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Category:All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 film)

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<nowiki>Sin novedad en el frente; Tíðindalaust á vesturvígstöðvunum; Filem All Quiet on the Western Front; На западния фронт нищо ново; Batı Cephesinde Yeni Bir Şey Yok; 西線無戰事; På västfronten intet nytt; На західному фронті без змін; 西線無戰事; 西线无战事; 서부 전선 이상 없다; All Quiet on the Western Front; Na západní frontě klid; Na zapadu ništa novo; অল কোয়ায়েট অন দ্য ওয়েস্টার্ন ফ্রন্ট; À l'Ouest, rien de nouveau; Rietumu frontē bez pārmaiņām; All Quiet on the Western Front; На западу ништа ново (филм из 1930); All Quiet on the Western Front; 西线无战事; Intet nytt fra Vestfronten; Qərb cəbhəsində sakitlikdir; All Quiet on the Western Front; All Quiet on the Western Front; كل شيء هادىء على الجبهة الغربية; 西線無戰事; Nyugaton a helyzet változatlan; All Quiet on the Western Front; All Quiet on the Western Front; На западном фронте без перемен; Im Westen nichts Neues; À L'ouest, Rien De Nouveau; All Quiet on the Western Front; Արևմտյան ռազմաճակատում անփոփոխ է; 西線無戰事; Intet nyt fra vestfronten; 西部戦線異状なし; كل شيء هادىء على الجبهه الغربيه; במערב אין כל חדש; 西线无战事; Länsirintamalta ei mitään uutta; Արեւմտեան ճակատին նորութիւն չկայ; ஆல் குவைட் ஆன் த வெஸ்டர்ன் பிரன்ட்; All'ovest niente di nuovo; Läänerindel muutuseta; All Quiet on the Western Front; 西线无战事; Vakarų fronte nieko naujo; Na zahodu nič novega; All Quiet on the Western Front; Im Westen nichts Neues; На запад ништо ново; All Quiet on the Western Front; Na Zachodzie bez zmian; На заходнім фронце без перамен; 西線無戰事; در جبهه غرب خبری نیست; Nimic nou pe frontul de vest; All Quiet on the Western Front; باتی جبهه‌سینده یئنی بیر شئی یوخ; All Quiet on the Western Front; На Заходнім фронце нічога новага; Ουδέν νεώτερον από το δυτικό μέτωπο; Res de nou a l'oest; película de 1930 dirigida por Lewis Milestone; sinemà; Īxiptlayōlli; filem; Филм; chinéma; film; pellicula; Филм; film; фільм 1930 року; Синамо; skina; film; 1930년 미국 영화; Кино; filmo; film; film Lewisa Milestonea iz 1930.; cine; film; film américain, sorti en 1930; film; film; Điện ảnh; kinofilma; pelikula ti 1930; Филм; cine; film; κινηματογράφος; film; filem; sakis; film; film; sindemá; 1930 film directed by Lewis Milestone; فيلم أُصدر سنة 1930، من إخراج لويس مايلستون; sinema; film; cinèma; sinema; Кино; cinemo; Amerikaanse film uit 1930; thien-yáng; Film von Lewis Milestone (1930); película; pel·lícula estatunidenca de 1930 dirigida per Lewis Milestone; kuyu walltay; ffilm ddrama am ryfel gan y cyfarwyddwyr Lewis Milestone a Nate Watt a gyhoeddwyd yn 1930; film 1930; scannán; sine; 1930年美國史詩般的戰爭電影; film; film; 1930年公開のアメリカ合衆国の映画; cinema; cinnéma; فيلم 1930; фільм; סרט קולנוע בשחור לבן משנת 1930; pellicula; pelikula; film; 1930-as fekete-fehér amerikai háborús film; cinema; filme; film; filmur; Кино; film del 1930 diretto da Lewis Milestone; film; 1930. aasta film, lavastanud Lewis Milestone; sinema; фільм 1930 году; film; filmkunst; pelikula; fillym; kvikmynd; pillìcula; filme estadunidense de 1930; фильм; cine; Pélém; filmas; film; film; Lewis Milestonen ohjaama elokuva vuodelta 1930; filmi; sine; filamu; film; film; amerikansk episk krigsfilm från 1930; Киинэ; Філм; cìnema; filme; film; cine; film; All Quiet on the Western Front; A l'Ouest, rien de nouveau; À l'Ouest rien de nouveau; All Quiet on the Western Front; All Quiet in the Western Front; Im Western nichts neues; All Quiet on the Western Front; All Quiet on the Western Front; Sem Novidades no Front; Sem Novidade no Front; A Oeste Nada de Novo; À l'Ouest, rien de nouveau; در جبههٔ غرب خبری نیست; All Quiet on the Western Front; All Quiet on the Western Front</nowiki>
All Quiet on the Western Front 
1930 film directed by Lewis Milestone
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Based on
Cast member
  • Louis Wolheim (Stanislaus Katczinsky)
  • Lew Ayres (Paul Bäumer)
  • John Wray (Himmelstoss)
  • Arnold Lucy (Professor Kantorek)
  • Ben Alexander (Franz Kemmerich)
  • Russell Gleason (Müller)
  • Slim Summerville (Tjaden)
  • G. Pat Collins (Lieutenant Bertinck)
  • Beryl Mercer (Frau Bäumer, Paul's mother)
  • Edwin Maxwell (Herr Bäumer)
  • Harold Goodwin (Detering)
  • ZaSu Pitts
  • Joan Marsh
  • Fred Zinnemann
  • Edmund Breese (Herr Meyer, the Stammtisch speaker)
  • Richard Alexander (Westhus)
  • William Bakewell (Albert Kropp)
  • Yola d'Avril (Suzanne)
  • Robert Parrish
  • Vince Barnett
  • Wolfgang Staudte
  • William Irving (Ginger, the army cook)
  • Frederick Kohner
  • Bodil Rosing (Mother of hospital patient)
  • Ellen Hall
  • Heinie Conklin (Joseph Hammacher)
  • Scott Kolk (Leer)
  • Owen Davis, Jr. (Peter)
  • Bertha Mann (Sister Libertine, nurse)
  • Raymond Griffith (the killed French soldier)
Publication date
  • 21 April 1930 (United States)
  • 2 March 1931 (Sweden)
  • 1930
  • 136 min
Capital cost
  • 1,200,000 United States dollar
Authority file
Wikidata Q272599
VIAF cluster ID: 212258742
GND ID: 4291477-2
Library of Congress authority ID: no2017115257
J9U ID: 987007420888705171
Internet Archive ID: All.Quiet.on.the.Western.Front.1930_201605
IMDb ID: tt0020629
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All Quiet on the Western Front is a 1930 American war film based on the Erich Maria Remarque novel of the same name and was directed by Lewis Milestone.