Baltix Linux
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Eesti: Baltix on Linuxi distributsioon, mis põhineb Debianil ja Ubuntul, ning mis on mõeldud olema täielik ja kasutajasõbralik opsüsteem inimestele, kes elavad Balti regioonis (põhiliselt lätlastele ja leedukatele). Täiendavad toetatud keeled on vene, inglise, poola, eesti, norra ja teised, mis asetsevad Baltimaade ümbruses. Baltix OS töötab ka Live-CD või -DVD-na ning seda on võimalik installeerida ka kõvakettale.
English: Baltix is a Linux distribution, based on Debian and Ubuntu, aimed to be a complete, user-friendly operating system for people living in the Baltic region (mainly for Lithuanians and Latvians). Additional supported languages are Russian, English, Polish, Estonian, Norwegian and others near and around the Baltic region. Baltix OS is functional directly from CD/DVD without installation, but also can be installed to hard disk.
Lietuvių: Baltix - tai Lietuvai ir kitoms Baltijos šalims pritaikyta Linux operacinė sistema ir programinės įrangos rinkinys, sukurtas Debian GNU/Linux bei Ubuntu OS pagrindu. Sistema gali veikti tiesiai iš CD/DVD arba įdiegta į kompiuterio diską.
[edit]Version 1.x
Baltix 1.0 CD Cover (awarded in InfoBalt 2005 expo).
Baltix 1.2 CD Cover.
Version 2.x
Baltix 2.0 CD Cover (released at time of InfoBalt 2006 expo).
Baltix „Science Edition“ 2.6 DVD Cover (DVD contains Baltix GNU/Linux and free software for Windows).
Baltix 2.7 CD Cover (based on Ubuntu 7.04).
Baltix GNU/Linux Desktop 1.0 (based on Ubuntu 5.10)
Baltix GNU/Linux Desktop 3.0 (based on Ubuntu 7.10)
Baltix GNU/Linux Desktop (800x600 screenshot) 3.0 (based on Ubuntu 7.10)
Baltix GNU/Linux for Education Desktop 3.1 (based on Ubuntu Linux 7.10 ), running GNOME 2.20 desktop
Baltix GNU/Linux Desktop 2010 (based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS)
Baltix GNU/Linux Desktop 2014 (based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) running GNOME Shell 3.10 desktop environment (Activities Overview mode).
Running Software
Ubuntu 6.06 with terminal window and desktop preferences window.
Ubuntu 6.06 with Firefox opened at and desktop background preferences window in Polish
Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) with terminal window and desktop preferences window, showing the GNOME menu.
Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) showing help center; some of the applications that characterize Ubuntu are shown in GNOME panel.
A screenshot of the GIMP 2.2.8 running under Ubuntu Linux
Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5
Screenshot of gedit, taken on a Ubuntu Linux 5.04 system
Ubuntu Linux 5.10 using the GNOME desktop manager
Customized Beryl window manager
Evince document viewer
Alacarte menu editor
Freecell Solitaire game in AisleRiot software on Baltix GNU/Linux 2011 (Ubuntu 11.04) OS with Unity desktop.
Klondike on Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu 7.04 and Baltix 2.7 installation in Lithuanian language
English: Step 1 „Choose language“.Lietuvių: Pirmas žingsnis „Pasirinkite kalbą“.
English: Step 2 „Choose region and Time zone“.Lietuvių: Antras žingsnis „Pasirinkite regioną bei laiko juostą“.
English: Step 3 „Choose keyboard layout“.Lietuvių: Trečias žingsnis „Pasirinkite klaviatūros išdėstymą“.
English: Step 4 „Prepare disk space“.Lietuvių: Ketvirtas žingsnis „Paruošti vietą diske“.
English: Step 5 „Import existing user's data“.Lietuvių: Penktas žingsnis „Importuoti esamų naudotojų duomenis“.
English: Step 6 „Create user account“.Lietuvių: Šeštas žingsnis „Pagrindinio naudotojo prisijungimo sukūrimas“.
English: Step 7 „Summary“.Lietuvių: Septintas žingsnis „Diegimo veiksmų santrauka bei patvirtinimas“.
Videos (Screenshots)
Peek into Ubuntu - View some aspects of Ubuntu Linux (on which Baltix is based) like menus, aplications and administration.
Menus of Gnome
How to install and remove applications in Ubuntu
Adding a human user to the computer
Monitoring applications and processes