Category:Multisports clubs

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A multisports club, sports club, athletics club or sports association is an eclectic institution oriented to multiple sports, which fields many teams and have varied sports departments in several sports at a same time, working under the same umbrella organization.

<nowiki>club polideportivo; club omnisports; шматспартовы клюб; club polideportivu; мультиспортивный клуб; Mehrspartensportverein; plursporta klubo; πολυαθλητικός σύλλογος; 總合體育組織; multi-sport klub; večšportni klub; 総合スポーツクラブ; çok takımlı spor kulübü; fleridrettslag; Multisportclub; klub wielosekcyjny; club poliesportiu; omnisportvereniging; мультиспортивний клуб; club poliesportiu; società polisportiva; monilajiseura; multisports club; نادي متعدد الرياضات; multisports club; multisportklubb; associazione che gestisce, sotto una stessa organizzazione, varie discipline sportive; club sportif comprenant différentes disciplines sportives; sportklubb med mer än en sport på programmet; спартовы клюб зь некалькімі відамі спорту; idrettslag med flere idretter; club deportivu con más d'una seición deportiva; club esportiu amb seccions o equips dedicats a diferents esports; birden fazla branşı olan spor kulüpleri; über mehr als eine Abteilung verfügender Sportverein; club deportivo con más de un departamento deportivo; sports club with more than one sports department; Sportsclub fir méi wéi eng Sportsdisziplin; sports club with more than one sports department; športni klub z več kot enim športnim oddelkom; club multideportivo; club deportivo multidisciplinar; スポーツクラブ (総合); club multisports; Multisport-Club; kluby wielosekcyjne; equipu polideportivu; polisportiva; Mehrspartenverein; urheilun yleisseura; multi-sports clubs; omnisports club; omnisport club; multisport clubs; multi-sport clubs; мультыспартовы клюб; 室内体育; multisportförening; multiidrottsförening; multiidrottsklubb</nowiki>
multisports club 
sports club with more than one sports department
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