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Images from this category should be categorized in Category:Panpulmonata or its subcategories.

Pulmonata have been redefined by Jörger et al. (2010) have moved its members to Panpulmonata.

older taxonomy:

Bouchet & Rocroi (2005): DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • SubregnumEumetazoa • CladusBilateria • SuperphylumProtostomia • PhylumMollusca • ClassisGastropoda • CladusHeterobranchia • Cladus: Pulmonata
Basommatophora, Eupulmonata
Basommatophora, Stylommatophora, Systellommatophora
Note: Plus superfamiliae Ellobioidea, Otinoidea, Trimusculoidea
Acavidae, Achatinellidae, Achatinidae, Acroloxidae, †Acroreiidae, Agriolimacidae, Aillyidae, Amastridae, Amphibolidae, Anadenidae, †Anadromidae, †Anastomopsidae, Argnidae, Ariolimacidae, Arionidae, Ariophantidae, Athoracophoridae, Binneyidae, Boettgerillidae, Bothriembryontidae, Bradybaenidae, Camaenidae, Caryodidae, Cepolidae, Cerastidae, Cerionidae, Charopidae, Chilinidae, Chlamydephoridae, Chondrinidae, Chronidae, Clausiliidae, Cochlicellidae, Cochlicopidae, Coelociontidae, Corillidae, †Cylindrellinidae, Cystopeltidae, Discidae, Dorcasiidae, Draparnaudiidae, Dyakiidae, Echinichidae, Ellobiidae, Elonidae, Endodontidae, Enidae, Epiphragmophoridae, Euconulidae, Ferussaciidae, †Filholiidae, Gastrodontidae, Glacidorbidae, †Grangerellidae, Halolimnohelicidae, Haplotrematidae, Helicarionidae, Helicidae, Helicodiscidae, Helicodontidae, Helicontidae, Helminthoglyptidae, Humboldtianidae, Hygromiidae, Latiidae, Lauriidae, Limacidae, Lymnaeidae, Macrocyclidae, Maningrididae, Megaspiridae, Megomphicidae, Micractaeonidae, Milacidae, Monadeniidae, Oleacinidae, Onchidiidae, Oopeltidae, Orculidae, Orthalicidae, Otinidae, Oxychilidae, †Palaeostoidae, Papillodermatidae, Parmacellidae, Partulidae, Philomycidae, Physidae, Placostylidae, Planorbidae, Plectopylidae, Pleurodiscidae, Pleurodontidae, Polygiridae, Pristilomatidae, Punctidae, Pupillidae, Pyramidulidae, Rathouisiidae, Rhytididae, Sagdidae, Scolodontidae, Sculptariidae, Siphonariidae, Smeagolidae, Solaropsidae, Spelaeodiscidae, Sphincterochilidae, Spiraxidae, Staffordiidae, Streptaxidae, Strobilopsidae, Strophocheilidae, Subulinidae, Succineidae, Testacellidae, Thyrophorellidae, Thysanophoridae, Trigonochlamydidae, Trimusculidae, Trissexodontidae, Trochomorphidae, Urocoptidae, Urocyclidae, Valloniidae, Veronicellidae, Vertiginidae, Vitrinidae, Xanthonychidae, Zonitidae
Archaeopulmonata, Eupulmonata, Hygrophila, Stylommatophora, Systellommatophora, unassigned Pulmonata
Note: Plus familiae Bradybaenidae, Caryodidae, Cionellidae, Ferrussaciidae, Punctidae, Rhytididae, Scolodontidae, Testacellidae
Hygrophila, Stylommatophora, Systellommatophora
This category is located at Category:Panpulmonata
Note: This category should be empty. Any content should be recategorised.

This tag should be used on existing categories that are likely to be used by others, even though the "real" category is elsewhere. Redirected categories should be empty and not categorised themselves. It should not be used on categories that are misspellings and thus unlikely to be used by other people.

Such categories should be tagged as: {{bad name|Category:correct name}}.

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