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<nowiki>Gundebaldo; Gundobad burgund király; Гундобад; Gundobad; Gundobad; Gundobad; Гундобад; Gundobad; Gundobad; グンドバット; Gundobad; גונדובד; Gundobadus; 貢多巴德; 贡多巴德; Gundobad; Gundobad; Gundobad; Gundobado; Gondebaud; Gundobad; Gundobad; Gondobâd; Gundobad; Gundobad; Gundebaldo; 贡多巴德; Gundobad; Gundobad; Gundebald; Gundobad; Гундобад; Gundobad; Гундабад; 貢多巴德; Gundobad; Gundobado; Γουνδοβάδος; Gundobad; rege al burgunzilor; roi des Burgondes; Rei dos Burgúndios; král Burgundů; מלך הבורגונדים; rex Burgundionum; король бургундов; burgund király; Patricius von Rom, König der Burgunden; burgundien kuningas; King of the Burgundians; ĝermana reĝo de la burgundoj; Βασιλέας των Βουργουνδών; politicus uit Oude Rome (-516); Gundebaldo el Borgoñón; Gundomaro; Gundobado; Gundobaldo; グンドバト; Gundobald; גונדובאד; Gundobald; Gundobald de Borgonya; 貢德博; Gundobadus; 贡多巴德; 贡德博; Γουνδοβάλδος; Gundobaldo</nowiki>
King of the Burgundians
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Date of birthc. 450 (statement with Gregorian date earlier than 1584)
Date of death516
Country of citizenship
Noble title
  • Burgundian dynasty
  • Gondioc
  • Godomar
  • Godegisel
  • Chilperic II of Burgundy
  • Clotilde
  • Caretene
Authority file
Wikidata Q364245
VIAF cluster ID: 32388112, 83157640922738220049
GND ID: 102478619
IdRef ID: 176937811
HDS ID: 020776
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Media in category "Gundobad"

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