User:Remi Mathis

Who I am
A XVIIth c. historian, I'm interested in prints and, more generally, the history of the book and printed items, but also in the one of diplomacy and jansenism.
I work as a curator at the Prints department (Département des estampes) of the French national Library (Bibliothèque nationale de France) where I'm in charge of the XVIIth c. prints.
I am also the editor of the scholarly journal Nouvelles de l'estampe.
I have been a Wikimédia France trustee (2009-2014) and its chair (2011-2014) - I'm now a member of its Scientific Committee. I'm a sysop on French-speaking Wikipédia. I'm glad to try to play a role in increasing involvment of libraries, museums, archives, etc. in the Wikimedia projects (in France, BnF, Palace of Versailles, Toulouse Museum and Archives, Centre Pompidou, Cluny Museum, Bibliothèque Mazarine, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, etc.).
I can speak French (native), English (4), Italian (3), German (2), Latin (1).
I'm not a good photographer at all but I still take pictures when I think they would be useful for our projects.
Some pictures (QI)
Monument historique parisien
Un livre
Un autre livre
Un moulin
Un camping d'un soir...
Vue de mon bureau