I'm Balázs Sudár from Hungary.
Gen Rosso: Streetlight live
Gen Rosso: Streetlight live
Gen Rosso: Streetlight live
Gen Rosso: Streetlight live
Chiara Lubich speaking to young artists at Castelgandolfo, September 2004
Centro Mariapoli in Castel Gandolfo, Italy-Vatican
By country
Pöllau, seen from Pöllauberg
Böblingen temploma
Az Altes Rathaus
Böblingen egyik tava
Imre király emléktáblája Egerben
Pone Navata roman fort near present day Visegrád
Amphitheater ruin of Aquincum, Budapest
Ruins of Aquincum, Budapest
A Kodály Zoltán Magyar Kórusiskola épülete, Budapest
Lehel square, Budapest
The ruins and ground plan of Contra Aquincum, Budapest
Lágymányos-bridge and ELTE buildings, Budapest
BME buildings, Budapest
Romanic church ruin, Zsámbék
Döbrönte village from the castle ruin
The church of Döbrönte
Szarvaskő castle at Döbrönte, seen from the hilltop
Ruins of the outer court of Szarvaskő castle
The ruins seen from the village
The Benedictine abbey of Győr
Panorama of Széchenyi tér, Győr
The church of Veszprémvarsány
The palace of Egyed
Main square of Szombathely
3D image of the Iseum of Sabaria, Szombathely
The rebuilt Iseum from the East
Panorama of the whole Iseum temple district
Facade of St. George church, Ják
Traditional "fenced house" at Pityerszer, Szalafő
A négy részre osztott Pannonia
Duomo di Milano
Santa Maria Assunta, Cernusco s/N
Loppiano landscape, Incisa Valdarno
Loppiano sanctuary, Incisa Valdarno
Sunrise over Castel Gandolfo seen from Monte Cavo
San Tommaso church in Castel Gandolfo
Alicudi island from the air
Napoli from the air
M. Vesuvio from the air
Málta mérete Budapesthez viszonyítva
Built in regions on the Maltese islands
Neolithic temple sites in Malta
Málta lovagkori erődítései
Birżebbuġa from plane
Għar Dalam cave in Birżebbuġa
St. Peter parish church in Marsaxlokk
St. Peter parish church during festa
Ħal Safi church
Tax-Xarolla windmill in Żurrieq
Il-Ħnejja, the Blue Grotto from above
The Lascaris Tower near Wied iż-Żurrieq, Qrendi
Entrance of Wied iż-Żurrieq, with Filfla island in the background
The Blue Grotto
Ħagar Qim temple facade, Qrendi
Mnajdra temple, porthole
Design of a temple in Mnajdra
Paola parish church
Street in Tarxien
Tarxien temples: forecourt and south temple
Decorations of the south temple
Eastern temple
Xgħajra waterfront at sunrise]]
Chapel St. Roque
Salt pans
Smart City location
Coastal watch towers between Xgħajra and Marsaskala
Holy Cross church, Ħaż-Żabbar
Statue of Agatha Barbara
Sanctuary Street
Our Lady of Grace parish church
Sanctuary Museum
Main Square
Bighi Palace in Kalkara
St. Joseph parish church
Kalkara parish church during festa
Panorama of Kalkara Creek, in the background Birgu
Il-Birgu: the Couvre Porte
The gate from St. John bastion
Misraħ ir-Rebħa (Victory Square)
Misraħ ir-Rebħa during Festa
Maritime Museum of Malta
St. Lawrence parish church
S. Angelo from boat
S. Angelo gate
Candle lit streets during Birgufest
Bormla waterfront
Bormla: St. Paul church
The docks of French Creek seen from Isla
The gates of L-Isla (Senglea)
The Nativity of Our Lady church in Isla
Gardjola Gardens
Il-Gardjola, the watchtower
Fort Ricasoli in Il-Kalkara, seen from Valletta
Fort St. Angelo in Birgu (Vittoriosa), seen from Valletta
Dockyard Creek from Valletta
L-Isla (Senglea) seen from Valletta
L-Isla from a water taxi
Water taxi
The Victoria Gate of Il-Belt (Valletta)
The entrance to Fort St. Elmo, Valletta
The Lower Barakka Gardens, Valletta
Grandmasters' Palace]]
Inner courtyard of the Grandmasters' Palace
Inside St. John's co-cathedral, Valletta
Altar from Tarxien temple in the Museum of Archaeology, Valletta
The Auberge de Castille, Valletta
Fort Manoel from Valletta
Fort Tigne from Valletta
Panorama of Sliema, seen from Valletta
Former Valletta bus terminus
One of the old buses in Malta
Panoramic view of Il-Furjana (Floriana)
Parish church of Dingli
Dingli Cliffs with NATO radar
Dingli Cliffs with Filfla
Chapel of Mary Magdalene at Dingli Cliffs
Għar Lapsi bay
Mdina, the old capital of Malta
Mdina from the air
The Main gate of Mdina
Medieval house in Mdina
Panorama of Bugibba and Qawra, seen from Mdina
Mosta seen from Mdina
Malta National Stadium at Ta' Qali
Panorama of Ta' Qali
The Rotunda of Mosta
Inside the Rotunda
Mtarfa from Mdina
Mtarfa from the air
Naxxar and Hal Gharghur from Mdina
Parish Square at Rabat, Malta
St. Paul parish church
St. Paul's Catacombs in Rabat
Main mosaic of the Domus Romana (Roman House)
Skorba temple, Mġarr
St. Paul's Island
Xemxija at St. Paul's Bay
St. Paul's Bay from Xemxija
Selmun Palace
Golden Bay, Malta
Panorama of Mellieħa and Mellieħa Bay
Ramla Bay panorama, Marfa
Marfa hamlet with White Tower
The whole path of the Gozo ferry
Gozo and Comino
Gozo neolitikus helyszínei
Gozo from plane
Fort Chambray seen from Marfa
The Gozo Channel Line ferry 'Gaudos'
Tuna farm in the Fliegu ta' Malta
Torri ta' Santa Marija on Kemmuna (Comino)
Panoramic view of Kemmunet (Cominotto)
Kemmuna from the air
Mġarr from the ferry
The Lourdes-chapel in Mġarr
The parish church of Għajnsielem
St. Joseph parish church, Qala
Mgarr ix-Xini
Ta' Kenuna tower in Nadur
Fort Chambray seen from Nadur
La Rotunda in Xewkija
Ġgantija temple front view, Xagħra
The entrance of Ġgantija temple
Side altar in the Ġgantija temple
The Citadel seen from Triq Fortunato Mizzi, Rabat/Victoria
St. John's Bastion of the Citadel
St. Joseph's Chapel in the Citadel
Street in the Citadel
Tas-Salvatur hill (near Marsalforn), seen from the Citadel
Għasri seen from the Citadel
Prickly pear in Rabat
San Ġorġ parish church in Rabat
Astra Theater in Rabat
Autobus on Gozo
Parish church of Ta' Sannat
Fountain and surroundings at Fontana
Inscription of the Għajn il-Kbira (The Great Fountain)
Xlendi seen from the road to Fontana
Valley side of Xlendi
Panorama of Xlendi Bay
Xlendi watch tower
Cliffs west of Xlendi
Il-Kantra valley near Xlendi
Ta' Kerċem
The Citadel seen from Għasri
Ta' Pinu church
San Dimitri chapel (Għarb)
Ta' Ġurdan hill seen from Ta' Pinu
Ta' Dbiegi Crafts Village near San Lawrenz
Parish church of San Lawrenz
Limestone quarry near Dwejra
Dwejra Tower
Il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral (Fungus Rock) near Dwejra
The Azure Window at Dwejra
The Blue Hole at Dwejra
The Inland Sea at Dwejra
Panoramic view of Qawra, Dwejra
Żebbuġ parish church
Lake Bled
Transylvania (Romania)
Panoramic view of Székelykeresztúr
Panorama from Jézuskiáltó hill
Kossuth negyed, Székelykeresztúr
Székelykeresztúr catholic church
Rural house in the museum of Székelykeresztúr
Berde Mózes (former Orbán Balázs) Gimnázium
Orthodox church
Panoramic view of Medve-tó (Lacul Ursu) in Szováta
Double rainbow in Budapest
Glory around the shadow of our plane
Air pollution