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I am a programmer / analyst at a Southern California Institute. I enjoy both creating and reading information on the World Wide Web.

I created the first web-page devoted to Siegfried L. Sassoon ( after trying to locate information on him. The impetus to locate Siegfried was started by watching a PBS program about The Great War. At the end of the program "Aftermath" ( was read aloud. The poem resonated with me and I went on a quest to find out as much as possible regarding Siegfried L. Sassoon.

I had extensive help from Michele Fry, author of web-site "Counter Attack" ( in its creation.

I have many other interest including, but not limited to, technology research and application, reading (fact and fiction), writing (prose), fishing, music (live please), and art in all it's various incarnations.

I'm a firm believer in the idea behind Wikipedia. In my opinion the true purpose of the World Wide Web is to provide the human race with ready access to factual information. I grant that being able to make purchases via the Internet is a boon, but my true hope for this "new" medium is the dissemination of knowledge to any and every person seeking same. Wjbean