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Category:Citrus zest

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<nowiki>Cáscara (ingrediente); zeste; Kulit jeruk; zest; pell de cítric (gastronomia); citronová kůra; Zesten; цедра; Zesti (përbërës); خلال; 果皮削片; lupina; مالٹا چھلڑ; ゼスト; zest; Ցիտրուսակեղև; زيست; Цедра; גרידת פרי הדר; citrusschil; scorza; Zesto; Kulit jeruk; 제스트; zest; Цэдра; ξύσμα; craiceann; пищевая добавка и ингредиент; 柑橘類の外果皮; peau extérieure et colorée des agrumes; food ingredient from the peels of citrus fruits; strimlor av citrusskal; dünn geschnittene Stücke der äußeren Schale von Zitrusfrüchten oder Gemüse; part de la corfa com ingredient o element decoratiu; geraspte schil van een citrusvrucht; craiceann grátáilte; làmines de pell; ratllada de pell; fideus de pell; 果皮屑; zest; zeste</nowiki>
food ingredient from the peels of citrus fruits
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This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.

Media in category "Citrus zest"

The following 31 files are in this category, out of 31 total.