Category:Software design patterns

- (en) Design pattern (computer science)
- (af) Ontwerpspatroon (rekenaarwetenskap)
- (als) Entwurfsmuster
- (ar) نماذج التصميم (هندسة البرمجيات)
- (ast) Patrón de diseñu
- (bg) Шаблони за дизайн
- (bs) Računarska dizajn šema
- (ca) Patró de disseny (informàtica)
- (cs) Návrhový vzor
- (da) Design pattern
- (de) Entwurfsmuster
- (el) Σχεδιαστικά πρότυπα
- (es) Patrón de diseño
- (fa) الگوی طراحی (دانش رایانه)
- (fi) Suunnittelumalli
- (fr) Patron de conception
- (he) תבנית עיצוב
- (id) Pola desain
- (it) Design pattern
- (ja) デザインパターン (ソフトウェア)
- (ko) 디자인 패턴
- (lt) Projektavimo pavyzdys
- (nl) Ontwerppatroon
- (no) Designmønster
- (pl) Wzorzec projektowy (informatyka)
- (pt) Padrões de projeto de software
- (ru) Шаблоны проектирования
- (simple) Design pattern
- (sv) Designmönster
- (th) ดีไซน์แพตเทิร์น
- (tr) Tasarım örüntüleri
- (uk) Шаблони проектування програмного забезпечення
- (vi) Mẫu thiết kế (khoa học máy tính)
- (zh) 软件设计模式
reusable solution to a commonly occurring software problem | |||||
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Design patterns is a general reusable solution to some commonly occurring problem in software design.
This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.
- Archtype pattern (2 F)
- Dependency injection (5 F)
- LePUS3 (21 F)
- Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams (44 F)
- Pipeline (software) (15 F)
Pages in category "Software design patterns"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Software design patterns"
The following 101 files are in this category, out of 101 total.
PAtro obajservaodr.png 1,102 × 675; 108 KB
A sample Design Structure Matrix (DSM).png 273 × 193; 3 KB
Abstract-document-pattern.svg 1,276 × 496; 8 KB
Active object pl.svg 1,346 × 992; 228 KB
Active record.png 247 × 105; 4 KB
AdapterPatroon.jpg 620 × 384; 20 KB
Application Controller.png 704 × 762; 9 KB
ASPCORE.png 450 × 318; 50 KB
Civikmind.webp 1,271 × 774; 21 KB
Codesign process improved (11357217963).jpg 9,132 × 13,302; 6.3 MB
Data mapper.png 398 × 148; 7 KB
De-Applikations-Fassade-article.ogg 10 min 12 s; 15.01 MB
December 5 Monthly metrics- Eval portal and Learning Patterns.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 14 pages; 6.5 MB
Desigen Pattern Brief.png 779 × 429; 16 KB
Desigen Pattern Defination.png 817 × 274; 13 KB
DesignPatternServantFigure1.png 364 × 244; 7 KB
DesignPatternServantFigure2.png 444 × 186; 6 KB
Diamond inheritance layout.svg 360 × 108; 3 KB
Diamond inheritance.svg 180 × 270; 3 KB
DIPLayersPattern v2.png 650 × 410; 12 KB
DIPLayersPattern.png 510 × 320; 8 KB
Display and picking views of a menu.pdf 1,006 × 475; 75 KB
Domain model class diagram.png 396 × 262; 9 KB
ECS Simple Layout.svg 512 × 280; 2 KB
Erbauer Klassen.svg 425 × 180; 3 KB
Essence of Model 2.png 701 × 449; 37 KB
FCFS voorbeeld.jpg 623 × 353; 38 KB
Fixed Property Klassendiagramm.svg 332 × 134; 2 KB
Fond cd.png 660 × 500; 6 KB
Front Controller.svg 368 × 262; 15 KB
Gender identity pattern infobox.png 297 × 629; 55 KB
IdeaDAO.svg 593 × 288; 7 KB
IdeaDAOpng.png 1,422 × 690; 88 KB
Identity map.png 396 × 241; 5 KB
Inbox-pattern.svg 549 × 345; 9 KB
Inc-Software-Arch-Process.png 1,920 × 940; 2.03 MB
Interceptor.VSD Example.png 481 × 97; 3 KB
Interface pattern.png 568 × 99; 3 KB
JoinPatternClassDiagram.png 571 × 253; 22 KB
JoinPatternFlowDiagram.png 496 × 676; 37 KB
Jw0721hmvc14.gif 425 × 264; 7 KB
Listener Pattern.png 543 × 267; 12 KB
Maintaining Model Integrity.png 632 × 501; 27 KB
Mariáš pomocí návrhového vzoru multiton.jpg 711 × 411; 47 KB
Message Broker.png 627 × 809; 31 KB
MMI-RusianDoll.png 1,024 × 768; 167 KB
Model View Presenter GUI Design Pattern.png 312 × 214; 11 KB
Model View Presenter.png 507 × 394; 28 KB
Model View Presenter.svg 600 × 465; 43 KB
Modelo Vista Presentador IGU Patron Diseño.png 312 × 214; 28 KB
MSAC-Ecosystem.gif 1,180 × 640; 18.75 MB
MSAC-Soft-Modeling.gif 940 × 640; 6.65 MB
Multidimensional Software Architecture Environment.png 2,550 × 1,434; 3.01 MB
Multiton pattern UML.JPG 225 × 84; 14 KB
Multiton.svg 230 × 106; 5 KB
MVP 1 2.jpg 521 × 441; 42 KB
MVP-Pattern.png 320 × 300; 9 KB
Mvp1 1.jpg 521 × 430; 28 KB
Mvp3.jpg 171 × 141; 6 KB
No diamond inheritance.svg 180 × 270; 3 KB
Non-diamond inheritance layout.svg 360 × 108; 3 KB
Outbox-pattern.svg 533 × 311; 6 KB
Overview Patterns in SW Engineering German.png 607 × 528; 53 KB
Pac-schema.png 600 × 425; 32 KB
Parallelization Among Readers.png 840 × 274; 14 KB
Patron criteria csharp.png 1,183 × 463; 279 KB
Patron criteria general.png 761 × 396; 141 KB
Patrons de conception-fr.pdf 1,241 × 1,754, 175 pages; 1.44 MB
Patrón de comportamiento.png 421 × 394; 17 KB
Patrón de creación.png 316 × 300; 12 KB
Patrón Estructural.png 411 × 240; 15 KB
Proactor.VSD SequenceDiagram.png 577 × 325; 8 KB
Query Object.svg 432 × 281; 12 KB
Reference Architecture Patterns 2.GIF 874 × 526; 23 KB
Reference Architecture Patterns Part1.GIF 871 × 505; 26 KB
Row Data Gateway.svg 235 × 278; 9 KB
Saga Entwurfsmuster-UML Beispiel.png 821 × 805; 57 KB
Saga pattern-UML.png 844 × 903; 77 KB
Scheduler.png 1,296 × 1,713; 108 KB
ScrollbarInverseTransformationMDPC.pdf 1,350 × 814; 17 KB
Simple & Easy by Erich Spencer.pdf 1,275 × 1,650; 116 KB
Six account limit pattern infobox.png 323 × 660; 74 KB
Software Implementation Dimensions.png 2,550 × 1,434; 1.56 MB
SOMF-3.jpg 2,692 × 1,590; 418 KB
SOMF-3Parts.ogg 25 s, 1,984 × 1,142; 2.48 MB
Specification UML.png 541 × 323; 26 KB
Structure of Digital Data Cube Framework.png 960 × 720; 21 KB
Table module.png 320 × 202; 8 KB
Tableau BBN BLOB.PNG 448 × 118; 6 KB
Template view.png 497 × 148; 13 KB
Thread pool.svg 580 × 300; 25 KB
Traditional Layers Pattern.png 521 × 108; 3 KB
Transaction script.png 335 × 80; 3 KB
Two step transform.png 443 × 314; 9 KB
UML Diagram of Multiton design pattern with Enumeration.jpg 451 × 124; 14 KB
UML packages.png 564 × 350; 7 KB
Uml0100.u01.wikipedia.jpg 650 × 220; 20 KB
Viewpager diagrama.png 703 × 297; 13 KB
WBS portuguese.JPG 623 × 373; 34 KB
Whiteboard Pattern Architecture.png 643 × 292; 16 KB
Xl layer.png 491 × 196; 7 KB