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Category:Bernard Fellay

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English: Bernard Fellay, SSPX (born 12 April 1958) is a Catholic Bishop and superior general of the Traditionalist Catholic Society of St. Pius X. Fellay was declared excommunicated latae sententiae in 1988 by the Roman Catholic Church because of his unauthorized consecration by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, deemed by the Holy See to be "unlawful" and "a schismatic act". The excommunication was lifted by the Holy See in January 2009.
Français : Bernard Fellay, né le 12 avril 1958 à Sierre en Suisse est un évêque catholique traditionaliste, supérieur général de la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie-X depuis 1994.
<nowiki>Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Бернар Фелле; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; برنارد فيلاى; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; ベルナール・フェレー; Bernard Fellay; 베르나르 펠레; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernardus Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; Bernard Fellay; vescovo svizzero; sveitsisk prest; prélat catholique; قس سويسري; قسيس كاتوليك من سويسرا; tradycjonalistyczny biskup katolicki, trzeci przełożony generalny Bractwa Świętego Piusa X; sveitsisk prest; priester uit Zwitserland; obispo suizo; Swiss bishop; Bischof und Generaloberer; sacerdote suizu; easpag Eilvéiseach; کشیش سوئیسی; schweizisk präst; schweizisk præst; Фелле, Бернар; Mgr Fellay; Fellay</nowiki>
Bernard Fellay 
Swiss bishop
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Date of birth12 April 1958
Country of citizenship
Educated at
  • International Seminary of Saint Pius X
Position held
Authority file
Wikidata Q115625
ISNI: 0000000109969342
VIAF cluster ID: 88379791
GND ID: 135842875
Library of Congress authority ID: n2009027141
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 161435979
IdRef ID: 161121055
NUKAT ID: n97006603
PLWABN ID: 9811471476805606
SBN author ID: PARV508847
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Media in category "Bernard Fellay"

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