanken wegen Libor-Manipulation zur Verantwortung (in de). / 1848 Medienvielfalt Verlags GmbH (2014-03-19). Retrieved on 2014-03-19.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsch Bank kassiert schlechte Bewertung von Ratingagentur Fitch (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2014-03-27). Retrieved on 2014-03-27.

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Terms of license complied with.Mögliche Milliarden-Kapitallücke bei Deutscher Bank (in de). / sharewise GmbH (2014-04-09). Retrieved on 2014-04-10.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Tom Webb (2014-04-10). Deutsche Bank ordered to fully reinstate German Libor/Euribor traders (in en). Retrieved on 2014-04-11.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license complied with.Jan Bratanič (2014-05-12). Obveznice Co-Co: elegantna, a nevarna rešitev za banke (in sl). Retrieved on 2014-05-12.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia",

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Die Bank der Deutschen? Gedanken zu den Türmen der Deutschen Bank (in de). (2014-08-10). Retrieved on 2014-08-27.
Name ok, no license, backlink to Commons user page,

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.DeAWM ficha al bróker Kevin Laurie para su división de banca privada de Nueva York (in es). / Funds Society (2014-11-05). Retrieved on 2014-11-06.
Name ok, no licence, "Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license not complied with.Deutsche Bank Research presenta Konzept (in es). / Funds Society (2014-11-25). Retrieved on 2014-11-25.
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Terms of license complied with.Calvin Lin (2014-11-25). #Quantitative Finance (Beta) Slow and steady interest· Level 1 (25 p (in en). Retrieved on 2015-02-21.

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank vor Neuausrichtung? (in de). / Backhaus Verlag (2015-03-12). Retrieved on 2015-03-13.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons"

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Terms of license complied with.wtv (2015-03-12). Deutsche Bank vor Neuausrichtung? (in de). / Julien Backhaus & Manuel Koch GbR. Retrieved on 2015-03-13.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.wtv (2015-03-23). Deutsche Bank: Bald raus aus dem Privatkundengeschäft? (in de). / Julien Backhaus & Manuel Koch GbR. Retrieved on 2015-03-23.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.wtv (2015-03-23). Deutsche Bank: Bald raus aus dem Privatkundengeschäft? (in de). / Backhaus Verlag. Retrieved on 2015-04-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Josefine Lietzau, Dr. Britta Beate Schön (2015-04-22). Deutsche Bank: Online kostet der Kredit weniger (in de). / Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved on 2015-05-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with."Fensterputzer" in (in German) (2007) Die Fermi-Box, Seelze: Friedrich Verlag Retrieved on 21 March 2007.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Dochodzenie w Deutsche Banku w sprawie prania brudnych pieniędzy (in pl). (2015-06-05). Retrieved on 2015-06-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Швейцария Деловая (2015-06-10). S&P понизил кредитный рейтинг крупнейших банков Германии и Австрии (in ru). Retrieved on 2015-06-10.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Saad Asad (2015-08-04). Deutsche Bank believes in potential of Bitcoin technology (in en). Retrieved on 2015-08-04.
Name ok, no license,

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Terms of license not complied with.Deutsche Bank believes in potential of Bitcoin technology (in en). (2015-08-04). Retrieved on 2015-08-04.
Name ok, no license,, other path

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutche Bank обучил сотрудников узбекских банков (in ru). (2015-09-24). Retrieved on 2015-09-25.
Name ok, no license, "© Commons.wikimedia",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Matt Koppenheffer (2015-10-09). Das ist verrückt: Die Deutsche Bank macht 6 Milliarden Euro Verlust und die Aktie steigt! (in de). / The Motley Fool GmbH. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.The Motley Fool (2015-10-09). Das ist verrückt: Die Deutsche Bank macht 6 Milliarden Euro Verlust und die Aktie steigt! (in de). Retrieved on 2015-10-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank to slash 35,000 jobs, exit 10 countries to cut costs (in en). (2015-10-30). Retrieved on 2015-10-30.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license not complied with.Deutsche Bank повременит с дивидендами (in ru). (2015-11-10). Retrieved on 2015-11-10.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Os arranha-céus de Frankfurt! (in pt). (2015-12-15). Retrieved on 2015-12-16.
Name ok in alt tag", no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Was sich 2015 bei den Banken geändert hat (in de). / wallstreet:online AG (2015-12-23). Retrieved on 2015-12-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Was sich 2015 bei den Banken geändert hat (in de). / The Motley Fool GmbH (2015-12-23). Retrieved on 2015-12-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.wtv (2015-12-28). Bankenlandschaft im Wandel: Über 1.000 Filialen machen dicht (in de). / Julien Backhaus & Manuel Koch GbR. Retrieved on 2016-01-04.

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Terms of license not complied with.Маргарита Любарская (2015-12-24). Deutsche Bank выявил дальнейшее отмывание денег через московский офис (in ru). Retrieved on 2016-01-04.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Jim Swanson (2016-01-07). Deutsche Bank Is A 'Work-In-Progress, But Overly Discounted' (in en). Retrieved on 2016-01-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Jim Swanson (2016-01-07). Deutsche Bank Is A 'Work-In-Progress, But Overly Discounted' (in en). Retrieved on 2016-01-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Швейцария Деловая (2016-01-24). Deutsche Bank отчитался о рекордном убытке (in ru). Retrieved on 2016-03-09.
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Terms of license complied with.Heiner Flassbeck (2016-02-10). Endzeitstimmung an den Börsen (in de). / Telepolis - Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2016-03-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.John Riley (2016-04-12). Deutsche Bank halts plans for expansion in North Carolina (in en). Retrieved on 2016-05-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Marlon Bonazzi (2016-05-27). Die Millionengehälter der Deutschen Bank ruinieren Aktionären die Rendite (in de). / The Motley Fool GmbH. Retrieved on 2016-07-13.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license complied with.Marlon Bonazzi. Deutsche Bank (in en). Retrieved on 2016-07-13.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons", backlink to Commons,

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Terms of license complied with.ebastian4U (2016-07-12). Market Conundrum (in en). Retrieved on 2016-10-05.
Name ok, no license, "from Wiki Media Commons",

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Terms of license complied with.Gordon Kerr und John Butler unter Mitwirkung von Enrico Colombatto (2016-07-12). Ist der Bail-In ein Papiertiger? (in en). / Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal Issues. Retrieved on 2016-10-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Pascal Hérard (2016-08-18). Banques en Europe : le risque systémique est-il là ? (in fr). Retrieved on 2016-12-19.

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Terms of license not complied with.Die FOLKIES aus Deutsche Bank via the U.S. Department of Justice (in en). (2016-08-18). Retrieved on 2016-12-19.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank agrees to pay $7.2bn to settle mortgage probes in US (in en). (2016-12-23). Retrieved on 2016-12-23.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank выплатит $7,2 млрд по делу минюста США (in ru). (2016-12-23). Retrieved on 2016-12-23.
Name and license in meta tag as "data-author",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Wayne Duggan (2016-12-27). Deutsche Bank Lower On New CET 1 Capital Requirement (in en). Retrieved on 2017-01-04.

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Terms of license complied with.Mathilde Piriou-Guillaume (2016-12-31). Retour sur quelques événements économiques de 2016 (in fr). Retrieved on 2017-01-05.
Name ok, license "Wikimedia Commons licence CC",, image page

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank to Pay $7.2 Billion for Misleading Investors (in en). (2017-01-18). Retrieved on 2017-01-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Ralf Ander (2016-09-08). Deutsche Bank und Zurich Insurance Group: Das Comeback der Allfinanz (in de). / The Motley Fool GmbH. Retrieved on 2017-01-30.
Name ok, no license, " Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank und Zurich Insurance Group: Das Comeback der Allfinanz (in de). / wallstreet:online AG (2016-09-08). Retrieved on 2017-01-31.
Name ok, no license, " Wikimedia Commons",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank оштрафовали на $ 625 млн за вывод денег из России (in ru). (2017-01-31). Retrieved on 2017-01-31.
Name and license in metadata,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Milionska kazna za Dojče banku (in bs). (2017-01-31). Retrieved on 2017-01-31.
Name ok, no license, "",

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Terms of license complied with.El Deutsche Bank pide "perdón" por sus "graves errores" en una carta abierta en prensa (in es). (2017-02-04). Retrieved on 2017-02-04.
Name ok, no license, "Wikipedia",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.El Deutsche Bank pide "perdón" por sus "graves errores" en una carta abierta en prensa (in es). (2017-02-04). Retrieved on 2017-02-06.
Name ok, no license, "Wikipedia",

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Terms of license complied with.Was Fintech-Unternehmen aus der Geschichte des Bankwesens lernen können (in de). / The Motley Fool GmbH (2017-02-10). Retrieved on 2017-02-10.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Motley Fool beitragende Investmentanalysten. Was Fintech-Unternehmen aus der Geschichte des Bankwesens lernen können (in de). Retrieved on 2017-02-14.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license not complied with.Jayson Derrick (2016-09-16). Eurobank Stocks Under Pressure Amid Deutsche Bank's $14 Billion Probe (in en). Retrieved on 2017-03-01.
No name, no license,

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Terms of license complied with.Jacek Frączyk (2016-09-16). Amerykanie chcą 14 mld dolarów od Deutsche Banku. Akcje ostro w dół (in pl). Retrieved on 2017-03-01.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank could receive record $14 billion fine in the United States (in en). (2016-09-16). Retrieved on 2017-03-01.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Jayson Derrick (2017-03-06). Deutsche Bank's Capital Raise, Explained (in en). Retrieved on 2017-03-10.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Shanthi Rexaline (2017-03-07). Deutsche Bank Shares Down 60% Over Last 3 Years: Everything You Need To Know About The Decline (in en). Retrieved on 2017-03-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank acometerá una ampliación de capital de 8.000 millones de euros (in es). (2017-03-05). Retrieved on 2017-03-10.
Name ok, no license, "WIKIPEDIA",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Jayson Derrick (2017-03-06). Deutsche Bank's Capital Raise, Explained (in es). Retrieved on 2017-03-10.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank's Capital Raise, Explained (in ru). (2017-01-31). Retrieved on 2017-04-27.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Jayson Derrick (2017-04-27). "Deutsche Bank" сократит рабочие места в Лондоне из-за "Brexit" (in ru). Retrieved on 2017-04-27.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Deutsche Bank i gungning (in sv). (2016-09-26). Retrieved on 2017-05-04.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Tommy Ekholm (2016-09-26). Deutsche Bank i gungning (in sv). Retrieved on 2017-05-24.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Citigroup: Deutsche Bank için Sermaye Artırımı Kaçınılmaz (in tk). (2016-12-04). Retrieved on 2017-05-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Matt Koppenheffer (2016-10-06). Könnte die Aktie der Deutschen Bank um 217 % steigen? (in de). / The Motley Fool GmbH. Retrieved on 2017-05-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Matt Koppenheffer (2016-10-06). Könnte die Aktie der Deutschen Bank um 217 % steigen? (in de). / wallstreet:online AG. Retrieved on 2017-05-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.США оштрафовали Deutsche Bank на 41 млн долларов (in ru). (2017-05-31). Retrieved on 2017-05-31.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank expects Just Eat’s Hungryhouse acquisition to get green light from regulators (in en). (2017-06-07). Retrieved on 2017-06-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Shimon B. Lifkin (2017-07-09). Deutsche Bank Sees Turning Point in Shekel (in en). Retrieved on 2017-07-10.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Ralf Anders (2017-07-12). Dieser Finanzkonzern macht mehr Gewinn als Apple und beschämt die Deutsche Bank (in de). / The Motley Fool GmbH. Retrieved on 2017-07-12.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: "Basel III" - Neue Risiken bei Euro-Banken (in de). Retrieved on 2017-07-31.
Name and license in title tag,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Vistra to acquire Deutsche Bank’s corporate services business (in de). (2017-09-15). Retrieved on 2017-09-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Bitcoin could Skyrocket Soon! (in en). (2016-10-01). Retrieved on 2017-11-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Bob Adelmann (2017-11-09). Germany’s Deutsche Bank to Cut Half lts Employees (in en). Retrieved on 2017-11-10.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Wojciech Tomaszewski (2017-11-25). Zbyt duży, by upaść? (in pl). Retrieved on 2017-11-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Characteristic (2017-11-22). YoCast - 为什么 (weishenme) - music video (in en). Retrieved on 2017-11-25.
Min 1:32,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Julien (2017-12-12). Minute Blockchain #4 : Sberbank, Australie, Deutsche Bank … (in en). Retrieved on 2017-12-12.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Santander to buy Deutsche Bank retail business for EUR305m (in en). (2017-12-15). Retrieved on 2017-12-17.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with."Deutsche Bank konkursfärdigt" säger Fondbolaget Skagen (in sv). (2016-10-11). Retrieved on 2018-01-16.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Rita R. Robison (2018-01-31). Three European banks to pay $46.6 for ‘spoofing’ and manipulation (in en). Retrieved on 2018-02-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Jacek Frączykn (2018-02-16). Deutsche Bank prognozuje spowolnienie dla Polski. Ale inwestycje w górę (in pl). Retrieved on 2018-02-20.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Deutsche Bank plans to axe 250 investment banking jobs (in en). (2018-02-20). Retrieved on 2018-02-20.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.ZH: ‘Deutsche Bank Tells Investors Not To Worry About Its €46 Trillion In Derivatives’ (in en). (2016-10-09). Retrieved on 2018-02-26.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Bankarski gigant kažnjen sa 240 milijardi dolara (in bs). (2018-02-28). Retrieved on 2018-02-28.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.London losing banking jobs to Frankfurt; USA posts huge trade deficit (in en). (2018-04-05). Retrieved on 2018-04-06.
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Terms of license complied with.RR5111-0096R (in en). Retrieved on 2018-04-08.
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Terms of license complied with.Emiliano Bellini (2018-04-25). Grasshopper Solar gets $210 million financing from Deutsche Bank (in en). Retrieved on 2018-04-25.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Emiliano Bellini (2018-05-24). Kriza i u Nemačkoj: Dojče banka najavila hiljade otkaza (in en). Retrieved on 2018-05-25.
Name ok, no license, "", Raymond 08:50, 25 May 2018 (UTC),

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Terms of license not complied with.Deutsche Bank сообщил о прибыли в третьем квартале (in ru). (2016-10-27). Retrieved on 2018-06-24.
Name ok, no license,

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Terms of license complied with.Michel Pourcelot (2016-10-31). Deutsche Bank une prune à 14 milliards (in fr). Retrieved on 2018-06-29.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Dennis Zeipert (2016-11-16). 2 Dinge, die du über die aktuelle Situation der Deutschen Bank wissen solltest (in de). / The Motley Fool GmbH. Retrieved on 2018-08-17.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons", Raymond 07:21, 17 August 2018 (UTC),

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Generální ředitel Deutsche Bank připravuje radikální změny (in cs). (2019-05-23). Retrieved on 2019-05-26.
Name ok, no licence, "", Raymond 19:50, 26 May 2019 (UTC),

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.HROZBA: Pád Deutsche Bank může způsobit novou světovou finanční krizi (in cs). (2019-05-14). Retrieved on 2019-06-02.
Name ok, no licence, "Wikimedia Commons", Raymond 16:14, 2 June 2019 (UTC),

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Terms of license complied with.Too big to fail ? (in en). (2019-07-26). Retrieved on 2019-07-26.

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Terms of license not complied with.Wide Implications as Germany Teeters Toward Recession (in en). (2019-08-19). Retrieved on 2019-08-20.
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Terms of license not complied with.US dollar risk, Eurozone shaky, and AfD wants German to lead NATO (in en). (2019-09-04). Retrieved on 2019-09-13.
Name ok, no license,

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Deutsche Bank снизил прогноз стоимости нефти более чем в два раза (in ru). (2020-03-17). Retrieved on 2020-03-19.
Name ok, no license, "cc", Raymond 20:02, 19 March 2020 (UTC),

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Terms of license not complied with.‘Why political and economic crisis could move from the UK to Germany in 2020’ (in ru). (2019-12-30). Retrieved on 2020-03-23.
Name ok, no license,

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.La banque allemande Deutsche Bank veut innover grâce à l’intelligence artificielle de Google (in fr). (2020-07-08). Retrieved on 2020-07-26.
Name ok, no license, "Wikipedia", Raymond 20:50, 26 July 2020 (UTC),

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Terms of license not complied with.Deutsche Bank заявил о лидерстве в европейской банковой системе (in ru). (2021-01-03). Retrieved on 2021-01-03.
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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Deutsche Bank: глобал тартибсизлик даври келмоқда (in tg). (2020-09-10). Retrieved on 2021-01-28.
Name ok, no license, "Commons.Wikimedia", Raymond 21:36, 28 January 2021 (UTC),

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Энди социализмда яшаймиз - Россия ва Хитой раҳбарлари Давосс форумида нима деди (in tg). (2021-01-28). Retrieved on 2021-01-28.
Name ok, no license, "Commons.Wikimedia", Raymond 21:36, 28 January 2021 (UTC),

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Terms of license complied with.Morgan Phuc (2020-09-26). FinCEN files, le monde merveilleux du capitalisme de connivence – Mafias, oligarques et cartel bancaire (in fr). Retrieved on 2021-01-29.

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Terms of license complied with.Morgan Phuc (2020-09-25). Deutsche Bank się zwija (in pl). Retrieved on 2021-02-01.

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Terms of license complied with.Ethan Hunt (2020-09-26). FinCEN Files: The Wonderful World of Colluded Capitalism – Mafias, Oligarchs and the Banking Cartel (in en). Retrieved on 2021-02-03.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.FinCEN文件,共谋资本主义的美好世界-黑手党,寡头和银行卡特尔 (in en). Retrieved on 2021-03-15.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons" on imprint page, imprint page,

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Terms of license complied with.Kemang Wa Lehulere : bird song (in en). Retrieved on 2021-06-14.

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank wycofuje się z Rosji (in pl). (2022-03-12). Retrieved on 2022-03-23.

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Terms of license complied with.„Ekościema” Deutsche Banku? Przekręt może sięgnąć 1 biliona dolarów (in pl). (2022-06-01). Retrieved on 2022-06-26.

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank сообщил о лучшей прибыли за десятилетие (in ru). (2022-07-27). Retrieved on 2022-08-17.

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Terms of license complied with.What is the use of banks? (in en). (2022-10-14). Retrieved on 2023-02-20.

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Terms of license complied with.Maciej Pawlak (2023-03-15). Wielomilionowa kara dla Deutsche Bank Polska (in pl). Retrieved on 2023-04-20.

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Terms of license complied with.Niemcy: Jeden z największych banków upadnie? (in pl). (2023-03-24). Retrieved on 2023-05-03.

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsche Bank потерял доверие финансового рынка (in ru). (2023-03-26). Retrieved on 2023-05-06.

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Website URL seen licence ok?
History & Society : : Deutsche Bank AG
2010-04-16 name ok in credit tag, no license
Wunschanalyse Deutsche Bank AG
2010-04-16 no name, no license
Wunschanalyse Deutsche Bank AG
2010-04-16 no name, no license
La Crisis de los Fondos de Inversión y El Deutsche Bank
2010-04-16 no name, no license
Bank bonuses linked to financial crisis: officials
2010-04-16 no name, no license
Kröfulisti Landsbankans: Deutsche Bank með 403 milljarða
2010-01-04 no name ok, no license
The World's Best Banks 2009 - Best Foreign Exchange Bank
2009-10-25 name ok, no license
Deutsche Bank - Statistiken und Studien
2009-10-07 name ok, license "CC"
Die Bedeutung der Kritischen Infrastrukturen für die Funktionsfähigkeit von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Staat
2009-08-25 name ok, no license
Basis- und Spezialschutzkonzepte für Unternehmen Kritischer Infrastrukturen
2009-08-25 name ok, no license
Risiken für den Rettungsdienst - Kritische Infrastruktur Rettungsdienst ? – Schutzkonzepte!
2009-08-25 name ok, no license
„Vernetzte Welt, vernetzte Risiken – Die Abhängigkeit der Gemeinden von so genannten Kritischen Infrastrukturen“
2009-08-25 name ok, no license
Die "Stunde der Wahrheit" für die Deutsche Bank und die Commerzbank naht
2009-08-25 name ok, GFDL named
Deutsche Bank onderhandelt over Postbank
2009-08-18 name ok, GFDL
Germany's Deutsche Bank announces Irish joint-venture with Key Capital to target high net worth investors
2009-08-17 name ok, GFDL
2009-08-13 name ok, backlink to Commons
BaFin untersagt Leerverkäufe - elf Finanztitel sind betroffen
2009-07-15 name ok, backlink to Commons
Франкфурт на Майне
2009-05-19 no name, no licence
Deutsche Bank AG thực hiện "bao" thanh toán
2009-05-19 no name, no licence
SGGP Online- Deutsche Bank bị cáo buộc giao dịch nội gián
2009-05-19 no name, no licence Noticias de España y del mundo
2009-05-19 no name, no licence
Flybillett til Frankfurt
2009-05-19 no name, no licence
StreetInsider - Deutsche Bank
2009-05-19 no name, no licence
Die Stunde der Wahrheit für die Deutsche Bank und die Commerzbank naht
2009-07-13 name and license ok
German Architecture
2009-03-07 no name, no licence
German Architecture
2009-03-07 no name, no licence