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IOC Classification: DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumChordata • SubphylumVertebrata • InfraphylumGnathostomata • CladusOsteichthyes • SuperclassisTetrapoda • CladusAmniota • CladusReptilia • CladusArchosauria • ClassisAves • SuperordoNeognathae • OrdoPasseriformes • SubordoPasseri • InfraordoPasserida • SuperfamiliaSylvioidea • Familia: Aegithalidae Reichenbach, 1850
Wikispecies has an entry on:
Aegithalos, Leptopoecile, Psaltria, Psaltriparus
Aegithalos caudatus

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.