Category:James Garfield
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president of the United States in 1881 | |||||
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Date of birth | 19 November 1831 Moreland Hills James Abram Garfield | ||||
Date of death | 19 September 1881 Elberon | ||||
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Ænglisc: James Abram Garfield wæs se twēntigoða Foresittend þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca, in 1881. Hē wæs se ōðer Foresittend þe man cwealde.
Bahasa Indonesia: James Garfield adalah Presiden Amerika Serikat yang ke-20. Dengan masa jabatan tahun 1881 selama empat bulan. Ia terbunuh pada masa jabatannya dan digantikan oleh wakilnya, Chester Arthur.
Bosanski: James Abram Garfield ( Moreland Hills, 19. novembar 1831 - Long Branch, 19. septembar 1881, 20. predsjednik SADa i drugi predsjednik koji je ubijen u atentatu.
Čeština: James Abram Garfield (* 19. listopadu 1831 – 19. září 1881) byl 20. prezident Spojených států a druhý (první byl Abraham Lincoln), který byl zavražděn v úřadu. Ve funkci prezidenta strávil pouhých šest měsíců a 15 dnů. Zastřelil jej Charles Julius Guiteau ve Washingtonu dne 2. července. Prezident nezemřel okamžitě.
Corsu: James A. Garfield
Dansk: James Abram Garfield ( 19. november 1831 i Ohio - 19. september 1881) USA's 20. præsident (1881). Garfield var republikaner.
Deutsch: James Abram Garfield (* 19. November 1831 in Orange, Ohio; † 19. September 1881 in Elberon, New Jersey) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker und der 20. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten.
Eesti: James Abram Garfied ( 19. november 1831 – 19. september 1881) oli Ameerika Ühendriikide 20. president. Ta oli ametis 4. märtsist 1881 kuni surmani.
English: James Abram Garfield ( November 19, 1831 – September 19, 1881) was the 20th president of the United States (1881) and the second U.S. president to be assassinated (Abraham Lincoln was the first). His term was the second shortest in U.S. history, after William Henry Harrison's. Holding office from March to September of 1881, President Garfield was in office for a total of six months and fifteen days.
Español: James Abram Garfield ( 19 de noviembre de 1831 - 19 de septiembre de 1881) fue el vigésimo Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América (1881). Nació en Orange, Estados Unidos.
Esperanto: James Abram GARFIELD [Ĝejmz EJbrem GAfild] (naskiĝis la 19-an de novembro 1831, mortis la 19-an de septembro 1881) estis la dudeka prezidento de Usono. Li naskiĝis en la konteo de Cayahoga, Ohio.
Français : James Abram Garfield, ( 19 novembre 1831-19 septembre 1881), est le vingtième président des États-Unis d'Amérique. Il est élu pour un mandat à partir de 1881 mais est assassiné quelques mois plus tard.
Gaeilge: Garfield, James A.
Galego: James Abram Garfield ( 19 de novembro de 1831-19 de setembro de 1881) foi o vixésimo presidente dos Estados Unidos durante seis meses e medio en 1881, pois morreu asasinado.
Hrvatski: James Abram Garfield ( Moreland Hills, 19. studenog 1831 - Long Branch, 19. rujna 1881, 20. predsjednik SADa i drugi predsjednik koji je ubijen u atentatu.
Italiano: James Abraham Garfield ( Orange, oggi Moreland Hills, Ohio, 19 novembre 1831 - Elberon, New Jersey, 19 settembre 1881) è stato il 20esimo Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America. Il suo mandato è stato uno dei più brevi nella storia americana.
Latina: Iacobus Garfield (natus die 19 Novembris 1831 - necatus est die 19 Septembris 1881) fuit vicesimus praesidens Civitatium Foederatarum Americae anno 1881
Magyar: James Abram Garfield ( 1831. november 19. – 1881. szeptember 19.) az Egyesült Államok 20. elnöke 1881-ben. Abraham Lincoln után ő volt a második olyan elnök, akit meggyilkoltak. 6 hónapot és 15 napot töltött hivatalában.
Nederlands: James Abram Garfield ( Moreland Hills, Ohio, 19 november 1831 - Long Branch, New Jersey, 19 september 1881) was de 20ste President van de Verenigde Staten en de tweede president die vermoord werd.
Norsk: James Abram Garfield (født 19. november 1831, død 19. september 1881) var USAs 20. president. Garfield ble skutt 2. juli 1881, og døde av skadene han fikk 19. september 1881. Han fikk dermed den nest korteste presidentkarrieren i amerikansk historie etter William Henry Harrison.
Norsk nynorsk: James Abram Garfield (fødd 19. november 1831, død 19. september 1881) var ein politikar i USA. Han var president i USA frå 4. mars til 19. september 1881.
Occitan : James Abram Garfield, professor, avocat, foguèt lo president dels Estats Units d'America entre 4 de març e 19 de setembre de 1881. Foguèt lo segond president dels Estats Units assassinat durant sa govèrnament.
Plattdüütsch: James Abram Garfield (* 19. November 1831 in Orange, Ohio; † 19. September 1881 in Elberon, New Jersey) weer een US-amerikaansche Politiker un de 20. Präsident van de USA.
Polski: James Abram Garfield (ur. 19 października 1831 w Orange, Ohio, zm. 19 września 1881 w Elberon, New Jersey) - dwudziesty prezydent USA (od marca do września 1881).
Português: James Abram Garfield ( 19 de novembro de 1831 - 19 de setembro de 1881) foi o vigésimo presidente dos Estados Unidos da América, em 1881. Garfield foi assassinado após seis meses e quinze dias como presidente.
Română: James Abram Garfield (n. 19 noiembrie 1831 — d. 19 septembrie 1881) a fost cel de-al douăzecilea preşedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii şi cel de-al doilea preşedinte american care a fost asasinat. Termenul său al fost ce de-al doilea ca scurtime, după cel al lui William Henry Harrison, al nouălea preşedinte american, fiind în funcţie din 4 martie până în ziua de 19 septembrie a aceluiaşi an 1881, Garfield a servit în cea mai înaltă funcţie a statului american un total de doar şase luni şi cincisprezece zile.
Shqip: James Abram Garfield lindi më 19 nëntor 1831 në Orange, Ohio dhe u vra më 19 shtator 1881 në Elberon, New Jersey. Garfield ishte një politikan amerikan dhe Presidenti i 20-të i ShBA-ve.
Simple English: James Abram Garfield ( November 19 1831 - September 19 1881) was the 20th (1881) President of the United States and the 2nd President to be assassinated (killed while in office). President Garfield was in office for a total of just six months and fifteen days.
Slovenščina: James Abram Garfield, ameriški pedagog, odvetnik, politik in general, * 19. november 1831, Moreland Hills, Ohio, † 19. september 1881, Elberon (Long Branch), New Jersey.
Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: James Abram Garfield ( Moreland Hills, 19.11. 1831 - Long Branch, 19.9. 1881 je bio američki naučnik i političar, poznat kao 20. predsjednik SADa i drugi predsjednik koji je ubijen u atentatu.
Suomi: James Abram Garfield (s. 19. marraskuuta 1831 – k. 19. syyskuuta 1881) oli Yhdysvaltojen 20. presidentti (1881) ja viimeinen Yhdysvaltain presidentti joka oikeasti syntyi hirsimökissä.
Svenska: James A Garfield, född 19 november 1831 i Orange Ohio, död 19 september 1881, USAs 20:e president 1881.
Türkçe: James Abram Garfield (d. 19 Kasım 1831 Orange, Ohio; ö. bir suikast sonucu 19 Eylül 1881 Elberon, New Jersey). 20. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri başkanı dır.
Русский: Джеймс Авраам Гарфилд (, 1831-1881) — 20-й президент США (1881), второй из четырёх убитых президентов США, разносторонне одарённый самоучка, военачальник и активист Республиканской партии. Был тяжело ранен уже через три месяца после вступления в должность и умер ещё через два с половиной месяца от последствий неудачного лечения.
বাংলা : জেমস গারফিল্ড ( নভেম্বর ১৯, ১৮৩১ – সেপ্টেম্বর ১৯, ১৮৮১) মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের বিংশতম রাষ্ট্রপতি।
한국어: 제임스 어브램 가필드(James Abram Garfield, 1831년 11월 19일 - 1881년 9월 19일)은 미국의 제 20대(1881년 3월 4일-1881년 9월 19일) 대통령이다.
日本語: ジェームズ・アブラム・ガーフィールド(James Abram Garfield, 1831年11月19日 - 1881年9月19日)は、第20代アメリカ合衆国大統領。初の左利きの大統領および暗殺された二番目の大統領。
עברית : ג'יימס אברם גרפילד ( 19 בנובמבר 1831 - 19 בספטמבר 1881) היה הנשיא ה-20 של ארצות הברית. כהונתו הייתה אחת הקצרות בתולדות ארצות הברית, והסתכמה בשישה חודשים וחמישה עשר יום, לאחר שנורה בידי מתנקש כארבעה חודשים לאחר שהושבע לתפקיד.
This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
- Lucretia and James Garfield (19 F)
- Signatures of James Garfield (14 F)
- Works by James A. Garfield (37 F)
Pages in category "James Garfield"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "James Garfield"
The following 150 files are in this category, out of 150 total.
"For President- James A. Garfield" Ceramic Portrait Plate, ca. 1880 (4359345337).jpg 1,536 × 1,528; 373 KB
"For President- James A. Garfield" Ceramic Portrait Plate, ca. 1880 (4359345525).jpg 1,524 × 1,536; 295 KB
"In Memory of James A. Garfield" Ribbon, ca. 1881 (4359418587).jpg 622 × 1,536; 235 KB
Black Friday 1869.jpg 1,024 × 893; 453 KB
Aa garfield pythag.gif 300 × 300; 2 KB
Aa garfield pythag.svg 473 × 328; 6 KB
Americana 1920 Garfield James Abram.jpg 1,095 × 1,529; 112 KB
Annals of the Army of the Cumberland- (1864) (14782669373).jpg 1,782 × 2,368; 1,005 KB
Appletons' Garfield James Birthplace.jpg 566 × 341; 64 KB
C.F. Appleton, Gentlemen's Fine Boots and Shoes (3093623356).jpg 393 × 600; 117 KB
Coat of Arms of James A. Garfield.svg 353 × 505; 870 KB
Elberon Hotel Long Branch.jpg 570 × 434; 145 KB
Former house of James A. Garfield in Hiram, Ohio.jpg 2,576 × 1,932; 980 KB
Garfield "In Memoriam, Our President" Ribbon, ca. 1881 (4359239657).jpg 784 × 1,536; 382 KB
Garfield "We Honored Him In Life ..." Ribbon, ca. 1881 (4359419455).jpg 717 × 1,536; 237 KB
Garfield Assassination Plaque.jpg 864 × 1,152; 293 KB
Garfield Assassination Site (4225800751).jpg 863 × 813; 148 KB
Garfield Bible.jpg 1,440 × 1,920; 439 KB
Garfield Campaign and Memorial Items (4359293937).jpg 1,536 × 1,035; 419 KB
Garfield Campaign Ribbon, ca. 1880 (4359409993).jpg 1,170 × 1,536; 481 KB
Garfield Cast Iron Portrait Plaque (4359511043).jpg 1,524 × 1,536; 535 KB
Garfield Ceramic Memorial Bowl, ca. 1881 (4359329347).jpg 1,536 × 1,021; 253 KB
Garfield Ceramic Memorial Bowl, ca. 1881 (4360068348).jpg 1,536 × 1,021; 243 KB
Garfield Ceramic Portrait Plate, ca. 1880 (4359264293).jpg 1,536 × 1,536; 379 KB
Garfield Ceramic Portrait Plate, ca. 1880 (4359522423).jpg 1,519 × 1,536; 379 KB
Garfield Ceramic Portrait Plate, ca. 1880 (4360159766).jpg 1,530 × 1,536; 439 KB
Garfield Commemorative Plaque.jpg 1,440 × 1,920; 815 KB
Garfield Glass Portrait Serving Plate, ca. 1880 (4360099170).jpg 1,536 × 1,364; 355 KB
Garfield Portrait Drinking Glass (4359539839).jpg 1,448 × 1,536; 276 KB
Garfield Portrait Drinking Glass (4360279612).jpg 1,185 × 1,536; 198 KB
General James Garfield - Brady-Handy.jpg 2,936 × 4,192; 858 KB
GARFIELD, James A-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg 8,220 × 10,346; 19.58 MB
James Abram Garfield, photo portrait seated (3x4 cropped).jpg 1,846 × 2,454; 423 KB
James Abram Garfield, photo portrait seated (cropped 4x5).jpg 2,727 × 3,403; 559 KB
James Abram Garfield, photo portrait seated (cropped)(2).jpg 3,120 × 4,034; 755 KB
James Abram Garfield, photo portrait seated (cropped).jpg 2,250 × 2,999; 536 KB
James Abram Garfield, photo portrait seated.jpg 3,182 × 4,034; 681 KB
RP 1880.png 1,961 × 2,446; 1.69 MB
GARFIELD, James Abram (signed check).jpg 4,000 × 1,756; 5.84 MB
Garfield-Arthur Campaign Items, ca. 1880 (4359312997).jpg 1,536 × 1,211; 360 KB
Garfield-Arthur Collapsible Paper Portrait Lantern, ca. 1880 (4359275911).jpg 1,021 × 1,536; 211 KB
Garfield-Arthur Collapsible Paper Portrait Lantern, ca. 1880 (4360014444).jpg 976 × 1,536; 208 KB
Garfield-Arthur Collapsible Paper Portrait Lantern, ca. 1880 (4360233568).jpg 1,021 × 1,536; 206 KB
Garfield-Arthur Collapsible Paper Portrait Lantern, ca. 1880 (4360233800).jpg 1,014 × 1,536; 211 KB
Garfield-at-16.jpg 257 × 350; 19 KB
Garfieldlifeinsurancepolicyback.jpg 768 × 1,024; 228 KB
Garfieldmarker.jpg 947 × 619; 469 KB
Gen. James A. Garfield (4228089629).jpg 3,000 × 1,928; 697 KB
Gen. James A. Garfield (4228904192).jpg 1,913 × 3,000; 1.05 MB
Gen. James A. Garfield - NARA - 527965.jpg 3,000 × 1,589; 928 KB
Gen. James A. Garfield - NARA - 528276.jpg 2,546 × 3,000; 1.23 MB
Gen. James A. Garfield - NARA - 529688.jpg 3,000 × 1,569; 930 KB
Gen. James A. Garfield - NARA - 529933.jpg 3,000 × 1,636; 967 KB
Gen. James A. Garfield - NARA - 530173.jpg 3,000 × 1,487; 872 KB
Gen. James Abraham Garfield K.T. 14 A. & A.S.R. late president U.S.A LCCN2003656880.jpg 1,015 × 1,536; 224 KB
Gen. James Abraham Garfield K.T. 14 A. & A.S.R. late president U.S.A. LCCN2003656880.tif 7,330 × 9,134; 191.59 MB
Gen.(also Hon.) James A. Garfield - NARA - 525578.jpg 3,000 × 2,433; 1.64 MB
Harper's Weekly Editorials on Carl Schurz - 1880-08-14 - 'Change'.PNG 731 × 7,786; 404 KB
Historical photograph of the assassination of President Garfield LCCN2002709476.jpg 1,034 × 1,536; 212 KB
Home of James A. Garfield, Mentor, O. (4360161592).jpg 1,536 × 1,203; 494 KB
Hon. James A. Garfield, Gen. John T. Ketchum., Gen. Green B. Raum., Ill - NARA - 525652.jpg 3,000 × 2,389; 1.42 MB
In Memory of James Abram Garfield (4360271972).jpg 1,045 × 1,536; 249 KB
Jagarfield.jpg 340 × 415; 15 KB
James A Garfield by Bogardus, 1881.jpg 1,514 × 2,309; 714 KB
James A Garfield dressing gown (46421049632).jpg 2,808 × 3,790; 6.81 MB
James A Garfield monument and inscription.JPG 881 × 610; 103 KB
James A. Garfield - NARA - 531082.jpg 2,246 × 3,000; 974 KB
James A. Garfield - President of the United States LCCN2003654298.jpg 5,933 × 7,658; 9.98 MB
James A. Garfield at sixteen - Project Gutenberg eText14964.png 480 × 582; 88 KB
James A. Garfield by August Weger.jpg 1,993 × 3,012; 1.51 MB
James A. Garfield cph.3b11870.jpg 1,065 × 1,419; 611 KB
James A. Garfield engraving.jpg 2,720 × 3,727; 6.62 MB
James A. Garfield LCCN2003653330.jpg 6,620 × 8,704; 8.23 MB
James A. Garfield LCCN2003666756.jpg 814 × 1,024; 254 KB
James A. Garfield LCCN2003671853.jpg 1,203 × 1,536; 202 KB
James A. Garfield LCCN2004670627.jpg 1,137 × 1,536; 169 KB
James A. Garfield's escutcheon LCCN2003681783.jpg 1,157 × 1,536; 209 KB
James A. Garfield's escutcheon,... LCCN2003681783.jpg 6,975 × 8,578; 6.01 MB
James A. Garfield, Holzstich, um 1880.jpg 651 × 923; 340 KB
James A. Garfield.jpg 260 × 311; 16 KB
James Abram Garfield (Engraved Portrait).jpg 1,551 × 1,846; 3.23 MB
James Abram Garfield portrait.jpg 1,188 × 1,824; 368 KB
James Abram Garfield, 1831-1881 LCCN2003663421.jpg 1,102 × 1,536; 166 KB
James Abram Garfield, Pres. U.S., 1831-1888 LCCN2004680431.jpg 1,221 × 1,536; 221 KB
James Garfield After.gif 728 × 1,000; 573 KB
James Garfield Before.jpg 5,161 × 7,500; 3.52 MB
James Garfield cph.3b19107.jpg 1,047 × 1,359; 431 KB
James Garfield cph.3b19107.png 1,047 × 1,359; 790 KB
James Garfield in Color.png 444 × 563; 316 KB
James Garfield marker in Pikeville park.jpg 6,016 × 4,000; 6.5 MB
James Garfield vuonna 1881.jpg 1,573 × 1,814; 1,022 KB
James Garfield.png 1,066 × 1,429; 568 KB
James-garfield-by-schleier.jpg 424 × 655; 130 KB
JamesGarfield.jpg 560 × 624; 43 KB
JamesGarfield.png 560 × 624; 261 KB
LA2-NSRW-2-0275.jpg 1,872 × 2,796; 1.22 MB
Le procès Guiteau.jpg 1,024 × 768; 250 KB
Little Mollie Garfield & her father LCCN2002695289.jpg 3,267 × 4,096; 1.41 MB
Louisa in Civil War historical marker.jpg 6,016 × 4,000; 6.47 MB
Map of USA presidential elections 1880 CORRECTED.PNG 280 × 183; 12 KB
Memorial describing place of death of President James A. Garfield, Long Branch, N.J.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.94 MB
New York Gold Room bulletin board on Black Friday, Sept. 24, 1869 LCCN2006685436.jpg 6,371 × 5,558; 5.3 MB
Opperguncontrol.jpg 3,600 × 2,695; 3.09 MB
Our Military Presidents.jpg 3,300 × 2,733; 1.94 MB
Plaque Arlington Street Cemetery Watertown MA April 2023 01.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.56 MB
President Garfield and his Cabinet (4359362689).jpg 1,536 × 1,024; 379 KB
President James A. Garfield, half-length portrait, facing right LCCN96522558.jpg 3,245 × 3,978; 1.51 MB
President James Garfield approves Treaty limiting Chinese immigration.jpg 1,080 × 1,368; 118 KB
PresidentJamesAGarfieldStanding.jpg 2,200 × 5,294; 5.52 MB
PresidentJamesAGarfieldStandingFacingLeft.jpg 3,000 × 5,385; 7.56 MB
Presidents J A Garfield to James H Rhodes.png 1,483 × 629; 39 KB
Presidents James A Garfield.jpg 813 × 1,069; 122 KB
Rowsburg, Ohio Marker.jpg 2,967 × 3,727; 4.82 MB
RP1880.png 935 × 1,170; 1.44 MB
Site marker located at death site of James A. Garfield in Long Branch, New Jersey.jpg 4,600 × 3,024; 1.46 MB
Smithsonian - NPG - Garfield - NPG 2017 133.jpg 2,641 × 4,000; 7.12 MB
The late president James A. Garfield LCCN2005687059.jpg 881 × 1,024; 119 KB
U.S. National Museum Decorated for Garfield Inaugural Ball (3199229336).jpg 3,050 × 2,409; 1.16 MB
Vanity Fair's tribute to the dead LCCN2003674843.jpg 4,702 × 6,044; 6 MB
- Garfield (surname)
- James (given name)
- Abram (given name)
- 1831 births
- 1881 deaths
- Deaths by gunshot
- Deaths from sepsis
- Deaths from myocardial infarction
- Deaths from pneumonia
- Deaths from aneurysm
- 49-year-old deaths
- Births in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
- Moreland Hills, Ohio
- Births in the United States in the 1830s
- Freemasons from the United States
- Alumni of Williams College
- Lawyers from Ohio
- Generals of the Union Army
- Men of Ohio
- Republicans from Ohio
- 19th-century male politicians of the United States
- Ohio State Senators
- Republican Party members of the United States House of Representatives
- Representatives from Ohio's 19h congressional district
- Members of the 38th United States Congress
- Members of the 39th United States Congress
- Members of the 40th United States Congress
- Members of the 41st United States Congress
- Members of the 42nd United States Congress
- Members of the 43rd United States Congress
- Members of the 44th United States Congress
- Members of the 45th United States Congress
- Members of the 46th United States Congress
- Presidential candidates of the United States, 1880
- Republican Party (United States) presidential nominees
- Presidents of the United States by name
- Assassinated politicians
- Murdered men in the United States
- Christians from the United States
- Garfield family
- Major generals of the United States Army
- Deaths in Elberon, New Jersey
- Presidents who died in office