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Category:Onychoprion anaethetus

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IOC Classification: DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumChordata • SubphylumVertebrata • InfraphylumGnathostomata • CladusOsteichthyes • SuperclassisTetrapoda • CladusAmniota • CladusReptilia • CladusArchosauria • ClassisAves • SuperordoNeognathae • OrdoCharadriiformes • FamiliaLaridae • GenusOnychoprion • Species: Onychoprion anaethetus (Scopoli, 1786)
O. a. anaethetus, O. a. antarcticus, O. a. melanopterus, O. a. nelsoni
<nowiki>Onychoprion anaethetus; álarcos csér; Onychoprion anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Бурокрылая крачка; Zügelseeschwalbe; Onychoprion anaethetus; پرستوی دریایی پشت‌دودی; 褐翅燕鸥; Brilleterne; برائڈلڈ ٹرن; マミジロアジサシ; Tala piti; خرشنه ملجمه; Onychoprion anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; xatrac embridat; 褐翅燕鸥; Geabhróg bhánmhuinceach; ohjasnokitiira; Ennihvít terna; Bridŝterno; rybák uzdičkový; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; שחפית רסן; Sterne bridée; Onychoprion anaethetus; troopikatiir; ވާލި; Sterna anaethetus; Burung Camar Batu; dara-laut batu; Môr-wennol ffrwynog; Qonurqanad susüpürən; Onychoprion anaethetus; Tøyleterne; brūnspārnu zīriņš; Brilsterretjie; Tónteel táshchozhii bitéél dinilbáhígíí; Rybitwa brunatnogrzbieta; кафявокрила рибарка; brilstern; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; tygleterne; Sternag speckleyragh; 白眉燕鷗; rybár tmavokrídly; brūnspārnu zīriņš; gaivina-de-dorso-castanho; തവിടൻ കടൽ ആള; Bridled Tern; خرشنة ملجمة; Skravig mouchig gwenn; Tygeltärna; especie de ave; madárfaj; especie de páxaru; spesies burung; Art der Gattung Onychoprion; speiceas éan; թռչունների տեսակ; 鷗科棕背燕鷗屬下的一種鳥類; spesies manok; 鳥の種類; druh vtáka rodu Onychoprion; вид птахів; spesies cicém; lintulaji; druh ptáka rodu Onychoprion; specie di uccello; পাখি প্রজাতি; espèce d'animaux; sepésiyes manuk; espécie de ave; fågelart i familjen måsfåglar; نوع من الطيور; گونه‌ای از پرستوهای دریایی پشت‌قهوه‌ای; rhywogaeth o adar; spesies burung; gatunek ptaka; fugleart i måkefamilien; soort uit het geslacht Onychoprion; вид птица; spésiés kedis; spésiés manuk; מין עוף [משפ' שחפיתיים]; species of bird; فصيلة من الطيور; fugleart; fugleart; Sterna anaethetus; Sterna dalle redini; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; gaivina-de-dorso-castanho; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; 白眉燕鷗; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Charrán embridado; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterne bridee; Onychoprion anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion anaethetus; خطاف البحر أسحم; Sterna anaethetus; Onychoprion aleutica; Sterna anaethetus</nowiki>
Bridled Tern 
species of bird
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IUCN conservation status
  • 20 g (birth weight)
  • 78.5 ±2.5 cm
Common name
SpeciesOnychoprion anaethetus
Original combinationSterna anaethetus
Taxon authorGiovanni Antonio Scopoli, 1786
Authority file
Wikidata Q28490
J9U ID: 987007544985605171
IUCN taxon ID: 22694730
NCBI taxonomy ID: 564712
ITIS TSN: 824104
GBIF taxon ID: 5789286
WoRMS-ID for taxa: 567792
Avibase taxon ID: E6518B9D5C802F2A
Xeno-canto species ID: Onychoprion-anaethetus
New Zealand Organisms Register ID: 18831117-badf-4daa-b936-9b905ad7c73c
iNaturalist taxon ID: 144527
NBN System Key: NHMSYS0001688283
eBird taxon ID: briter1
BOLD Systems taxon ID: 113673
ABA bird ID: briter
BTO five-letter code: BRITE
IRMNG ID: 11799149
BirdLife taxon ID: 22694730
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Media in category "Onychoprion anaethetus"

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