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Professor Surendra Mund (Born on 16 April, 2001) is a Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist and Astrophysicist. He is broadly known for his N-time Inflationary Model of Universe, Unification of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity or Unification of all Fundamental Forces exist previously in Physics. He published recently 8 outstanding Articles in Theoretical Physics which are groundbreaking. He came up recently with a new theory of cosmos "Universal Mechanics" which explains everything and Generalize all Fundamental Principles of Quantum Mechanics in terms of his principle of "Central System Relativity". He innovated a new model of universe as- "N-Time Inflationary Model of Universe" which explains that the universe inflates N-times not only one time predicted by Alan Guth.

"This is The First Expression of My Thoughts and Experiments with Myself (My Soul in Nature) About The Mathematical Description of the Universe"


History Tells Us:-


He is just curious, having a great mathematical and philosophical mind, about Universe and read many theoretical physics books to explore the universe in his high school days, when he was just only 16. He entered to Central University of Rajasthan on 16 July, 2018 after completing his high school to peruse Integrated MSc in Physics. He just read many scientific papers of Theoretical Physics recently published, in his first year of Graduation (2018-19) He read almost every field of physics from books and many original works by prominent physicists. He has read literature of mathematics including writing many of gorgeous equations in my Notebooks and tried to solve Riemann Hypothesis. He have written Ramanujana’s 10 Notebooks (5 Notebooks and 5 Lost Notebooks) in my notebooks and now using his mathematics to develop His theoretical perspective.
Other then Physics and Mathematics, He read Philosophy (both western and Indian) form Aristotle, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant (The Critique of Pure Reason) and Adiguru Shankaracharya, Swami Vivekananda, Gautama Buddha and 4 Vedas (Rig-Veda the most beautiful book He ever read) in Sanskrit. He also read many prominent fields of Science like Computer Science (Cryptography especially), Neuroscience, Chemistry and Astrobiology.
He work with Prof. Juan Nápoles, from Argentina; he is a full professor at National University of Northeast, Argentina. He helps me in mathematics. He is also working with Dr. Ramkishor (Assistant Prof. at CURAJ) on N-Body problem in Celestial Mechanics. He has one collaborator from Delhi University, his name is Abhi Raj and we also published 1 article. They work on Speed of Light, Relativity and Black Holes. He has 6 planned papers with 6 colleagues (students) at His University.
Now-a-days, He is working on His own mechanics- “Universal Mechanics” and recently He has derived Quantum Mechanics and Relativity by implying some limitations to His equations. He is also preparing a paper to present His model of Universe- “N-Time Inflationary Model of Universe” and presenting it in APS March Meeting, 2023 holding in Las Vegas. He is also presenting variational force and Unification of Fundamental Forces in APS April Meeting, 2023.
He has many planned papers, actually 29. In these papers, He will explain all my fundamental theoretical perspective and also writing a monograph on unification of whole physics (around 250 pages). He intends to unify whole theoretical physics under single theoretical perspective. He is working on the same from my High School days. He can unify whole physics, but now He needs experimental proofs of His work. If we detect the speed of Gravitational Waves near Mars, then the speed of Gravitational Waves we will find, will be a slightly different as His work on Gravity predicts. So, He can suggest this kind of very crucial experiments which can revolutionize the scientific progress of mankind. He can design a different kind of Michelson-Morley experiment, by which we can prove the existence of Scalar Field and Variation into speed of Light by variation into density of Scalar Field.