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Category:Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia

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<nowiki>Carlos Manuel IV de Cerdeña; IV. Károly Emánuel szárd–piemonti király; Karlos Emanuel IV.a Sardiniakoa; Карл Эммануил IV; Karl Emanuel IV.; Carl'Emanuel IV de Savoia; Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia; Карл-Емануил IV; Karl Emanuel 4. af Sardinien; Charles Emmanuel al IV-lea al Sardiniei; カルロ・エマヌエーレ4世; Karl Emanuel IV av Sardinien; קרלו אמנואלה הרביעי, מלך סרדיניה; Carolus Emmanuel IV; 카를로 에마누엘레 4세; Karlo Emanuelo la 4-a de Savojo; Karel Emanuel IV.; Carlo Emanuele IV di Savoia; Charles-Emmanuel IV de Savoie; Carlo Emanuele IV; Carl Emanuel IV; Carlo Emanuele IV Savoia; Carlos Emanuel IV da Sardenha; Карл Емануїл IV; Karlo Emanuel IV.; Chârlo-Èmanuèl IV; Карло Емануел IV од Сардиније; Kaarle Emanuel IV; Carles Manuel IV de Sardenya; Carlos Emanuel IV da Sardenha; Charles Emmanuel IV o Sardinie; Charles Emmanuel IV dari Sardinia; Karol Emanuel IV; Karl Emmanuel IV av Sardinia; Carlo Emanuele IV od Savoje; كارلو امانويل الرابع ملك سردينيا; კარლო ემანუელე IV; Karel Emanuel IV van Sardinië; 卡洛·艾曼努爾四世; Carlo Emanuele IV of Sardinia; كارلو إمانويل الرابع ملك سردينيا; Κάρολος Εμμανουήλ Δ΄ της Σαρδηνίας; IV Çarlz Emanuel (Savoyya hersoqu); Rey de Cerdeña (1796-1802); szárd–piemonti király (1751–1819); Konge av Sardinia (1751-1819); koning (1751-1819); König von Sardinien-Piemont und Herzog von Savoyen (1751-1819); re di Sardegna (r. 1796-1802); King of Sardinia (1751-1819); ملك سردينيا; sardinský král v letech 1796 až 1802 (1751-1819); duc de Savoie 1796 - 1802 (1751-1819); Charles Emmanuel al IV-lea; Savoyai Károly Emánuel; Karl Emanuel IV; קרלו אמנואלה הרביעי; Karel Emanuel IV van Sardinie; Carlos Emanuel IV; Carlo Emanuele IV; Charles Emmanuel IV; Carlo Emanuele IV di Savoia; Carlos Manuel IV</nowiki>
Carlo Emanuele IV of Sardinia 
King of Sardinia (1751-1819)
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Name in native language
  • Carlo Emanuele IV
Date of birth24 May 1751
Date of death6 October 1819
Place of burial
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Position held
  • King of Sardinia and Duke of Savoy (1796–1802)
Noble title
Award received
  • Grand Master of the Order of the Most Holy Annunciation
Authority file
Wikidata Q175544
ISNI: 0000000066873374
VIAF cluster ID: 43015694
GND ID: 133035689
Library of Congress authority ID: nr97013670
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 234653566
J9U ID: 987007301721105171
SBN author ID: USMV645710
Open Library ID: OL2326490A
Europeana entity: agent/base/224
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